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Dropout Age

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It is my personal opinion that the school dropout age should not be lower to fourteen instead of sixteen. If anything, students shouldn't be able to drop out at all. Lowering the age that students are able to drop out would not change anything. There would still be the same lack of safety, drop-outs, and low achievement scores. If anything, this would increase those. If the dropout age were lowered, it would just cause students looking forward to dropping out to start not caring about school sooner than if the age was sixteen. If that is not enough to convince you, here are three more compelling reasons why lowering the dropout age from sixteen to fourteen is not a good idea.
First of all, as the world around us and our economy evolve around us, the working field continuously grows more competitive by the second. Most careers you need even more education past your high school diploma. So how do you expect people with only middle school educations to prosper and contribute to our society? They can't. If they are lucky, the best job they will receive will only pay them minimum wage. To further the growth of our society and economy, we need determined members of society with strong educational backgrounds with the will to do so. …show more content…
A reason for this age requirement is to ensure that employees have a way to commute to and from work when they are supposed to, via a license you may acquire at the age of sixteen. Another is that they may be concerned about the Fair Labor Standards Act's (FLSA) child labor laws. These laws state that younger workers have more restrictions on the type of jobs they can perform, as well as the number of hours they are allowed to work. At fourteen, it is more than likely you will not be hired. So with no job, how are they supposed to provide and take care of

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