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Early Childhood Theories Paper

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Many theorists of early childhood education have paved the way for several teachers, educators, and early childhood programs today. Theorists such as John Dewey, Maria Montessori, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky are just a few to name who have contributed their thoughts about children and different ways to help them to society. Their theories included insight on children, developmentally appropriate ways to help them, and guidance for teachers so that they can have a better understanding of children and the best practices to use to teach them. Each theorist ideas have impacted the way I view children and there were several things that I learned from them that relates to my personal philosophy of developmental appropriateness.
John …show more content…
She became interested in working with children during a visit to insane asylums to select patients for treatment. She discovered that problems did not exist within the children, but, in the adults and their approaches and in the environments that were provided for them. Montessori then created a school for the children contained with small furnishings fit for them. Her theories consisted of creating child-centered environments, teaching children competence and responsibility, and using careful observation (Mooney, 2000, p. 35-46). Growing up as a child, I remember when I attended head start and kindergarten .The classrooms contained small chairs and tables, reachable shelves, and small tools for us to use and play with. Everything was appropriate and created just for us. Providing children with a child-centered environment gives them the opportunity to play and learn with their peers. I do believe that children learn best when they interact with their peers. These environments also teach children independence and responsibility. In addition, they learn how to use real life tools for real work and take responsibility for their actions. Children need to have environments based around them so that they can have the opportunities to explore and be

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