Premium Essay

Ebay Swot


Submitted By anebella
Words 917
Pages 4
STRENGTHS World largest internet market place Brand Reputation

Explanation Ebay has more than 150 million live listing and more than 116 million active users globally in 39 countries It is a trusted brand and well known globally. Its market value is estimated at at USD47 billion (as of March 2012). Pay Pal is the first mover in online payment Using PayPal as payment platform. The integration has benefits of more fees collected (Paypal takes transcation fees from the business) and tighter control over buyers' shopping experience. For buyers, they found that Paypal is user friendly. Pay pal does not require upgrade infrastructure Ebay marketplaces adoptation to local needs. Each marketplace is using local language and adapting to local product offering Q4 2012, Ebay has revamp its website to be more user friendly. The roll out started in US. Ebay streamline and globalized traditional person to person trading. Strong relationship in consumer to consumer business mode, eg: seller and buyer are allows to leave feedback for each other and there is an award given to most genuine eBayer. No discrimination in hiring and the company carries their social responsibility Good human resource and employee benefts

Ebay payment system

Localization User friendly website Strong in C2C Organisation is diverse and socially responsible Hire and develop employees and offers great benefits to retain them

WEAKNESSES High fee charges by PayPal B2B business is not well managed and handled The image as "retailer of used product" Most of its service are chargable and the rate are high Weak position in B2B business.


Users still see Ebay marketplace as a place for secondhand products selling and buying Eg:If you are selling good and shipped it to your customer but the customer claimed that it was not received, Ebay will not be responsible for the delivery claimed. It acts as a

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