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Egg in a Bottle


Submitted By edagbc
Words 499
Pages 2
Physics Presentation - Egg in a Bottle
Title of Experiment: Egg in a Bottle
Physics Theory: Air Pressure

Materials: Hard-boiled egg without shell Glass bottle with opening slightly smaller than the diameter of the egg Piece of paper Matches for fire

Procedure: 1. Put the bottle on the table and light the piece of paper on fire with the match 2. Drop the lit paper in the bottle to fall at the bottom of the glass bottle 3. Set the egg on top of the bottle with small side pointed downward 4. Observe what occurs

Results: 1. The egg sat on top of the bottle slightly wiggling while the fire burned. 2. The egg blocked any more air getting into the bottle resulting in the fire going out. 3. When the fire extinguished the egg was rapidly sucked into the bottle and drops to the bottom.

Conclusion: 1. The pressure of the air inside and outside of the bottle is the same before the experiment began. Therefore the only force that would cause the egg to enter the bottle is gravity and the diameter is too small for just that force to work. 2. According to Gay-Lussac's law, the pressure of a gas of fixed mass and fixed volume is directly proportional to the gas's temperature. When we changed the temperature of the air inside the bottle, we changed the pressure of the air inside the bottle because the volume of air is constant therefore the pressure increased. 3. Heated air expands and tries to escape so when the fire finally when out the air pressure changed again as the air cooled and contracted. 4. When the fire consumed all the oxygen inside the bottle, the flame went out and the remaining air in the bottle cooled down. Cool air takes up less space, exerting less pressure inside the bottle. 5. Now the pressure inside the bottle is lower than outside the bottle and the greater air pressure from

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