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Electrolytes Research Paper

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Electrolytes Replenish Them!
Salts play an important role in the development of mankind. Probably since more than 10,000 years, man uses sodium chloride to conserve food. It was often called “the white gold,” an expression that highlights the importance and value of this chemical. Workers were in medieval times paid with salt, hence the word “salary” for their income. Many other processes like leather tanning with mineral salts depended and still depend on salts. Acids (vinegar) and bases (soaps) also have played important roles in human culture. And in general, life on earth is not imaginable without electrolytes.
Dissolves in water the crystal is sWhat is conductivity? Conductivity is the degree to which a specified material conducts electricity, …show more content…
Water molecules do not dissociate significantly to form charge carriers (ions). Substances that form solutions that conduct electricity. Pure water does not conduct electricity. Water molecules do not dissociate significantly to form charge carriers (ions). Electrolytes dissolve in water or some other solvent and form ions. Sodium chloride is an electrolyte. When NaCl dissolves in water the crystal is separated into Na1+ and Cl1- ions. The ions are surrounded by solvent molecules. The clumps of solvent molecules and ions are mobile in the solution. The clumps are centered on the charged ions and are able to carry electrical charge through the liquid. Strong electrolytes are substances that convert completely to ions when they dissolve. They are also said to be 100% ionized. The solubility of ionic compounds limits their ability to conduct. Some strong electrolytes are covalent compounds like HNO3 or HCl. These compounds also ionize 100% in aqueous solutions. Weak electrolytes dissolve and only a small fraction of the formula units dissociate to form ions. Solutions of weak electrolytes are poor conductors of electricity. Acetic acid is a weak electrolyte. When 100 molecules of acetic acid dissolve in water 96 of the molecules remain intact and 4 of the molecules ionize. This means that the acetic acid is only 4% ionized or

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