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Elephant In The Room Analysis

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This is an awesome book; I couldn’t book this book down. Gallagher created a new word called readicide, which means, “the systematic killing of the love of reading, often exacerbated by the inane, mind-numbing practices found in schools” (Gallagher, p. 2) Gallagher first addresses the “Elephant in the Room,” which is how the overemphasis on testing is the major reason why students are not reading in the classroom. He challenges the schools to have an open conversation about really valuing reading.

Gallagher believes three things are happening in our school system that is killing reading: “There is a dearth of interesting reading materials in our schools. Many schools have removed novels and other longer challenging works to provide teachers

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...As the outcome of the research is the report — I have included in Appendix A the outline that needs to be followed when writing a research report. The sample questionnaire used in the article is presented in Appendix B 1 Introduction Every stage of marketing research is important but the most important stage is the designing of questionnaire since if the questionnaire design is faulty then no amount of clever interviewing, analysis and interpretations can provide meaningful answers. Questionnaire is the basic research tool and can be defined as collection of a formalised set of questions — drawn up with the research problem in mind — used for obtaining information from the respondent for finding solutions to the research problem. The various steps in questionnaire design can be classified as follows:(i) Identifying constructs to be measured (ii) Preparing the questionnaire flow (iii) Deciding the type of questions (iv) Wording and writing the questions (v) Piloting the Questionnaire (vi) Administering the questionnaire. The problems of analysis and reporting is outside the scope of this article and shall be discussed in details. However, to provide a standard structure to the report,...

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