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Emotionally Focused Couples Paper


Submitted By tibbits69
Words 1483
Pages 6
Emotionally Focused Couples Paper

July 13, 2015

* Emotional focused therapy has been used as a emotion focused base with individuals, couples, or their families. This type of therapy is a short term session that usually last from 10-30 minutes that provides three states: exploration, clarification, and action stages. This type of emotional therapy is used so that emotions in the human body activated and help the client realize and change problematic emotional levels or self experiences that are not wanted. The therapist looks for the couples interactions, reflects process, finds patens in the relations, emotional signals, and helps expand those signals. The primary goal of this emotional focused therapy is to arouse the emotional awareness and be at a lived experience of a fear, shame, etc, in order to transform it. In this paper will be about a video named Emotional Focused Couples Therapy by Susan Johnson, who has a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology and developer of emotional focus therapy. She will be interviewing a couple who has been married for a year, she has three children but he doesn’t. They met at a church and the wife has had many traumas in her life. We will discuss the Nonverbal and verbal skills of counselor; did certain questions or comments create a change in nonverbal or verbal actions for the clients; what open- and closed-ended questions did the counselor use; what techniques did the counselor use to paraphrase and summarize the words of the clients? Was this effective; how did the counselor apply the information-giving responses; identify the exploration, clarification, and action stages of the interview; what are examples of reflective feeling; how did the counselor encourage the clients to self-disclose? Was she successful; provide your thoughts on the overall interview structure and was it a comfortable setting? How

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