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Empowerment Approach to Human Service Management


Submitted By FireFox
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Maintaing ethical standards
Cheryl Anderson
Tracy Mallett

Maintaning ethical standards
The issue I have chosen to do is with Emily and Lois, this is a couple that is the same sex and is legally married in San Francisco, was it is legal. Emily and Lois now have moved to a different state where it is not legal. It is bad enough to move to a different environment, as it would be for anybody. Now in a different state with some different rules one of them being they do not condone same sex marriages, and moved in their neighborhood for which now neighbors realize they are married for which is not in favor in this state, and now are being discriminated. Emily’s parents are non-supportive of this marriage and Emily and Lois having a child together Emily’s parents are trying to fight for custody for this child; because Emily’s parents feel they are unfit to be parents. Both Emily and Lois are looking for support sense there is no help in their favor, so they are seeking out a counselor. As a counselor I will identify the ethical concerns, that I will face and will find a solution for my client’s situation while I maintain ethical standards. I will provide help and guidance on how to cope with the problems that Emily and Lois are dealing with and help them find the best solution for their family. As there case worker I would make sure that they understand the laws of which state they are now residing, and let them know have the same rights or benefits as they would of in the state they were married in, San Francisco. By any means if this was to ever go to court for a divorce the court would not recognize their divorce filing process.
When working with Emily and Lois I will explain the ethical standards of (AAMFT, 2013, pg1) for which the couple is now facing discrimination. The ethical standards in this situation must be acceptance. Discrimination

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