Premium Essay



Submitted By leenmee
Words 368
Pages 2
“Different Levels of Ensembles and Heat stresses”

Describe the differences between the levels of ensembles, including what is or isn’t worn, and the limitations of each. What are the levels of heat stresses and the symptoms at each level?
An ensemble is a part or set of harmonizing components that work together for an exclusive outcome. E.g. the clothing ensemble includes a collection of structured outfits and instruments which are employed in protective clothing applications, enabling a person to accomplish chemical activities with safety. It is grounded on four EPA levels of protection.
Level A: This includes a clothing ensemble of internally and externally chemical resistive gloves and boots plus bipartisan radio communication. It’s worn when high protection for respiratory, skin and eye, against chemical substances, is required. The limitation is that ensemble should defy pervasion by chemicals nearby.
Level B: It’s chose, when greater respiratory but lesser eye and skin safety is needed. Ensemble includes all equipments of level A plus a positive pressure SCBA face-cover. Limitation is also same as level A.
Level C: This is opted when air contaminations are acknowledged, density is calculated and eye/skin contact is doubtful. The ensemble has face-cover, air-refining ventilator and all Level A equipments. Limitations of level A are also applicable here with an addition of 19.5% oxygen in atmosphere and chemical air-bone density lower than IDLH level.
Level D: This level of ensemble contains face-cover, gloves/boots and safety goggles. Further PPE depends upon circumstances. It’s a general uniform which shouldn’t be worn in hot region.
Talking about heat stress, there are three major levels. 1. Heat cramps
Heat cramps cause ache in muscles, sporadic and self-limited. 2. Heat exhaustion
Symptoms are sudation, harsh tiredness and feeble pulse,

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