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Erikson's Theory: A Psychological Analysis

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In Santrock (2017, p. 335), Erikson theorized that intimacy versus isolation is the key developmental issue in early adulthood. This stage is when the young adults are trying to bond with each other, open to that person, find love, form an intimate and close relationship with someone and just be close to that person, in every meaning of the word. If the person isn’t able to achieve that intimacy level then they get a feeling of isolation. I was lucky enough to be born and grow up with loving, caring and trusting parents and it was easier to trust people growing up and be securely attached later in my adult romantic relationships. Securely attached infants are defined as those who use the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore …show more content…
Furthermore, as a securely attached adult I noticed I was more satisfied with either platonic friendship relationships or romantic relationships, than insecurely attached adults. Most of my romantic relationships were based on trust and commitment while other young adults weren’t that lucky. I had two relationships in which my partners were less trusting, jealous and possessive or they would distance themselves, and those relationships ended quickly. Those two types can be categorized as avoidant or anxious. In Santrock (2017, p.
321), avoidant individuals are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships, and once they are in a relationship they tend to distance themselves from their partner. Anxious individuals are less trusting, more emotional, possessive, jealous and they are demand closeness with their partner, (Santrock, 2017, p.322). Securely attached people will not do well with any of those two types of individuals, unless the other two start changing for the better. In
Santrock (2017, p. 323), researchers are finding that friendship plays an important role in development through our life span. I am one of the few people I know that grew up with …show more content…
Because of all these experiences in my early life I am able to trust people more and establish strong romantic relationships or emotional connection with people at work or my neighborhood. I do not have a problem with being alone and independent, and I can easily filter my partners or friends because I know what I want and need in life. Sometimes I do need more time to make that cut because I believe in good in people, tolerating their behavior or just giving them the benefit of the doubt. In our early adulthood, during the intimacy versus isolating stage we try to have some type of intimacy and be closer to others rather than to be isolated. We can be close as friends, romantic partners or just close to the people in our everyday environment and if we achieve that, rather than isolating ourselves from other people, will impact our personalities later in life. The advice I would give to someone who is going through early adulthood and is confused about feelings they have for a partner is to try to understand the attachment theory. Attachment theory explains why people behave they do in romantic relationships and it is very useful because it can improve the relationship

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