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Ernest Hemingway Research Paper

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Under the Influence Ernest Hemingway was one of the greatest authors of his time. His writing style seems very straightforward, yet complexities are strung throughout it. Ernest Hemingway’s parental issues impacted his marriage, writing, and ultimately his death. Hemingway’s childhood consisted of mostly neglect. Ernest was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois (“Biography” 1). Oak Park, according to Hemingway was “full of wide lawns and narrow minds” (McDowell 11). He was the second child of six (McDowell 13). His mother was the “man” of the house while his father was an underpaid doctor. Grace Hemingway, once an aspiring opera singer, bullied and humiliated Ernest (“Oak” 3). It was believed she drove him to depression and eventually …show more content…
Ernest won the Pulitzer Prize for “The Old Man and the Sea” in 1953 (McDowell 88). Also, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 (McDowell 95). Hemingway made a very successful career out of literature, even though his parents disagreed. His mental health started to deteriorate after receiving the awards. “Hemingway was tortured by insomnia, loneliness and waves of remorse about his past behavior” (McDowell 98). Ernest entered the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where he was treated with electric shock (McDowell 100). The treatment made his memory worse than it already was before he entered the clinic (McDowell 100). Then, on July 2, 1961, he shot himself through the head with a double-barrel shotgun (McDowell 100). Hemingway had been tortured with pain and suffering until he ended his life. Many factors played into why he decided to pull the trigger. Remorse, health issues, and paranoia all contributed to his death. One of the most perceptive comments about Hemingway’s significance comes from the novelist Norman Mailer: “It is not likely that Hemingway was a brave man who sought danger for the sake of the sensations it provided him. What is more likely the truth of his own odyssey is that he struggled with his cowardice and against a secret lust to suicide all his life, that his inner landscape was a nightmare, and he spent his nights wrestling with the gods” (McDowell 101). Ernest’s novels and short stories

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