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Essay About Skiing

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When I was young and unsure of the world my father gave me advice that I have always followed. Even as an adult my fears get the best of me, and I am scared to be my own person in a world so wide and full of choices. Any decision I have to make, whether the simplest task or the most gut wrenching, I try to conform out of fear of making the wrong one. The only place where I was even a little sure of myself was on the ski mountain.. When I was younger my dad would take me to ski every weekend. As I grew up it was our ritual instead of going to church we went skiing. Always being in my skies I became more comfortable with them then making decisions. When I was finally forced to make a real decision about what I was going to do with my life I chose to become a ski instructor. This job even still hard for me is the only thing where I am learning to make my own decisions.
One fateful day, I had no lessons to teach, because of extremely cold, intolerable weather. My friend Zoey and I were asked to ski through each closed trail to see if they could be opened. About 6 inches of snow came down last night and the powder on the hill was amazing. As we ascended the mountain in the frigid chair lift we …show more content…
It was not groomed yet and was extremely steep, scaling the entire mountain in a very short distance. The trail twisted and turned through trees making it difficult to stay on course. As we encountered the first turn, the snow began to shift. The snow was so thick and perfect we barely noticed. Fast and reckless down the trail, all we wanted was to embrace the moment. Our feet and skies were not visible because they were covered in snow. My nose red and cold, numb to the touch as if it wasn’t there. I was just trying to catch up with Zoey down the trail like a fish swimming swiftly. My skies going side to side faster and faster picking up pace on the steep

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