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Essay - English 1010


Submitted By lunargoddess
Words 1026
Pages 5
English 1010
29 October 2011
Is Food Fit to Eat?

With all the recent news about tainted food and related deaths, are people defying death with every meal they eat? Considering only the United States (US) population of over 312 million people eating three meals a day, almost one billion meals are eaten in this country every day. Each person who consumes food is a potential victim of food poisoning. In the US, there are two agencies that oversee the safety of food production and processing: the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gets involved in food safety when a contamination outbreak occurs. According to the CDC, there are an estimated 76 million cases of food poisoning annually. Within those reported cases, 5,000 cases result in the victim’s death and 325,000 people require hospitalization. Compared to the hundreds of millions of meals consumed in the US each year, reported deaths from food poisoning are relatively low, especially considering that deaths caused by automobile accidents in the US have averaged over 35,000 annually for the past ten years. The government regulatory agencies cannot prevent or control every source of food contamination prior to consumption, even with a larger budget. According to Sherri McGarry, a senior advisor in the FDA’s Office of Foods, “The food chain is very complex. There are many steps, and the more steps there are the harder it can be to link up each step to identify what the common source of an outbreak is.” Americans no longer live in the day when the lettuce in their salad bowl is grown by “Farmer Johnson” at the county line. Today farming is dominated by large corporations, advanced processing facilities and packing houses. Food in the US also comes from many other countries. With the transition

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