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Essay On Distracted Driving

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Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is the main cause of car crashes in the United States. “Each year, over 330,000 accidents caused by texting while driving lead to severe injuries. This means that over 78% of all distracted drivers are distracted because they have texted while driving” (Hopkins 1). Distracted driving is an issue that is occurring with all populations that are on the roadways.This issue is continually on the rise due to technology advancements. Many people think distracted driving is not a serious offense,but distracted driving could take someone’s life and if nothing is done this will only increase as the years go on. Distracted driving is a major concern for all people on the roads today and solutions that could help the issue are having a fine for anyone who is pulled over for distracted driving, reducing the number of colors in roadway advertisements and make laws gives a police officer to pull someone over if they think they are texting and driving and can give them a ticket.
The introduction of cell phones was in the mid 2000s. By 2007, one in six fatal car crashes were from a …show more content…
Many people think looking at their phones for five seconds won't hurt anything, but it really will that is five seconds that your eyes are off the road. In that amount of time a car could be coming at you at full speed and with that five seconds that you were looking at your phone it could have been on the road. This would have given you five seconds to react to the car coming towards you. Distracted driving is a major concern for all people on the roads today and solutions that could help the issue are having a fine for anyone who is pulled over for distracted driving, reducing the number of colors in roadway advertisements and make laws gives a police officer to pull someone over if they think they are texting and driving and can give them a

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