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Essay Paragraphs


Submitted By marcusk
Words 1519
Pages 7
p Types of Paragraph and Samples | English 1014-1 | | Define, Classify, Casual (Cause and Effect), Compare and Contrast, Example, Process Analysis(Directional and Informational) | | Marcus K August | 3/27/2012 | |

Narration Paragraph
Narration paragraphs are most frequently used in fiction and personal statements. As such, they will contain all necessary components of action development: protagonist, setting, goal, obstacle, climax and resolution. Writing a narration paragraph requires, consequently, accounting for sequential order of events and chronology. There are many descriptive elements included in the body of a narration paragraph but, if composed correctly, the paragraph will prioritize action over description.

Exposition Paragraph
Often times, this kind of a paragraph is used as a component of other types of writing. It’s written in order to clarify or explain problems and phenomena. Writing exposition paragraphs requires strict focus on evidence and objective language. It can contain elements of comparison and contrast, or cause and effect writing as both facilitate accurate exposition of the subject-matter.
Definition Paragraph

Definition paragraphs are used in order to explain the meaning, origin and function of things. They are used both in academic writing and fiction. To write a definition paragraph, writers should concentrate on the role of its subject in the context of the essay and account for evidence as well as examples accordingly.

Classification Paragraph
Writing classification paragraphs requires a more varied approach. It should be concentrated on defining as well as making relevant comparisons. In other words, writers should classify the subject of the paragraph in a specific context providing comparisons to corresponding ideas. Classification can be performed on multiple levels – semantic (comparing different

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