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Evolution Of Therapy Research Paper

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Shakespeare wrote “We know what we are, but not what we may be”. This is all too true for everyday life, but especially true for any counselor. Counselors can not only help people realize who they are, they help them find who they could become. Through work and effort, counselors help people realize that life is not always what it seems, and life can often be much better than what people can make it out to be. Counseling is a profession full of history and fulfillment. It will always be an active profession within the world.
The earliest roots of professional counseling began in the early 20th century (“The History of Counselling and Psychotherapy.” Counselling Directory, . Sigmund Freud is the man who revolutionized …show more content…
Therapy is now a process between a therapist and client, where the client works to solve whatever issue or issues they have. Therapy is exponentially more available, with a staggering 80 million people receiving therapy in the past two years, with over 80% of people agreeing that it helped them (The Effectiveness of and Need for Professional Counseling Services March 2011. American Counseling Association, Mar. 2011, . Modern therapy can include over the phone therapy, or even online therapy. Professionals move to these new outlets because they follow people’s movement. When the internet began to revolutionize the world, therapeutic services were offered online shortly after. In modern times, a person can click a button and get the same services they would get if they were to drive to a counseling office, and this is why more people are seeking therapy. With more availability comes more demand, and this leads to the cycle of knowledge and

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