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Examples Of Racism In The Past

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Racism in the Past The idea of racism was not really present in the Civil War era. People in the Civil War, in the South, thought slaves, mainly African Americans, were property and not people. Then the Civil Rights Movement emerged. The Civil Rights Movement was all about black equality and ending segregation. The Jim Crow laws barred them from classrooms, juries, bathrooms, theaters and even trains. In 1954, United States Supreme Court made the “separate but equal” clause that made discrimination and segregation legal, but stated that they should be treated equal, notice the word “should” be. The Civil Rights movement was lead by many people such as: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and Andrew Goodman.
There are many things that white people and even other races have discriminated African Americans over. Such as not having a high …show more content…
In some cases, blacks weren’t allowed in at all. This shows the distrust and disgust we had of them at the time. We no longer have laws against blacks or any other race. Today, all are equal lawfully, but still not 100% equal mentally.
Racism Today Racism is still very present in today’s society but is making advances towards no racism. But, with our last President, Barack Obama, 96% of African American voters voted for him, probably mainly because he is African American. The black community says we are racist but, only 4% of the black community voted for a white candidate. But, we have fixed many things about racism in today’s society. Such as laws that prevent segregation and allows blacks to vote and do everything a white man may do. We had our first black President so that is a great step towards ending racism. Black people may have any job that they please now, they can do anything a white man/female can do. But, they used to not be able to do that. So I believe that it is a very large step towards

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