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Executive Shirt


Submitted By sufiyan
Words 321
Pages 2
Operation Regular Shirts Labor Content (Minutes per shirt) Number of Workers Total Labor Content/day Capacity of shirt production/day Capacity of shirt production/month Used labor capacity (%) No. of labors needed No. of surplus labor
Cutting Operation 1 4 1920 1920.0 38400.0 41.7% 2 2
1. Make Collar 3.90 8 3840 984.6 19692.3 81.3% 7 1
2. Make cuffs 2.00 4 1920 960.0 19200.0 83.3% 4 0
3. Make sleeves 0.65 2 960 1476.9 29538.5 54.2% 2 0
4. Make front 2.50 6 2880 1152.0 23040.0 69.4% 5 1
5. Make back 1.70 4 1920 1129.4 22588.2 70.8% 3 1
6. Join shoulders 0.66 2 960 1454.5 29090.9 55.0% 2 0
7. Attach collar 1.65 4 1920 1163.6 23272.7 68.8% 3 1
8. Attach sleeves 1.55 4 1920 1238.7 24774.2 64.6% 3 1
9. Stitch down sleeves 0.65 2 960 1476.9 29538.5 54.2% 2 0
10. Sew side seam 1.80 4 1920 1066.7 21333.3 75.0% 3 1
11. Attach cuffs 1.55 4 1920 1238.7 24774.2 64.6% 3 1
12. Hem bottom 1.70 4 1920 1129.4 22588.2 70.8% 3 1
13. Inspect 1.50 4 1920 1280.0 25600.0 62.5% 3 1
14.Iron 1.95 4 1920 984.6 19692.3 81.3% 4 0
15. Fold, Package 1.75 4 1920 1097.1 21942.9 72.9% 3 1

Regular Shirts Actual Cycle Time(min./shirt)* 0.5
Manufacturing Lead Time(days) 12.25
WIP Inventory(shirts) 11760
Production Capacity(shirts/day)** 960.0
Capacity Utilization 83.3%
Direct Labor Content(min./shirt) 26.51
Direct Labor Utilization 69.04%
Direct Labor Cost($/shirt)

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Business Leadership

...Step 1 Our purpose is to help the homeless in the GTA and Toronto, by providing a food service, and a welcoming and comforting home for those in need of help. * We will be providing a food service that provides a breakfast and dinner, from a complimentary chef. Breakfast will consist of a cup of coffee, milk, orange juice, eggs, toast and bacon. Dinner may vary on particular days: spaghetti with meatballs, vegetarian or meat lasagna, or rice and stew. Dinner will also come with a complementary soda or water and a bun. * We will also be providing a homing service which includes several beds (first come, first serve) that will home the people in need whom don’t have a place to stay for the night. We will be providing a bed, with a blanket, pillow. We will be able to home about 50-60 people per night. People staying for the night may also take a shower/wash-up in our complementary shower rooms, and will also be provided clothing and daily necessities such as a toothbrush, tooth paste, razor, deodorant, etc. Step 2 Workers * Volunteers, cooks, supervisor and manager * Willing to help the homeless and needy * Mannerly (respectful, initiative, helpful) * Great communication skills, and right speaking ability to help the customers * Caring and willing to help others Money * $1 million, at least to start off (buy building, furniture, cooking equipment, and supplies) * 4000 a month, from charities or funds that are willing to provide. ...

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