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Explain the Concepts of Plato's Forms


Submitted By franc
Words 956
Pages 4
Explain the concepts of Plato’s forms (25 marks)

Plato believed in two worlds, the sensible world and the intelligible world. Within the intelligible world there exists the realm of forms which possesses true knowledge and perfection. The realm of Forms is eternal, unchanging, there are abstracts of a perfect object and organisms (human beings or animals), meaning there is a perfect abstract of a chair in the intelligible world which possess a certain value which cannot be possessed in the sensible world.
However within the sensible world there exist shadows which are cast by abstracts from the intelligible world but they never possess their true value, and within the sensible world all things are temporarily meaning they will soon die, change and decay.

The term “Form” to Plato meant the idea of what a thing is, this is because he realized that there are things which look different but have the same features which make it recognizable to the specific thing you have in mind e.g. when someone says “look at that boy” you immediately know/recognize that it’s a boy you have to look at because he will have the features of a boy, but once you see him you may figure out that his appearance may be a little different to some other boys but nonetheless since he has some set of characteristics that resemble a boy, you will be confident to come to a conclusion that he is a boy. This is also the same with what Plato says but he also goes on to argue that the true Form of a boy must exist somewhere; it exists in the intelligible world. A Form to Plato is unchanging because it is a concept which can not be seen (phenomena) therefore its everlasting, unlike physical objects that imitate the Forms and has to die or decay.

Plato was concerned with concepts such as beauty, justice, truth and the Good. He realized that the concept of beauty may be applied to

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