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Explain Why Polysaccharides Are Classified As Complex Carbohydrates

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18. Explain what polysaccharides are and provide an example of a polysaccharide. (max. 2 marks)
Polysaccharides are classified as complex carbohydrates and are long chains of glucose molecules bonded together.
19. Describe 3 potential health benefits of fibre consumption. (max. 3 marks)
Fiber moistens our stools which prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, and also lowers the risk of diverticulosis. It slows the retention of cholesterol in the bloodstream and therefore lowers the risk of heart disease. Another benefit is that it may reduce weight as eating foods with high fiber cause fullness and refrain from fatty foods.

20. State 3 hormones that regulate blood glucose levels. Briefly explain how each work to regulate blood glucose levels. …show more content…
What are 4 risk factors for cardiovascular disease? (max. 4 marks)
Four risk factors for cardiovascular disease include being overweight, smoking, diabetes and physical inactivity.
26. How are proteins distinct from carbohydrates and lipids? (max. 1 mark)
Proteins are distinct from carbohydrates and lipids as they are synthesized on the basis of instructions from our DNA.
27. Explain how genes regulate amino acid sequence. (max. 3 marks)
Genes regulate amino acid sequence through transcription and translation. In transcription, copies of genetic information from DNA are carried by mRNA into the cytoplasm where ribosomes are. In translation, the genetic material carried by mRNA is converted into amino acid sequences that code for certain types of proteins.
28. How do proteins strengthen the immune system? (max. 1 mark)
Proteins produce antibodies that attack foreign substances.
29. Explain the concept of “nitrogen balance”. (max. 2 marks)
Nitrogen balance is the difference between the amount of nitrogen consumed in a standardized diet and the amount excreted. A negative nitrogen balance occurs from low nutrient diets, injuries or infections. A positive nitrogen balance occurs from protein deficiency, pregnancy or recovering from

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