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Faith and Spirituality


Submitted By eripa
Words 629
Pages 3
Faith and Spirituality: A Personal Reflection As a young woman who had many years to live, and many experiences to have, I feel a bit immature declaring a definite faith or spirituality because there is so much more in the world that I have yet to learn or see and I feel by allowing myself to label as something could prevent me from experiencing other things. This is not to say that anyone who has the utmost faith in their choice is wrong and that they will not live a great life, but this is just a personal feeling. As of now I do believe that I want to follow a faithful and spiritual life meaning I want to love my life following a set of morals and beliefs that may or may not be similar to others, but morals and beliefs that I create and find most opportunity in terms of life. To me, being a faithful personal does not necessarily mean that you are a religious person, while in most cases the two play hand in hand. To me being faithful is being honest and upfront with yourself and your personal wants. You live life how you want to and show the faith in that decision that you made, whether or not other people agree. For example, as of right now I identify myself as Catholic, along with the rest of my family, but I am aware that this is because this is the only faith I have been exposed to in my short years of life. While I do try to be a faithful person in regards to the expectations of my religion, I do have my own differing beliefs and ideas of how I want to live that may not meet or follow the exact expectations of my religion, and I think that is okay because ultimately it is my life and the only person that has to deal with that is me. This is why I view faith as not technically following religious expectations to a “T”, but deciding for yourself what you want to believe in. While I believe faith is what you decided to live our life by, I view spirituality

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