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Submitted By caitlinh3
Words 3352
Pages 14
1. Several fundamental changes are occurring with the value associated with having children. Which is NOT one of these changes? A. Parents are older than in the past.

B. More people are choosing to forgo parenthood.

C People are having larger families after a 20-year decline in family size.

D. Education and job opportunities for women continue to expand.

2. Developed nations such as the United States, Canada, or in Western Europe tend to have __________fertility rates and __________ mortality rates. A. high; low

B. low; low

C. steady; high

D. low; steadyhigh; high.

3. Every time you and your spouse go to see your Grandma, she starts up again with “When are you two going to have children? What are you waiting for? Don’t you know how great it is to be parents?” This is an example of:

A. fecundity.

B. the medicalization of children.

C. pronatalism.

D. the parental movement

4. The USDA estimates that it cost __________ in 2009 to raise one child to age 18. A. $121,000 B. $158,000 C. $197,000 D. $286,000

5. With respect to couples who are voluntarily childfree: A. childfree couples usually experience their decision as a process that is revisited several times. B. men are more likely to have firm opinions about not having children than are women. C. older childfree couples have higher rates of depression than do couples with children. D. older childfree couples have more extensive relationships with their friends and extended family than do couples with children.

6. People today find the transition to parenthood: A. surprisingly difficult. B. easy. C. incredibly boring. D. tremendous fun.

7. Sophie just had a baby, and her government ensures that she has 16 weeks of paid maternity leave, with 3 additional years of unpaid leave if she wants it. Her husband also has 11 days of paid leave. What country does Sophie live in? A. the United States B. Canada C. Switzerland D. France

8. Jeannie helped her cousin have a baby. She was implanted with her cousin’s husband’s sperm, and used her own egg. This is an example of gestational surrogacy. A. True B. False

9. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): A. is found in Canada and most of Western Europe. B. is designed to partially offset taxes that low-income persons would otherwise pay, thereby serving as an inducement to work. C. offers a monthly cash grant from the government to help offset the cost of raising children. D. is available to all families, regardless of income.

10. Urbanization, industrialization, and immigration produced two views of childhood: the “protected child” among __________; and “the useful child” among __________. A. Whites; Blacks B. urban; rural C. wealthy; poor D. immigrants; Blacks

11. __________ value is placed on boys than/as on girls in most societies in the world. A A lower B. A higher C. The same

D. A more negative

12. Look the above question. Which of the following provides the ‘rationale’ for that statement.

A. Because of paternity.....carrying on the family name and heritage

B. Because boys are ‘cuter’ than girls

C. Because parents want a boy available to ‘protect’ their younger sister siblings

D. Because boys require less work than girls and parental demands are minimized

13. According to Sigmund Freud, the __________ is the rational component of personality that attempts to balance the need for immediate gratification with the demands of society. A. id B. looking glass self C. ego D. preoperational thought

14. We come to see ourselves as others perceive and respond to us, a process described as __________. A. the id B. the open door C. the looking-glass self D. formal operational thought

15. Who expanded the idea that children learn by reinforcement and believed that children also learn by watching and imitating others, an idea made famous by his research with dolls? A. Charles Horton Cooley B. Jean Piaget C. Sigmund Freud D. Alfred Bandura

16. When parents are asked to choose from a list of childhood traits they consider most desirable for their children, lower-income parents tend to choose traits such as __________. A. creativity B. ambition C. independence D. obedience

17. Adam was raised by parents who put few controls or demands on him and rarely held him accountable for his actions when he misbehaved. However, they were also warm and loving. His parents showed what type of parenting style? A. authoritarian B. authoritative C. permissive D. dominating

18. Developmental psychologists believe that the __________ parenting style best predicts outcomes in children thought to be most desirable. A. authoritarian B democratic C authoritative D transitional

19. What can be done to help reduce the number of teen pregnancies? The Annie E. Casey Foundation, in its annual report, Kids Count, makes the following recommendations, EXCEPT: A. Reinvigorate prevention efforts, intensifying the focus on underlying causes. B. Remove parents from the role of sex educators. C. Broaden the scope of pregnancy prevention efforts. D. Give young people a credible vision of a positive future.

20. Natalie is thinking about what it would be like to be a mother. Now that you are an expert on the subject, which of the following would you tell her? A. Mothers, as compared to fathers, do the majority of socialization, hands-on care, and emotional work, but fathers do the majority of discipline and management. B. Among mothers and fathers who work full-time, mothers are more involved in childcare than are fathers when the children are preschool-age, but this difference disappears by the time children are about age 6. C. Employed mothers spend about 17 hours a week engaged with their children, as compared to about 52 hours a week for mothers who do not work outside the home. D. Many employed mothers feel guilty about the time they spend at work, although they are engaged with their children only a few hours less per week than are non-employed mothers.

21. Which group is most likely to live with a single parent? A. Hispanic children age 0-2 B. Black children age 0-2 C. White children age 12-17 D. Black children age 6-11

22. Most lesbian and gay families are formed from: A. artificial insemination. B. stepfamilies. C. domestic adoption. D. international adoption.

23. Although most aspects of parenting differ little between heterosexual and same-sex families, gays and lesbians do have several unique aspects with respect to raising children. Which is NOT one of these unique aspects? A. The decision to parent is usually a deliberate choice that reflects a strong commitment to raising children. B. Same-sex families are more likely to be affected by loss. C. Same-sex families must cope with homophobia and discrimination. D. Lesbians are less committed to sons than to daughters, and gays are less committed to daughters than to sons.

24. Children separated from their parents and living with their grandparents usually experience trauma, but living with a grandparent, rather than a non-relative or living in an institution, can minimize that trauma by providing a sense of continuity and family support. A. True B. False

25. Which of the following statements best describes Americans’ attitudes toward working mothers? A. Women are far more likely than men to see working mothers as a good thing for society. B. Most adults believe that working mothers are a good thing for society. C. Older adults are more likely than younger adults to believe that working mothers are good for society. D. Adults are more likely to believe that working mothers are a bad thing, rather than a good thing, for society.

26. Which is TRUE with respect to juggling work and family? A. One of the biggest challenges that parents report today is not earning enough money to pay for adequate childcare. B. Fathers are more likely than mothers to say that they always feel rushed. C. Parents spend less time with their children than they did in the past. D. Working mothers are almost twice as likely as working dads to say that they sometimes or frequently experience stress in their lives.

27. What may be the effects of childcare on child well-being, according to research? A. The results are mostly positive: children in childcare are more independent, do better in school, have better work habits, and have better social skills. B. The results are mostly negative: children in childcare have greater anxiety, are more dependent on caregivers, have lower math skills, and are significantly more aggressive throughout elementary school. C. The results are somewhat mixed and contradictory because the results are small and dependent upon many other factors, especially the quality of care that the child experiences. D. Mothers who work outside the home are selfish and putting their own needs before their children’s needs

28. __________ is motivated by a desire to control the other partner. It may escalate over time and cause serious injury. A. Violent resistance B. Mutual violent control C. Common couple violence D. Intimate terrorism

29. Which of the following would be considered a NON-NORMATIVE stressor event? A. The birth of your first child B. Your divorce after 10 years of marriage C. The death of your father when you were 10 years old D. Leaving home to attend college following your high school graduation

30. The rate of violence and abuse in same-sex relationships is: A. much higher than in heterosexual couples. B. a little lower than in heterosexual couples. C. about the same as in heterosexual couples. D. much lower than in heterosexual couples.

31. Because of repeated verbal and physical assaults, Alana has developed low self-esteem and feels that she cannot control the abuse or the events around them. In essence, she has learned to feel helpless, and has difficulty envisioning a way out of her situation. This is called: A. common couple violence. B. situational power. C. learned helplessness. D. non-leavers.

32. Which of the following are macro-level explanations for violence? A. the intergenerational transmission of violence; stress B. stress; patriarchy C. family privacy; patriarchy; stress D. family privacy; cultural norms supporting violence; patriarchy

33. What is the most common source of stress in families? A. Overscheduled family calendar B. Finances and budgeting C. Relationship with spouse D. Children’s behavior(s)

34. The text clearly states that women are more likely to be victims of intimate violence and that violence against men is rare and inconsequential. A. True B. False

35. Most individuals who abuse their own partners or children learned these behaviors by observing this in their own families of origin. A. True B. False

36. Of the five possible patterns of the effects of stress on family functioning, which is the most common? A. no change B. roller coaster C. decreased D. mixed

37. Each yearly 800,000 children are determined to be victims of child abuse, with neglect being most common. A. True B. False

38. According to the ABC-X model of stress and coping, which of the following would NOT be considered relevant to how effectively a family adjusts to a stressful event? Let’s say the event that has occurred is the unintended pregnancy of a family’s 15 year old daughter. A. how much money the family has B. the social network/friends of the family C. whether Trump gains the republican nomination D. how the family perceives/defines the stressful event

39. Which of the following represents a macro-level risk factor for perpetration? A. weak community sanctions against intimate partner violence B. low academic achievement C. aggressive or delinquent behavior as a youth D. heavy alcohol and drug use

40. Which of the following is TRUE about the likelihood to divorce? A. Mothers who have at least one son are more likely to divorce. B. People with higher income are more likely to divorce because they have more alternatives. C. Spouses who share religious beliefs are more likely to divorce. D. The childfree are more likely to divorce than are parents.

41. Constance and Jerry are at the “pre-separation” phase of the divorce process. Which is NOT likely to be one of the things associated with this phase? A. One or both partners begin to think about the benefits of a separation. B. Couples may not fully reveal their intention to separate to friends and family. C. Couples face a series of issues such as who will be the one to move out, and how they will work out financial matters. D. They fantasize about leaving and being free of the responsibilities associated with marriage.

42. There are several reasons for the negative financial consequences of divorce for women. Which is NOT one of these reasons? A. Most women do not work the first year after a divorce. B. Women generally retain custody of the children. C. Many women have intermittent work histories. D. Many custodial parents do not pay child support.

43. This station of divorce is characterized by intense feelings of separation anxiety and sadness due to the breakdown of the marriage A. emotional B. co-parental C. community D. psychic

44. During this station of divorce, the individual has increased feelings of autonomy and is moving on with his/her life: A. emotional B. co-parental C. community D. psychic

45. You are writing a term paper about the consequences of divorce for children. You learned that during the initial crisis period after the divorce, children must cope with many different situations. Which is NOT one of these, according to the text? A. conflict with grandparents B. loss of a parent in the home C. handling parental conflict D. coping with a reduced standard of living

46. Researchers believe that it may be the ___________ rather than the divorce itself that become problematic for children. A. reduced standard of living B. conflict with grandparents C. stigma D. transitions

47. Generally speaking, are children better off when their unhappily married parents remain married or get divorced? A. remain married B. get divorced C. there is no way to know D. remain married in low-conflict marriages, but get divorced in high conflict marriages.

48. A primary factor in children’s short-term and long-term adjustment to divorce is: A. he sex of the child. B. how effectively the child’s parents are able to co-parent the parent. C. whether the parent remarries. D. the sex of the parent the child lives with.

49. Why do custodial fathers receive a broader range of support from extended kin than do custodial mothers? A. Fathers work longer hours than do mothers. B. Fathers usually have custody of a greater number of children. C. People assume men need more help than women do with respect to parenting and other domestic tasks. D. Actually the support that custodial mothers and custodial fathers receive is about the same.

50. Who is most likely to remarry following divorce? A. men B. women C. They remarry at about the same rate

51. If your parents divorced, there is a greater likelihood that your marriage will end in divorce. A. True B. False

52. Look at the above question.....what is this referred to as? A. intergenerational transmission of divorce B. intimate relationship quagmire C. psychic divorce D. micro-divorce theory

53. Who appears to have the most difficult time assuming the step-parenting role? A. Stepmothers B. Stepfathers

54. Are second (and third) marriages more likely, less likely, or equally likely to end in divorce, compared to first marriages? A. more likely B. less likely C. equally likely

55. Carol and Jay were married for six years. During this time, Carol worked as a bank teller to support her husband through graduate school so that he could become a tax attorney. After the divorce she asked for money so that she could go to college as well. This post-divorce support is called: A post-divorce financial support. B. displaced homemaker settlement. C. mediation. D. alimony.

56. How do children fare in stepfamilies? A. It depends on whether the child is male or female. B. They generally do as well as children in two-parent biological families. C. It depends on the race and ethnicity of the stepfamily. D. They are more likely to have social and behavioral problems compared to two- parent biological families.

57. What does “the double standard of aging” refer to? A. Older men are more interested in sex than are older women because of hormonal changes. B. Older women are more likely to reside in urban areas and older men are more likely to live in rural regions. C. Evaluations of women’s attractiveness and femininity decrease with age, whereas evaluations of men’s attractiveness and masculinity are unaffected or even increase. D. Sex outside of marriage is considered taboo for older women, but not for older men.

58. Jolene, a 28-year-old college graduate, was having financial troubles and therefore returned to live with her parents. She is an example of the __________ generation. A. baby boom B. generation gap C. purse strings D. boomerang

59. Which of the following is TRUE about sex and the elderly? A. Women’s hormonal changes make it more difficult to contract an STI. B. Because of high rates of widowhood, some elderly persons are engaging in sexual relationships with new partners, yet often do not think of “safe sex.” C. Physicians actively talk with their elderly patients about sex and STIs. D. The elderly have few if any sexual desires.

60. Grandma Jean and Grandpa Herb love to have their grandchildren come over to their house to play. Together they like to read books, work on puzzles, and cuddle on the couch while watching TV. Sometimes the grandchildren are able to spend the night at their house. This is an example of what kind of relationship? A. remote B. companionate C. centenarian D. involved

61. Your mom and dad are approaching retirement age. What would you tell them about sex differences in retirement? A. Women begin planning for retirement earlier than men. B. The process of retiring is associated with a decrease in marital quality for women, but not for men. C. Conflicts are more likely to arise when both spouses retire at the same time, rather than one retiring while the other continues working. D. Men are more satisfied with retirement than are women.

62. Cross-sectional studies about marital satisfaction suggest __________, and Glenn’s work that followed couples over ten years found that marital satisfaction __________. A. marital satisfaction declines; increases B. marital satisfaction is curvilinear; declines C. marital satisfaction increases; increases D. marital satisfaction remains constant; increases

63. With respect to elders’ division of household labor: A. it becomes far more equal after the children leave home. B. it becomes far more equal if the wife retires and the husband keeps working. C. men do the majority of housework after they retire. D. the division of household labor changes little as a couple ages and women continue to do the majority of housework.

64. If you were a couple expecting your first child and wanted to maximize the amount of maternity/paternity leave, what country would you want to live in? A. United States B. Russia C. France D. Austria

65. On page 440 of the textbook, there was a survey that you can take to determine what? A. How strong your family is? B. Whether or not your marriage will end in divorce? C. How well you communicate with your intimate partner? D. The number of ‘risk’ factors in your family?

66. Now, take the test and put your score on the answer sheet


67. When we look at our country and what it provides for its citizens, the United States has the BEST universal approach to family benefits compared to all other developed countries in the world. A. True B. False

68. How often does a child or teen commit suicide in this country? A. every 5 minutes B. every 5 hours C every 32 seconds D. every 15 hours

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...BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here Product Description BUSN 319 Final Exam BUSN 319 Final Exam Purchase here ...

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Mgmt 591 Final Exam

...mgmt 591 final exam Purchase here Product Description mgmt 591 final exam prepared based on study guide mgmt 591 final exam Purchase here Product Description mgmt 591 final exam prepared based on study guide mgmt 591 final exam Purchase here Product Description mgmt 591 final exam prepared based on study guide mgmt 591 final exam Purchase here Product Description mgmt 591 final exam prepared based on study guide mgmt 591 final exam Purchase here Product Description mgmt 591 final exam prepared based on study guide mgmt 591 final exam Purchase here Product Description mgmt 591 final exam prepared based on study guide mgmt 591 final exam Purchase here Product Description mgmt 591 final exam prepared based on study guide mgmt 591 final exam Purchase here Product Description mgmt 591 final exam prepared based on study guide mgmt 591 final exam Purchase here Product Description ...

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How to Study for a Final Exam

...How to Study for a Final Exam Teneisha Bonner AIU Online Abstract In order to pass final exams, students have to make sure they take the time out to study. Studying for a final exam will help students to do well and pass. It is important for students to give themselves enough time to get ready for a final exam. There are a lot of steps that students have to take in order to remember and not to forget what is being asked on the final exam. How to Study for a Final Exam Final exams determine if students will pass or fail their classes. Preparing to study for a final exam can sometimes be very stressful for students. The advantages of preparing for a final exam surpass the stress of studying at the last minute. Students need to take their time to study; so that they will be able to do well on their exam. It is important that students know the proper steps to prepare for a final exam in order to succeed. Studying Early The first step that students should do to prepare for a final exam is study early. Students should always start studying early before they take the final exam. Studying early will help students to remember the material and know what they are asked. They should gather up all of their notes and tests they have taken; and at least study them twice a day until it is time to take the exam. Studying for the exam early will give students the opportunity to take their time to do well on the final exam. Practice Tests In the second step, students...

Words: 608 - Pages: 3