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Finance Futures


Submitted By pmow
Words 650
Pages 3

In a tightening domestic environment, Virgin has grabbed a bigger slice of the lucrative corporate and government market while still catering to budget flyers.

But things could be about to get tougher for Virgin, with Singapore's budget carrier Tiger Airways likely to become a new competitor.

More from our Business Editor Peter Ryan.

PETER RYAN: When Virgin Blue filled the void left by the collapse of Ansett, the emphasis was on cheap fares, no frills and bring your own food.

But in late 2005 with the launch of the budget competitor Jetstar, Virgin Blue changed its flight plan.

Chief executive Brett Godfrey was convinced there could be only one winner in a cut-price fare war.

BRETT GODFREY: We certainly never intended and never will leave those people that have been supporters of us today, or historically, being the budget and backpacker end of the market.

But the airline has certainly moved to now not just build that airline around those people but build that airline around the rest of the travelling market as well.

PETER RYAN: Since then Virgin Blue has matched Qantas with flight lounges, live television on certain flights, internet bookings and self checks ins at airports.

Brett Godfrey says, after a long battle, Virgin has spread its wings to grab corporate and government flyers who want more than a cheap seat.

BRETT GODFREY: We took our airline into a new space. We took the decision to modify the model that we started with. And we decided to try and see if we could attain the best of both worlds.

This concept that we came up with, which was the new world carrier, was an airline that wasn't going to get bogged down in slugging it out purely on price.

We believe we've successfully now repositioned the airline to obtain not just the loyalty of customers that choose to fly on us, which is the corporate markets, but

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