Premium Essay

Finding My Place in This World


Submitted By TAugustine5
Words 1060
Pages 5
As humanity looks into the world they have two options to choose from. Did I come from a rock, or did I come from divine intervention? This will affect every piece of their life from relationships to personal growth and beyond. When a person finds their identity in God, it defines their relationship to the rest of the world and those within it.
Natural World
If you do not have a clue as to where it all began you cannot possibly know where you are going. The progressive nature of the world humanity lives in positively shows evidence of design. Simple logic shows humanity that laws exist. But how did these laws happen? Human reasoning should tell us that laws do not just snap into existence without reason. Somehow they have to have been created. Physical laws of science, themselves, give evidence that something started the law into motion. If law exists than a law maker should exist as well. Ray Comfort uses this example “When I look at a building, how can I know there was a builder? You can’t see them, hear them, touch them, taste them, or smell them…..Well the building is absolute scientific 100 percent evidence there was a builder.” (Comfort) The fact that humanity has any form of morality gives credence to something greater than man in this world.
Human Identity
When you are trying to identify who you are as a human being your origin is of extreme importance. If humanity came from nothing then humanity is technically nothing. No value. No meaning. No purpose. But if God created man that changes those statements over to questions. Who am I? Why am I here? Kent Hovind states something very critical about Evolution or the idea that all of what is came from nothing. “This teaching is dangerous” (Hovind, 2005) The question of who am I, has a new answer with the evidence of God. One of the many answers is Humanity is of importance to God for His own reasons. This

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