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Flight Nurse Career Analysis

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I grew up hearing stories about late night life saving from my mother who was a critical care paramedic and single parent. These stories ranged from graphic and unfortunate circumstances to those of positive and heartfelt ones. I overheard typical venting about workplace culture and deficiencies within the healthcare system; things that I didn’t have enough knowledge about at that age to even put into perspective. After I was out in the real world experiencing such obstacles myself, I was able to recognize that these frustrations stemmed from her irrefutable dedication as a patient advocate. My mother, now a flight nurse manager, shaped the nurse that I am today with her compassion and conviction, and left an impression in my spirit long before I ever made nursing my career choice. Now, years later, I am able to empathize with the feeling that comes along with caring about something so greatly and I can see the impact that leaders can make with such values in mind. …show more content…
I have always been a nurse that looks for ways to improve practice and offers attention to detail that better serves patients and the work environment. If asked by peers I would likely be described as a “doer,” whose interpersonal skills make patients and staff feel heard and cared for. In my time as a nurse in the Emergency Department, I feel as though I developed great still in anticipation: the art of being ready at any point for what may present itself. I feel as though this notion is important in management and serves to prevent complacency that I aim to always steer clear of in the ever-changing world of nursing. I am ready to take the next step to unlock my potential and empower others by affording them an environment suitable to providing the highest level of care to their

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