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Flip Tables Persuasive Essay

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The purpose of this game is to flip tables. You play as Steve, a man with TFD or Table Flippin’ Disorder. When you flip tables you increase your friends’ anger to the point where they want to kill you. Once you die you move onto the next level where you repeat the process of being murdered by your friends.

It started as a hobby of shaking his leg while sitting across from people. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for this habit to lead to a full on table flippin’ disorder and created a very hostile environment for Steve. Steve tried very hard to get rid of his disease, by any means necessary. He tried burying it, shredding it, he even tried to set himself on fire once and that did not go so well. Steve decided that enough …show more content…
When you gather anger, it is a good thing (not for your friends, but for you) because the player has two meters: a black out meter (BOM) and an anger meter. Instead of getting hurt, you take forgiveness damage. You accumulate forgiveness damage when you accidentally turn a table upright or overtime if you don’t anger your friends you will be forgiven (you do not want to be forgiven because if they forgive and forget you lose the game).

As you gather anger your BOM increases steadily and the higher the anger inside the anger meter the faster Steve’s BOM will increase. If the anger levels become too low the BOM will begin to slowly decrease. As mentioned before if Steve’s friends forgive him, then the player will lose the game.

The difficulty of the game will increase as the player continues through the different levels. The higher the level the more “tolerance” Steve’s friends will have. “Tolerance” makes it more difficult to raise the anger meter, therefore making it harder to black out. “Tolerance” also will also make the anger inside the anger meter decrease at a faster rate so at higher levels if the player isn’t raising the anger fast enough it will deplete the meter …show more content…
I chose this genre specifically because the player will be physically challenged constantly. Between having to make sure that both the anger and the black out meter (BOM) increase while trying to flip as much as they possibly can, the game has plenty of action packed goodness!
The platform is for mobile first. While I personally prefer PC and console games to mobile games, I know that a mobile audience exists in my game and it might hit a wider audience being mobile as opposed to console or PC. Eventually the game may be ported over to console or PC because the controls should not be too terribly difficult to remap.

Furthermore, I feel that the game can adapt to any platform so if consumers want the game to be on another system then it can be. The only issue with console is that in order to put a game on console you have to go through the console manufacture (Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony).

The game also has to be individually approved by each of them (because they have their own tests and regulations). There is also licensing fees with each of the manufacturers, but each of them has their own indie game program which helps independent developers get their game on

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