Free Essay

Footrace Cebu


Submitted By beydubermoy
Words 3877
Pages 16
Chapter 1

Millions of athletes, runners and sports club are looking for an activity for their daily health awareness through foot race, jogging and marathon each day. At the same time, people are more conscious now for their body figure which really help them a lot to develop it well.

Running is a means of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. It is thought that human running evolved at least four and a half million years ago out of the ability of the ape-like Australopithecus, an early ancestor of humans, to walk upright on two legs. Early studies on endurance running used X-ray and interview techniques to evaluate competitors and comment on performance. Since then, comparatively few studies have looked at runners competing in distances longer than a marathon.

This study aims to analyze the feasibility of footrace in Cebu for long-distance running in order to develop a theoretical model for the marketability of foot race in the City. This pioneering study will assess also to the impact of extreme endurance on human physiology and the body's potential ability and willingness to in gage in this type of activity. The results will be of interest not only to endurance runners, but to anyone interested in the limits of human performance.

Running competitions have probably existed for most of humanity's history and were a key part of the ancient Olympic Games as well as the modern Olympics. Although running is one of the most popular forms of recreation worldwide, not many will have the complete equipments to

attend for this activity. But ultra-endurance running is increasing dramatically in popularity and this study will be of interest to anyone with an interest in the limits of human performance, and the ability of man to adapt to seemingly impossible challenges. Comparisons with athletes point of view with regards to the distance covered, and the use o their needs for Foot race in the City.

Statement of the Problem

This study intends to assess the marketability of footrace runs as choice for recreation, health and wellness activity in Cebu City.

Specifically, this study will answer the following research questions.

1. Present the profile of the respondent in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Profession

1.5 Monthly Income

2. Describe the footrace run as regard:

1. Demand

2. Purpose and Features

3. Price and Promotion

4. Resources needed

3. Analyze the demand in terms of resources and other requirements.

4. Propose guidelines in organizing marketing for the footrace run.

Research Methodology
Research Environment

The research was done in Cebu City Sports Center, being considered as the meeting place for the runners and expectedly where the flow of traffic for joggers is relatively high. The complex was built and managed by the city government to accommodate large occasions such as sports events, large concerts and government activities.

Research Respondents

As mentioned above, the respondents for this study are the running enthusiasts’ actively joining footrace run in Cebu City. The researcher distributed 50 survey questionnaires to participate in this research study. All of these respondents are regularly seen in the identified location while having their physical activities. The limited number of respondents was due to the short span of time given to the researcher as well as to the respondents’ availability.

Research Instruments

The researcher used a questionnaire as a research instrument. It consists of a set of questions presented to the respondents for them to answer. It was used to collect information from the respondents. The questionnaire consists of closed-ended questions and it was personally administered to the respondents.

The respondents were asked to answer questions that will reflect their respective profile. They were further asked to rate each attributes the importance of each resources needed. The average they spend and the time that the respondents are frequently joining the footrace was also probed by the researcher.

Research Procedure

Data Gathering. The researcher distributed questionnaires to the running enthusiasts who were chosen randomly. The Sampling Method used was simple random sampling due to the limited time given. The sample size was fixed to 50, with equal number of male and female who participated.
Data gathering was done in two weeks. The researcher made it sure to be in the area right after the respondents’ done their respective physical activities. He explained the reason of why the research was conducted and then distributed the questionnaires to the respondents. The remaining weeks were then utilized by the researcher in analyzing the various data he gathered.

Data Treatment. After gathering all the completed questionnaires from the respondents, total responses for each item were obtained and tabulated. Simple frequency and percentages and the weighted average were used. These data were then analyzed and interpreted. The results were used as the basis in assessing the marketability of footrace runs in Cebu City.

DEFINITION OF TERMS • Footrace run - is an event that compete of speed through running on foot • Runners - those people engaged in running activity. • Marathon - a official distance of 42.195 kilometer run for the runners who wants to finish a marathon • Ultramarathon - those runners willing to experience or go beyond the marathon distance of 42.195k • Running Clinic - a set of lecture to discuss running techniques that improve their running form and performance, injury prevention • Fun run - a running event sponsored for a charity • Sports Club - a group of runners come together and share a love of running

Chapter 2
Table 1. Respondent’s Profile
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Age: | | |
|Below 20 yrs. old |7 |14 |
|20 – 35 yrs. old |19 |38 |
|35 – 50 yrs. old |20 |40 |
|50 yrs. old above |4 |8 |
|Total |50 |100 |
|Gender: | | |
|Male |25 |50 |
|Female |25 |50 |
|Total |50 |100 |
|Civil Status | | |
|Single |27 |54 |
|Married |19 |38 |
|Widowed |1 |2 |
|Separated |3 |6 |
|Total |50 |100 |
|Profession: | | |
|Student |14 |28 |
|Employed |33 |66 |
|Self-employed |2 |4 |
|Unemployed |1 |2 |
|Total |50 |100 |
|Salary | | |
|5,000 below |7 |14 |
|5,000 – 20,000 |19 |38 |
|20,000 – 35,000 |12 |24 |
|35,000 above |12 |24 |
|Total |50 |100 |

Table 1 presents the profile of the respondents. It shows an equal number of male and female running enthusiasts who participated the research study. It further gives us the age distribution of the 50 respondents. The data reveals that ages 20-35 years old (38%) and 35-50 years old (40%) respectively are considered running as there recreational, health and wellness activities. It also shows that most of the respondents are single (54%), and majority of the respondents are employed (66%) with an average income of the respondents ranges between P5,000 above but not more than P20,000 (38%) while the respondents who has an income of P20,000 and more are on the second rank (24%).

Table 2. Demand of Joining Footrace Run in Cebu City
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Yes |43 |86 |
|No |7 |14 |
|Total |50 |100 |

Table 2 shows the distribution of the 50 respondents’ participated a footrace run in Cebu City. It shows that most of the respondents experienced footrace run in Cebu City (86%). One finding that the researcher deems remarkable is that only 14% of the respondents haven’t experience or participate any footrace run in Cebu City and yet they are actively in running as their recreational activity.
Table 3. Longest distance had been participated.
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|5K below |8 |16 |
|5k – 21k |21 |42 |
|21k – 42k |1 |2 |
|42k above |20 |40 |
|Total |50 |100 |

In the table, forty-two percent (42%) of the respondents were provided with information regarding their longest run they have experienced. It is notable that there is slight differential of two percent (2%) of the respondents experienced running a marathon or 42k either locally or internationally.

Table 4. Plan to run beyond their longest run
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Yes |36 |72 |
|No |14 |28 |
|Total |50 |100 |

As show in the table, only twenty-eight percent (28%) of the runner enthusiasts are comfortable of their longest run experienced and that means they don’t have plans to go beyond their longest run. Whereas, in other hand that majority of the runners seventy-two percent (72%) to experienced and/or to try to go beyond their longest run to test perhaps their endurance, strength, and commonly reason is personal achievement or pride.

Table 5. Respondents experienced of running marathon
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|5k below |0 |0 |
|5k – 21k |8 |22.22 |
|21k – 42k |7 |19.44 |
|42k above |21 |58.33 |
|Total |36 |100 |

Table shows of the 50 respondents have already experienced running a marathon (42K) distance. Majority of them wants to try to experience beyond marathon (42k) distance or ultramarathon to test their endurance and limits. Most of the runners are member of a running club that they enjoy running longer distance, the festive atmosphere and self-fulfilment common reason of the runners to go beyond the marathon distance.

Table 6. Location distribution of the respondents
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|CCSC |16 |32 |
|Park |17 |34 |
|Road |26 |52 |
|Others |4 |8 |

Furthermore, the data revealed that majority of the runners preferred to do their running activities in the road either early in the morning or in the evening. Since most of the runners are member of a running clubs, they enjoy running with the groups in a longer distance. Cebu City Sports Complex is still the ideal venue for the runner despite it has an entrance fee of P20.00 for that reasons: 1. Safety of the runner that no vehicle or traffic jam on their side and the footpath are made of rubber that give calming of their foot. 2. It could be beneficial to a newbie runner wants to undergo training to improve their performance.

Table 7. Schedule distribution of the respondents
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Once a week |8 |16 |
|2-3 times a week |25 |50 |
|By occasion |12 |24 |
|Others |5 |10 |
|Total |50 |100 |

Table 7 shows that fifty percent (50%) of the runner’s enthusiast respondents are reveal that they allocate their time to run at least 2-3 times a week either before or after their work. While most of the respondents are working as referred to the respondent’s profile occasionally if they have time they devote their free time into running.

Table 8. Companion distribution of the respondents
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Alone |17 |34 |
|Family |10 |20 |
|Friends |29 |58 |
|Others |3 |6 |

In Table 8, the researcher points out that since the respondents are member of a running club, they plot their running schedule either weekly or monthly to do their road run as a group. Typically, as some members design their training program alone as per on their working schedule especially if they have races are set to join.

Table 9. Purpose distribution of the respondents
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|To be fit |42 |84 |
|Work requirement |3 |6 |
|Hobby |6 |12 |
|Therapy |6 |12 |
|Socializing |11 |22 |
|Others |3 |6 |

This table shows that majority of the respondents are health conscious they want to be fit (84%) especially, that they want to feel great and looking even better. They find running as their choice for wellness activity, and some find that running is part of their healthy diet that make them feel and look younger. Maintaining healthy levels of diet and exercise will also decrease levels of stress.

Table 10. Average runners joining the footrace run distribution of the respondents
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Once a month |8 |16 |
|2 – 3 times a month |13 |26 |
|By occasion |28 |56 |
|Others |2 |4 |

In table 10 shows that the 50 respondents joining footraces by occasion (56%) for that reasons they have to verify on how much is the registration fee, the race route, and the race kit what they will received after finishing the race. Since, in Cebu City average held footraces are 2 – 3 times per month; unexpectedly some footraces are schedule in the same day so this might be possible reason that the respondents found expensive.

Table 11. Other activities they are engage aside from running
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Triathlon |6 |12 |
|Mountain trekking |8 |16 |
|Swimming |9 |18 |
|Others |27 |54 |
|Total |50 |100 |

The researcher surprisingly found out that the respondents aside in running they engaged into yoga, zumba and swimming as an alternative activity, and one possible reason that they go to Cebu City Sports Complex they have this recreational activities for a minimal fee. Some runners also considered triathlon (12%) to upgrade and endure more challenging sports.

Table 12. Things they consider in registering a footrace n = 50
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Registration Fee |27 |54 |
|Race Kit |17 |34 |
|Race Route |15 |30 |
|Support a cause |25 |50 |
|Sponsors & Organizers |14 |28 |
|Others |3 |6 |

The table shows that majority of the respondents are price conscious they look up first the registration fee or the price, and they also considered the race kit inclusion that satisfy them. The respondents are willing to join the foot race run as long the money they registered goes to the community that in need of assistance.

Table 13. Willingness to spend in joining a footrace
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|500 below |25 |50 |
|500 – 1000 |12 |24 |
|1000 – 1500 |5 |10 |
|1500 above |4 |8 |
|Free |4 |8 |
|Total |50 |100 |

The table shows that the majority of the respondents are willing to spend P500 or below (50%) in joining the race. With the average demand of the footrace in Cebu City this data gathered from the researcher is also helpful to the organizer as guide to consider that most of the runners willing to spend up to P500 only.

Table 14. Where they usually know about the footrace run n = 50
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Referral |25 |50 |
|Sport Store |15 |30 |
|Running Club/Member |21 |42 |
|Radio/Print Ads |18 |36 |
|Others |4 |8 |

The data above are helpful to the race organizer on how to promote and where to place strategically that marketable to the running enthusiasts. Since, mostly of the respondents are members of a running club this is also opportunity to the organizer to advertise their race and giving them an economical price.

Table 15. Respondents who joined already running clinic
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Yes |25 |50 |
|No |25 |50 |
|Total |50 |100 |

In table 15, data shows that the respondents are equally share of 50% have experienced attending running clinic and haven’t attending respectively. As an organizer this also chance to tie-up any sports store or the sponsoring company to include a running clinic as way of promoting and to educate the runners.

Table 16. Reasons in joining running clinic
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Educate |21 |42 |
|Work Requirement |0 |0 |
|By Invitation |3 |6 |
|Others |1 |2 |
|Total |50 |100 |

In table 16, data shows that the respondents reason for joining a running clinic is more on to educate them which is 42% and then followed by invitation which is 6%. As an organizer this is also a chance to know what they are expecting for a running clinic and why they are attending for it. It is very important to know so the organizer can get idea of what type of running clinic to be done.

Table 17. Topic they want to discuss during running clinic n = 50
|Variables |Frequency |Percent (%) |
|Yes |40 |80 |
|No |10 |20 |
|Total |50 |100 |
|Topic to discuss in symposium | | |
|Tips |30 |60 |
|Benefits |31 |62 |
|Negative Implications |11 |22 |
|Others |3 |6 |

Table 17, shows that majority of the respondents are willing to join/attend any running clinic (80%) to discuss the benefits in running, tips, running form/strides and advance running. This could be possible strategy to the race organizer to include in their race.

Table 18. Respondents rating of the following attributes according to its importance
|Attributes |Weighted Average |Interpretation |
|First Aider |4.74 |Very Important |
|Hydration Station |4.70 |Very Important |
|Traffic Enforcer |4.66 |Very Important |
|Marshall |4.56 |Very Important |
|Venue/Location |4.46 |Very Important |
|Race Route/Terrain |4.26 |Very Important |
|Courtesy Booth |4.14 |Quite Important |
|Finisher’s Medal |4.12 |Quite Important |
|Registration Fee |4.10 |Quite Important |
|Giveaways |4.06 |Quite Important |
|Finisher’s Shirt |4.04 |Quite Important |
|Singlet |3.88 |Quite Important |
|Sponsoring Company |3.88 |Quite Important |
|Cash Prize |3.40 |Important |

(5) 4.21-5.00 Very Important

(4) 3.41-4.20 Quite Important

(3) 2.61-3.40 Important

(2) 1.81-2.60 Seemingly Unimportant

(1) 1.00-1.80 Not important

This chapter discusses briefly the findings of the study and conclusions drawn from the findings. Recommendations of the study are also presented.

This study proposed to assess the marketability of footrace run in Cebu City. Furthermore, it aimed specifically to present the profile of the respondents, to describe the footrace run with regards to: 1. Demand 2. Purpose and Features 3. Price and Promotion and 4. Resources needed to come up proposed guidelines in organizing marketing for the footrace run.

To realize the aim of the study, the researcher used the sampling method to using a simple random sampling as the main data gathering instruments. The study covered solely in Cebu City Sports Center as the most popular for the runners for their physical activities. The respondents of this study were the coaches, regular runners, marathoners, and ultramarathoners.

This study is significant to the race organizer and race director as their guide in formulating short distance race, marathon and/or ultramarathon race.

At the end of the study, the researcher found out that majority of the runners are aiming to finish marathon distance (42k), and endure the longer distance in ultramarathon (beyond 42k) to test their strength, durance, and scenery of the entire route. They find running as one of their wellness and recreation activity to improve their healthy lifestyle.

As revealed by the data gathered, safety is there priority than anything else runners tend to visit regularly inside the oval of the Cebu City Sports Complex are still ideal for the runners despite it has an entrance fee of P20.00 than a road running where most of the running groups does. As much as possible, runners are willing to participate/join a footrace run if it has reasonable registration fee, to support a cause, and a good race route and location are there priority in assessing the race.

Given all these, half of the respondents are willing to attend a running lecture and clinic. Runners give importance to this active lifestyle to know the benefits, techniques, and tips. The corporate sponsor has an opportunity to market/advertise their sports related products to the participants.

Based on the findings, organizing a marathon in Cebu City still marketable per the result data presented that most runners are willing to experience to finish a marathon distance. People now a day are health conscious they now involve physical activities as part of their lifestyle-running as of their choice and camaraderie or socializing. Aside from running they find some alternative healthy activities such as mountain trekking, swimming, yoga, zumba, fitness gym, and ball games their choices.
The researcher suggests the city government to impose strict guidelines in organizing a footrace run for the safety and proper implementation. Running is more than a sport; it is the paramount human activity. While running is a requirement in most sports, it is often taken for granted. Also generally overlooked, as cities are designed to accommodate for automobiles, are neighbourhoods that become runner unfriendly. There is hope and marketability of running by helping achieve long term success through the practice of basic running preparation and the effort of the government in Cebu City.

Whether actualized, or envisioned, running is part of living. Running is the best activity a human being can commit to in this life. It is the natural activity of the body. The benefits to the mind, body and soul are more numerous than modern science has yet to conceive.

It is very important that the government of Cebu City would always set-up a footrace or marathon for everyone to join. There so many people here in the City that are very much willing to run for their self satisfaction and the benefits that they could get. The benefits on the mind include increased cognitive abilities of concentration, mental speed, mental stability, clarity of thought, and some are habits already of running. Specific physical benefits include bone density, modest strength (especially in the legs), improved conditioning, regulated breathing, regulated appetite, regulated weight, better heart, better lungs, better intestines, and vitality.
Regardless of religious affiliation, for inspiration, running allows this uninhibited moment moving through the world to be limited only by one’s effort (or capability) with the reward of a pleasant attitude. Furthermore, the instinctual vision and responses during a run require a certain amount of inner self trust and the more one runs the more comfortable one becomes with this sense of inner flight.

Running is part of the human being’s destiny on this Earth. In Cebu City having a footrace run is marketable as choice for recreation, health and wellness activity. Run a marathon, not for the purpose of bragging to others that you did, but to prove to yourself that you can.

Proposed guidelines in organizing footrace run
1. Choose the Event, Location, and Date Decide what type of race you can manage, where it should take place.
2. Set Goals, Permission, Plan the Logistics Set a realistic goal, putting safety first, and getting permission to host your event
3. Budget Proposal, Find Sponsors, Promote the race Make sure the budget is in place and know how to get sponsors and participants with this guide to race budgeting, sponsorship and promotions
4. Prepare checklist before the race day
5. After the event to-do-list



School of Business and Economics
Graduate Program

March 26, 2013

Cebu City Sports Center

Dear Mr. Ballesteros,

Greetings! The undersigned are students of the Graduate Business Program of the University of San Carlos and currently enrolled in MBA 2078 (Statistics in Business Research) as part of our final requirement, we are doing a research on the “Marketability of Footrace Runs as Choice for Recreation, Health and Wellness Activity in Cebu City.”

As a requirement of this study, we need to conduct a survey on the marketability of footrace in Cebu City. The researchers identified Cebu City Sports Center as one of our respondents.

In this regard, we would like to seek for your consent to allow us to gather data from the runners having their physical activities inside the sports complex.

Looking forward of your kind support on this endeavour.

Thank you and More Power!

Respectfully yours,

Kareem Q. Durano
Jofredzen D. Bermoy

Endorsed by:

Marianne Conception R. Sionzon, MBA


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...ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The researchers would like to extend their gratitude to the following persons who gave assistance for making this project possible: Dr. Susana B. Cabahug, our research instructor and adviser, who has given us encouragement and guidance in making this research project, Our parents thank you for having given us financial and moral support for this study; Our friends in Mandaue City College who have never failed to cheer us up so that we may have the appetite to finish this research; and Most of all, to the Almighty Father, for giving us our lives, potentials, infinite blessings and love. To all of you, thank you very much! The Researchers JESSIMAR A. BATAN JORALDINE S. LOPEZ JEAN LENEATH B. NAPARATE MARY ANN P. QUIZON JANELINE A. SUELLO DEDICATION This work is heartedly dedicated to: Our Almighty God; Our beloved parents; Our siblings; Our instructors; Our friends; and Our classmates. The Researchers JESSIMAR A. BATAN JORALDINE S. LOPEZ JEAN LENEATH B. NAPARATE MARY ANN P. QUIZON JANELINE A. SUELLO Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE I.INTRODUCTION Rationale of the Study This is the first attempt to determine the study habits of students in Mandaue City College since its first operation started in Academic Year 2007-2008, born out of the curiosity of the researchers with regard to aspects where the MCCnians from all curricular programs are strong and where they are weak in their learning. Whether the...

Words: 5627 - Pages: 23

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An Analysis on the Overcrowding Problem of Birthing Mothers in the Obstetrics Gynecology Ward of Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center

...Methods of Research An Analysis on the Overcrowding Problem of Birthing Mothers in the Obstetrics Gynecology Ward of Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center Submitted to: Chona Sebastian Adviser Submitted by: Bacasmas, Dianez Lora Tudtud, Dennis Courtney, Joe TEAM LEGIONS February 20, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Problem Statement ............................................................................. 3 II. Research Objective ............................................................................ 4 III. Background of the Study ................................................................... 5 IV. Hypothesis of the Study ...................................................................... 6 V. Scope and Limitations of the Study .................................................. 7 VI. Significance of the Study ................................................................... 8 VII. Methodological Framework .............................................................. 9 VIII. Methodology ...................................................................................... 10 IX. Data Presentation and Analysis ....................................................... 12 a. Interview with Integrated analysis on Survewy report ............. 12 b. Satisfaction Rating on Different Aspect on Hospital ................ 32 X. Conclusion .................................................................

Words: 9975 - Pages: 40

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It Park Resort Cordova

...R1 R1 CEBU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY – UNIVERSITY College of Engineering and Architecture ------------------------------------------------- Department of Architecture A PROPOSED IT PARK RESORT IN CORDOVA Basalo, Jhane Diane L. Cantal, Cheque L. Doron, Angelie G. Ar. Alyckhine De la Torre Technical Advisor Ar. Leonida De Vera Thesis Coordinator Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Scope 1.1 Introduction The world is constantly changing through the widespread availability of information and communication technologies that led to utmost capacity for dissemination of knowledge and information. The IT revolution has improved the economic growth and productivity thus, increasing demand for the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry drove the establishment and infrastructure of many IT parks and centres. IT parks in the Philippines are solid indicators of progress, both in the technological and economic spheres, because of their competitive workforce and multilingual abilities that most multinational companies would prefer to reach out. The Department of Science and Technology-Information and Communications Technology office (DOST-ICT) together with the private sector, like Farlis Development Corporation, is pushing for the improvement of the industry in the country by working together to attract other companies to engage in offshore outsourcing in the country. Cordova is a municipality located in the 6th district of Cebu Province in the Philippines...

Words: 3196 - Pages: 13

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Sinulog in Cebu

...Cebu, Philippines is widely known for having distinctive commemoration that made an absolute impact to the hearts of people inside and outside the country, especially the Cebuano people enabling them to visit and associate with their union. Among the many celebrations done by the Cebuano’s, is the so called “Sinulog Festival”. It’s the feast of Cebu’s Patron Saint, Senior Santo Nino, the child image of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s a festival encounter of millions of devotees all over the world, who praised, believed and ask for His miraculous deeds to heal the sickness of someone they knew or their loved-ones and even of themselves. Enfranchised citizens of different state or even people of our own somehow believed that our culture is slowly fading because of the path that generation for today wants to take. Especially the young minds who completely engaged themselves in internet which can give them new things that inserts rapidly to their minds. But the continued growing number of people who came to witness the said occasion with festivities was I think enough answer as a response to those speculations declared. This is to prove that false crap shoots can’t break the tight bond that our culture handed over from generation to generation, that even the internet cannot surpass. In fact, Sinulog Festival unquestionably captured the hearts of people with different age, gender, beliefs, nationality and the like. It is sacred that no one can explain the warm fuzzies that one typically...

Words: 344 - Pages: 2

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Working Student

...PAG-AARAL TUNGKOL SA HINDI MAIBALANSENG ORAS AT PANAHON NG PAG-AARAL AT PAGTATRABAHO NG HALOS KARAMIHAN NG MANGGAGAWANG MAG-AARAL KALITATIBONG PANANALIKSIK Isang Proposal ng Kalitatibong Pananaliksik na Inihirap sa Gurong Tagapayo, Prof. Leonardo G. Adap, MAEd-GC sa Paaralang Tersarya ng Higher School ng UMak-Unibersidad ng Makati Lungsod ng Makati Bilang Bahagi sa mga Gawaing Kailangan sa Pagpasa sa Kursong Filipino 6-Iskolarling Pagbasa at Pagsulat Ipinasa kay: Leonardo G.Adap, MAEd-GC Propesor-Kolehiyo ng Sining at Agham Unibersidad ng Makati Mga mananaliksik: Avanez, Germhel Shaira G. Tuazon, Mark Anthony D. Ramirez, Irah Nicole L. Sayman, Jade M. Berdos, Remel Cepe, Hervie C. Del Rosario, Jean Mathew V. Roda, Genisis K12-22 Setyembre 2014 A.Panimula Sa gitna ng krisis hindi maikakaila na ang kahirapan ang pinaka matinding suliranin ng ating buhay. Lahat ng tao ay nararanasan ito, partikular na ang kabataang Pilipino. Itinuturing ito na pinakamahalagang kayamanan ng bansa. Ngunit ang mga kabataan ngayon ay hindi lamang sa pag-aaral napupunta ang atensyon, may iba pang kailangang maghanap ng trabaho at ikabubuhay matustusan lamang ang mga pangangailangan sa pag-aaral. At dahil sa konklusyong iyon, hindi nagagawang balansihen ng mga estudyante ang pag-aaral at pagtatrabaho. Sapagkat, gigising ng maaga na walang laman ang tiyan, baon, pamasahe, pambayad sa mga voluntary contribution at iba pa. Dahil dyan mas naglalaan pa ng oras ang mga manggagawang...

Words: 4309 - Pages: 18

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The Difference Between International and Domestic Theme Parks

...CEBU-BOHOL EDUCATIONAL TOUR  3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS  DIAMOND SUITES  Php14,500.00/student   Minimum of 50pax INCLUSIONS:  ROUNDTRIP AIRPORT TRANSFERS (UE Manila-Airport-UE Manila) TERMINAL FEES (MNL-CEB/CEB-MNL)   AIRFARE :  Roundtrip airline ticket via PHIL AIRLINES, MNL-CEB/CEB-MNL  (including terminal fees)  *Rates are subject to change without prior notice*     HOTEL :  DIAMOND SUITES, located near Ayala Center Cebu, Arch. Reyes Ave., Cebu City, Cebu’s newest hotel. Airconditioned rooms, with cable TV, internet access, hot & cold shower. Twin Sharing, complete with supplies for personal hygiene. Free use of hotel non-rental facilities.    MEALS :  FULL-BOARD MEALS (2 breakfast, 3 lunch & 2 dinner)   TRANSPORTATION:  Boat transfers CEB-TAG-CEB via fastcraft   Airconditioned transpo all throughout the Cebu & Bohol Tour Hotel Transfers  CEBU TWIN CITY TOUR  Explore Cebu’s historical sites, culture and products.   BOHOL DAY TOUR   Discover Bohol in a day, have a breath taking view of the Chocolate hills, enjoy the famous mascot of Bohol (the tarsier), have your lunch while river cruising, visit old churches & other historical places.   TOUR GUIDE  A Professional tour guides for each tour will be provided for Cebu/Bohol, respectively. TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE  Life insurance coverage of Php100,000.00 and Php10,000.00 for medical reimbursement   FREE OF CHARGE  1 professor (Free of Charge) for every 25 full paying...

Words: 474 - Pages: 2

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Cebu Adventure

...Choose PHILIPPINES Choose CEBU Cebu is one of the famous tourist destinations here in the Philippines. According to our tour guide, it is held as on the of the top tourist destination. Indeed, it is. I saw and experienced it with myself. If there is a place that I would recommend to the visitor and tourist to visit besides Ilioilo city, it would be Cebu, the queen city of the south. Let me take you to Cebu. Sit back, relax and enjoy! The City of Cebu is the capital city of Cebu and is the "second city" in the Philippines with the second most significant metropolitan centre and known as the oldest Spanish settlement in the country. The city is located on the eastern shore of Cebu and was the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines. Cebu is the Philippines' main domestic shipping port and is home to about 80% of the country's domestic shipping companies. Cebu also holds the second largest international flights in the Philippines and is a significant centre of commerce, trade and industry in the Visayas andMindanao regions. Cebu City is the center of a metropolitan area called Metro Cebu, which includes the cities of Carcar, Danao, Lapu-lapu, Mandaue, Naga, Talisay. Metro Cebu has a total population of about 2 million people. The Mactan-Cebu International Airport, located in Lapu-Lapu City is only a twenty-minute drive away from Cebu City. To the northeast of the city are Mandaue City and the town o fConsolacion, to the west are Toledo City, the towns of Balamban and...

Words: 2929 - Pages: 12

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Rms Titanic

...Development Corporation, his suggestion received their immediate approval.Thereafter the idea was presented to the different sectors of Baguio society and their response, also warm and immediate, eventually grew as a wellspring of community support. The Panagbenga has always received huge media coverage because of the instaneous popularity it has enjoyed from the very beginning. Every year, visitors are treated to a display of the strength of the local community sprit as the residents stage the hottest show in the coolest city in the Philippines. 2.) Sinulog Festival in Cebu- Sinulog is a dance ritual in honor of the miraculous image of the Santo Nino. The dance moves to the sound of the drums and this resembles the current (Sinulog) of what was then known as Cebu’s Pahina River. Thus, in Cebuano, they say it’s Sinulog. Historical accounts say that before Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan came to Cebu on April 7, 1521 to plant the cross on its shore and...

Words: 6160 - Pages: 25