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Submitted By tumi7
Words 2200
Pages 9
Subnetting Examples
There are three types of subnetting examples I will show in this document:
1) Subnetting when given a required number of networks
2) Subnetting when given a required number of clients
3) Given an IP address & Subnet Mask, finding original network range (reverse engineering a subnet problem)

Subnetting Examples document created by Jeremy D. Cioara. Please do not change this document without first contacting me! Thank you!
If you have any questions, please email me at

Subnetting, Style 1 - Subnetting when given a required number of networks
Example 1: A service provider has given you the Class C network range Your company must break the network into 20 separate subnets.
Step 1) Determine the number of subnets and convert to binary

In this example, the binary representation of 20 = 00010100.

Step 2) Reserve required bits in subnet mask and find incremental value

The binary value of 20 subnets tells us that we need at least 5 network bits to satisfy this requirement
(since you cannot get the number 20 with any less than 5 bits – 10100)
Our original subnet mask is (Class C subnet)
The full binary representation of the subnet mask is as follows: = 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000


We must “convert” 5 of the client bits (0) to network bits (1) in order to satisfy the requirements:
New Mask = 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111000


If we convert the mask back to decimal, we now have the subnet mask that will be used on all the new networks –
Our increment bit is the last possible network bit, converted back to a binary number:
New Mask = 11111111.11111111.11111111.1111(1)000 – bit with the parenthesis is your increment bit. If you convert this bit to a decimal number, it becomes the number „8‟

Step 3) Use increment to find network ranges

Start with your given

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