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Fundamentals of Macro Paper


Submitted By jssandbothe
Words 595
Pages 3
Fundamentals of Macroeconomics
Jillian Sandbothe
April 28, 2014
Dr. Robert Larkin

Fundamentals of Macroeconomics

Part 1 In the fundamentals of macroeconomics there are some basic vocabulary terms that everyone should know. These terms help to break down certain dynamics of basic economic factors. A list is provided of some of these basic terms and their meanings. * Gross domestic product (GDP): This is the value set upon a good or service, per the current market, within a one calendar year timeframe. * Real GDP: This is the value set upon goods or services per one calendar year that is adjusted for growth changes such as inflation. * Nominal GDP: This is the value set upon goods or services that is not adjusted. * Unemployment rate: This is the percentage of the population that is able to work but whom are not currently working. * Inflation rate: This is the rate at which the price levels increase. * Interest rate: This is what will be paid to borrow money and is based upon inflation. Part 2 The economy is not just a whole bunch of entities that are attached together but intertwined and dependent upon one another. When one small part of the economy shifts the rest is altered. An example of how this flow of events works would be when a large organization goes under there are massive employee layoffs. When this happens consumers decrease their purchases, such as groceries. When consumers are not able to spend money on goods and services the government steps in to reduce taxes, which helps with consumer affordability. An economic activity is affected by many things, such as the government, businesses, and individual households. The government can affect when groceries are purchased because the government helps to determine the gross domestic product value of each grocery

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