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Gathering Data - Cja 334


Submitted By barron78
Words 1187
Pages 5
Gathering Research Data
Police officers face dangerous situations daily. As an officer, one could face an active shooter, an emotionally disturbed person acting out, car accidents, and getting injured on the job. Extensive law enforcement training in many areas such as defensive tactics, range training, autism awareness, and public safety are examples of training to learn to deal with these situations. Despite these dangers and more, people still choose to be a police officer. Officers puts their lives and safety in harm’s way to protect their community. In the interest of learning more about the dangers of becoming a police officer, research will discover what the hazards through qualitative research. The indication of the type of interview structure as well as listing the questions that will be asked will illustrate how to achieve the goal of this research. In addition will be the advantage of using qualitative research.
The goal of the research is to discover the many dangers of becoming a police officer. For a person to make the very important decision to become a police officer, they should know what he or she is possibly facing on the job. What may seem very dangerous to one person may not be so hazardous to another. This is left up to the determination of each person and can depend on several factors such as personal experience and interpretation.
The type of interview structure that I use to conduct the research would be an unstructured interview. “Unstructured interviews have many variations depending on the purpose. Sometimes referred to focused, clinical or nondirective interviews, they generally provide for open-ended responses to questions” (Hagan, 2010, pg. 148). With the nature of the research and the room for interpretation by each officer answering the question, the unstructured interview would be best. By allowing each person to give

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