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Gender Discrimination In The Workplace Essay

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Employee right against gender discrimination is traced back in the 1970s when the Women Rights movements demanded equality. These women, pressed for equal opportunity to the workplace, access to all occupations, to equal pay not just for similar work, but for comparable work. In 1979, the UN adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).” Despite the fact that the UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna confirmed that women’s rights were human rights.” Most people still think that there is gender discrimination in the workplace, and the employees have no right when it comes to these injustices such as gender-based discrimination on pay rise/payment, promotions, professionalism and assigned …show more content…
Clark argues that women are satisfied with their roles within the workplace. In 1997, E. Clark did a research while having the same notion that women’s jobs were worse than men’s but in his finding, women’s reported higher levels of job satisfaction than men.” In his findings, Clark said that most women were satisfied compared to men despite, they were working in the same job environment and with the same pay because women’s expectations were argued to be lower.

Looking into the two contradicting findings of women discrimination in workplaces in America, it is hard to explain the contributing factor. Nevertheless, through looking at the work of Boldt, it is evident that Americans have no problems with the enormous economic gap within the country. According to Boldt book “A subjective comparison of Germany and the United States.” He wrote that, in the US, the acceptability of socioeconomic gaps and perceptions that individuals could control their success discourages inclinations towards the social safety nets. He continues by saying that Americans cared less about someone's wealth because for them success is determined by individual's

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