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General Practitioner Career

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My career goal is to pursue a career in the field of medicine as a general practitioner. I want to become a general practitioner because you aren’t a master at just one thing instead, you know all of the maladies. Therefore, general practitioners have enough general medical expertise to deal with most any ailment and be able to refer the patient to the right people if the condition requires a specialist. One of the things that interests me about this career is that it is not to high stress of a job. General practitioners rarely face life and death situations. Also general practitioners have great job security. Generally, they keep seeing the same patients over and over because rarely patients switch between general practitioners. The reason I …show more content…
They work in private offices or clinics, often with administrative and health care personnel. Some practice alone or with a group of other doctors but only one of ten physicians are self-employed as of 2014. They full time usually and those hours can be long, irregular and overnight hours. General practitioners also spend time on call while not working at the office or hospital. While on call they may have to answer patient concerns over the phone or make an emergency visit back to their place of work. On average, general practitioners make 176,530 dollars with an expected life time earnings of 6,168,000 dollars. On the other hand, some general practitioners make as little as 100-110 thousand a year which is just five to fifteen thousand more than physician assistants make and they only need a master’s degree. The benefits you get from being a general practitioner are rarely monetary things that you gain from the job. They are things such as rarely ever being bored on the job due to the fact that general practitioners don’t specialize in certain areas they diagnose and treat a variety of illness and

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