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Globalization Cause and Effect


Submitted By panuhsz
Words 562
Pages 3
Panagiotis Georgakopoulos
EAP1002A1 – Fall Intensive Course 2014
Artemis Michael
Assignment: Cause & Effect Essay

GLOBALIZATION Globalization is a phenomenon which is observed keenly in our daily lives, and it spreads rapidly every single day, most of the times without even realizing it. It is a phenomenon that affects us in positive or negative ways in many party parts of our life, such as the way we see and confront foreign people, the local economy, a country’s identity but also the science’s development. Globalization helps people understand each other and helps to eliminate racist behaviors. We often see people saying how the Americans or the Europeans have different needs than us. As a result, these people usually express racist behaviors because of lack of knowledge, regarding these foreign people. Through exchanging trends and customs a society slowly accepts foreigners, thus realizing that deep down we are all human beings. Another important effect of globalization is related to science’s development. For instance, when scientists from each country work individually, then automatically the possibilities of discovering something new, are significantly fewer than the one when they work in collaboration with scientists from all over the world. A fine example of such collaboration is CERN. CERN is located in Geneva. It is the biggest experimental center of nuclear research in the world. It was created in 1954 from twelve European countries, and today counts twenty country members. CERN employs approximately 3000 permanent workers and 6.500 scientists and engineers from 50 universities around the world and 80 nationalities. Taking into consideration these information how could we not say that CERN seems to be the most appropriate example of exchanging opinions, values and knowledge throughout collaboration. However, globalization is “a knife that cuts both ways”. Firstly, a disadvantage of this phenomenon concerns local economy and the way it is affected. For example, global brands have the power to “attack” local businesses because of their greater budget. Moreover, a customer will trust easier a huge brand like Mc Donald’s, than a local food store, for this foreign fast food chain has the money and the expertise to deliver the same product all over the world. Consequently, a store like this might have the ability to completely decimate local businesses which offer similar services. In addition, this will reduce the income of provincial shopkeepers leading them to bankruptcy, thus declining their quality of life. Secondly, another significant disadvantage has to do with a country’s identity. More specifically the culture, the language, the values, the traditions even the dressing code of a country. People nowadays tend to mimic foreign trends. They copy the way of eating, dressing and behaving in general. While this is not bad to a certain extent, this situation can get out of hand quickly. A society can become obsessive with foreign lifestyles. Therefore natives will probably lose eventually their behavioral diversity. In conclusion, Globalization is a really controversial issue, as it both carries advantages and disadvantages. It can really help a country flourish, as well as degrade its economy. Also, it can help a society’s culture to expand or sometimes to vanish. It all depends on how each nation’s government and citizens are going to handle the phenomenon. We should try not being afraid of new cultures, aspects, trends and it is our duty to understand that we have to respect them.

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