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Going For The Record Essay

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Going for the Record was a terrific book that was interesting to read. When Leah Weiczynkowski is going into her senior year, she qualifies for the Olympic developmental programs regional soccer team. She was excited to join the team and thought that she was sure to be recruited by the best colleges in the country. Unfortunately, when Leah returns home from her camp, her father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The cancer was labeled untreatable, he was given three months to live and hospice workers are hired for home care. During her father’s life, Leah learns about death, coping and how to care for a terminal patient. Now, Leah must choose between going to the soccer school of her dreams or staying with her fragile father. I liked this book because it shows how Leah copes with her dad’s illness, involves soccer, and shows her strong bond with her father. Learning that her father has stage four pancreatic cancer took a toll on Leah. She spent all summer dedicating her body, mind, and soul to soccer and now she wasted precious …show more content…
Her father was her biggest supporter and constantly pushed her to be better. This is one place where I related closely with Leah. My family always pushes me to be the best I can be and to accomplish my goals. They know my strengths and encourage me to pursue my dreams. Leah's father was her motivation, he constantly talked her up and told her she could do whatever she put her mind to. This is probably the reason that Leah ended up quitting soccer, because she lost her motivation. For many individuals their parents are their biggest supporters, the people who believe in them, and the ones who always encourage them. In the book Going for the Record, Leah had such a strong bond with her father that she gave up her dreams to be with him in his final months. All her hard work and dedication didn't matter unless he was there to share her

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