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Ideas that were mentioned Create connection or friends before selling Sell feeling of being a good parent even though they might no need the books Don’t be worried if you don’t sell, if you have done everything right then you’re doing good Try the presentation in front of the mirror before selling Maybe means NO – if customer says maybe/ they will think about it, in most of the times it means NO Ask whether the person can give you a straight answer Yes or No Get decision maker not the secretary People like to buy, but not to be sold. Need to create the atmosphere where person is not pushed to buy Come up with the possible objections and come up with the answer, for instance, most probably they will say that it’s too expensive, but if you would have mentioned the reason before it would be reasonable. You get so much more, there are included … OR The companies that invest in this product to create … It won’t solve all of your problems, but it will solve … CONFIDENCE Put focus on the customer, make him/her feel great Ask questions, so you would know what and how to sell – adjust your product for their needs. Who could benefit from this product – only your kids or also you/wife? You can’t affect results, but you can affect the actions you take Tell who else has bought the book Be chill so no pressure! If person straight forward, then you should adjust Don’t be needy – don’t be like a homeless person. Try to seem successful When you leave ask why did they decide to invest, so they would be sure about their decision Don’t get brainwashed by others, because there are going to be a lot of objections JUST DO THE BASICS
Learn these Niko. If you won’t know them by heart you won’t use them, because everything is about the BASICS!

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