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Hamlet Horatio Essay

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A character carrying a very key role in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, is his confidant and best friend Horatio with whom he attends University in Wittenberg prior to his return. Understanding why Hamlet confines in Horatio and loves him dearly offers the reader insight into Hamlet’s mind and story. By studying the relationship between the two and it’s importance as well as viewing Hamlet’s decisions through the eyes of Horatio allows us to learn a lot about Hamlet as a character and better understand the tragedy.
Horatio is first presented in the story because of knowledge and intelligence when the guards call him about the ghost they have seen. We immediately figure that he is an intelligent and perceptive man. Due to this he acts as a cornerstone of logic and sanity in contrast to his dear friend’s chaos and madness, providing the reader with a reasonable …show more content…
There are two very obvious examples of this, both at moments when Hamlet’s choice will effect on Hamlet’s riches. The first example is in Act 1 when the ghost tells Hamlet to follow it. Horatio strongly encourages Hamlet not to go and proclaims: “You shall not go” (1.4.81). He repeats this three times to show emphasis and assertion. When Hamlet asks him why, Horatio replies:”What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord?” (1.4.69.) and “deprive your sovereignty of reason And draw you into madness?” (1.4.73.). Here Horatio foreshadows Hamlet’s destiny, saying he will lose his mind. If Hamlet listened to Horatio, his life could have taken a different path. . The second example appears at the end of the play, when Horatio says:”If your mind dislike anything, obey it” (5.2.189).Horatio once again foreshadows Hamlet’s destiny and if Hamlet had listened to Horatio’s warning, he might have avoided his tragic end. One can conclude that Hamlet’s mistake is disregarding Horatio’s

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