Premium Essay



Submitted By trini8658
Words 1196
Pages 5
For many people, it is a frequent misconception that all Hispanics are the same. However, numerous different groups make up the Hispanic group. While many similarities do exist among the Hispanics, the dissimilarity set them apart from one another. The compilation of data in this paper will demonstrate the linguistic, social, economical, religious and familial conventions and/or statuses among Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Guatemalans residing in America.
Mexican Americans
Mexicans Americans are perhaps the most universally known group of Hispanic origin residing in the United States. A term most frequently used when regarding this group is known as “Chicanos”. According to Encarta Encyclopedia (2008), “The Mexican American population includes Whites, Native Americans, Mestizos (people of mixed Native American and European decent), and Mulattos (people of mixed African and European ancestry). No matter what part of the population a Mexican American is a descendent of, they all share their infatuation for the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, it is the church that Mexican Americans base their opinions on sexual, education, and politics. If Roman Catholicism is not the religion of preference, one will find Mexican Americans practicing Protestantism. As with the majority of Hispanics, Mexican Americans use Spanish as their central language. Spanish is spoken at home for religious occasions, amongst family, and for entertainment purposes. English is usually spoken only concerning education and profession. Employment of Mexican Americans decides their overall social position. Unfortunately, poverty among this group is at a very elevated rate, usually because of undocumented three -illegal workers. With challenges of obtaining citizenship, Mexican Americans have been employed as migrant farm workers from the beginning of immigration. This group of people is

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