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Head Count


Submitted By BenHenry
Words 3272
Pages 14


1.0 PENGENALAN STRATEGI HEADCOUNT Strategi headcount akademik memberi fokus kepada data secara diskrit dalam melihat pencapaian dan perkembangan murid. Maklumat tersebut

dianalisis sepanjang murid berada di sesebuah sekolah supaya prestasi mata pelajarannya dapat dikenalpasti. Pengesanan ini berkait rapat dengan usaha meningkatkan potensi murid, pencapaian mata pelajaran dan pencapaian sekolah secara keseluruhan. Istilah Headcount bermaksud :“An inventory of people in a group taken by counting individuals.”; yakni mengenal pasti bilangan individu dalam

sesebuah kumpulan, organisasi atau institusi. Dalam konteks strategi akademik; Headcount didefinisikan sebagai satu proses mengenal pasti potensi akademik dan potensi kerjaya setiap murid mulai tahun satu hingga tahun enam di sekolah rendah dan tingkatan satu hingga tingkatan enam di sekolah menengah. Berdasarkan strategi tersebut pengukuran dan penilaian dianalisis secara terperinci dan menyeluruh dengan tujuan untuk mengesan perkembangan potensi murid dalam penguasaan bidang akademik. Pengesanan tersebut disusuli dengan menentukan pendekatan pengajaran yang boleh membantu ke arah penambahbaikan pembelajaran murid.

1.1 ISTILAH DAN ASAS HEADCOUNT TOV (Take Off Value) bermaksud nilai letak kerja seseorang murid berdasarkan potensi sedia ada seperti hasil pembelajaran (pencapaian akademik) dalam setiap mata pelajaran.


ETR (Expected Targeted Result) bermaksud sasaran hasil pembelajaran yang diharapkan dengan merujuk kepada sesuatu penilaian atau berdasarkan keputusan peperiksaan terakhir. OTR (Operational Targeted Result) bermaksud hasil pembelajaran disasar berasaskan TOV dan ETR yang ditetapkan. Contoh: OTR1 dan OTR2. OTI (Operational Targeted Increment) bermaksud peningkatan hasil yang

pembelajaran yang disasarkan. Contoh: OTI1 = OTR1 – TOV, OTI2 = OTR2 – OTR1 AR (Acquired Result) bermaksud hasil pembelajaran yang sebenar diperoleh pada beberapa peringkat peperiksaan. Contoh: AR1 merupakan keputusan Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun (sekiranya peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun merupakan peperiksaan yang pertama yang diambil kira).

1.2 Jawatankuasa Headcount Bagi tujuan penyelarasan tugas adalah dicadangkan Jawatankuasa Kecil headcount di peringkat sekolah diletakkan di bawah Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan dan Penilaian dalam Majlis Kurikulum Sekolah. Hubungan kawatankuasa tersebut boleh dirujuk dalam rajah 1 dan contoh-contoh di bawah: MAJLIS KURIKULUM SEKOLAH Jawatankuasa Penilaian Dan Peperiksaan Dalaman Jawatankuasa Kecil Headcount
Rajah 1: Hubungan Jawatankuasan Kecil Headcount dengan Majlis Kurikulum Sekolah serta Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan dan Penilaian


Contoh Struktur Majlis Kurikulum Sekolah Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan dan Penilaian serta hubunga dengan Jawatankuasa Kecil Headcount adalah seperti berikut: 1.2.1 MAJLIS KURIKULUM SEKOLAH Pengerusi Timbalan Pengerusi Naib Pengerusi Setiausaha AJK Guru Kanan Mata Pelajaran (Sekolah Menengah) Guru Bimbingan dan Kaunseling Guru Media Guru Cemerlang Ketua Panitia Mata Pelajaran Ketua Guru Pendidikan Khas Penyelaras ICT Penyelaras Kajian Tindakan Setiausaha Peperiksaan Awam Setiausaha Peperiksaan Dalaman Guru Pemulihan Khas (Sekolah Rendah) : Pengetua/Guru Besar : Penolong Kanan (PK) Pentadbiran : PK Petang, PK HEM, PK Kokurikulum, PK Pendidikan Khas : (lantikan sekolah)

1.2.2 JAWATANKUASA PENILAIAN DAN PEPERIKSAAN DALAMAN Pengerusi Timbalan Pengerusi Naib Pengerusi Setiausaha Penolong Setiausaha : Pengetua/Guru Besar : Penolong Kanan (PK) Pentadbiran : PK Petang, PK HEM, PK Kokurikulum, PK Pendidikan Khas : (Setiausaha Peperiksaan Dalaman) : (Penolong Setiausaha Peperiksaan Dalaman) 4

AJK Guru Kanan Mata Pelajaran (Sekolah Menengah) Penyelaras Headcount Ketua Panitia Mata Pelajaran Berdasarkan struktur organisasi, Setiausaha Peperiksaan Dalaman bertanggungjawab dalam urusan maklumat headcount yang diperlukan oleh Majlis Kurikulum Sekolah seperti mengemukakan cadangan sasaran akademik sekolah dalam Peperiksaan Awam. Manakala dalam Jawatankuasa Penilaian dan Peperiksaan Dalaman; Penyelaras Headcount memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pengendalian data dan sebaran maklumat bagi keperluan panitia mata pelajaran serta sasaran akademik sekolah. Bagi tujuan menguruskan data yang berkaitan sama ada mendapatkan atau menyebarkan maklumat, jawatankuasa operasi seperti dalam perkara 1.2.3 . 1.2.3 JAWATANKUASA KECIL HEADCOUNT Pengerusi Naib Pengerusi Setiausaha AJK Penyelaras-penyelaras Tingkatan/Tahun/Aliran Ketua-ketua Panitia Mata Pelajaran : Setiausaha Peperiksaan Dalaman : Penolong Setiausaha Peperiksaan Dalaman : Penyelaras Headcount

1.3 LANGKAH 1: MENENTUKAN NILAI TOV Nilai TOV dikenalpasti melalui pengukuran yang diperoleh melalui peperiksaan yang merangkumi semua topik atau bidang yang sepatutnya dikuasai pada tahun semasa atau pada akhir tahun sebelumnya.


1.3.1 LANGKAH MENENTUKAN NILAI TOV Setiap guru mata pelajaran menentukan nilai TOV bagi setiap orang murid dalam kelas masing-masing dengan merujuk kepada keputusan peperiksaan akhir tahun atau ujian khas (rujuk Jadual 1). Perkara-perkara berikut perlu diambil kira untuk menentukan nilai TOV: i. ii. Penilaian mesti merangkumi topik-topik yang sepatutnya dikuasai oleh murid secara menyeluruh pada tahap tertentu. Sejarah pencapaian murid dalam setiap mata pelajaran.

1.3.2 INSTRUMEN PENENTUAN NILAI TOV i. Instrumen menentukan nilai TOV berdasarkan data ujian khas atau Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun sahaja seperti dalam Jadual 1. Jadual 1 : Instrumen Penentuan Nilai TOV Bil 1 Tingkatan Tahun 4, Tingkatan 1 dan 4 2 Tingkatan 6 Rendah 3 Tahun 2 atau Tingkatan 2 4 Tahun 3 atau Tingkatan 3 5 Tahun 5 dan Tahun 6 serta Tingkatan 5 6 Tingkatan 6 Atas
Akhir Tahuntahun sebelumnya Ujian Khas

Penentuan Nilai TOV
Ujian Khas

Contoh: TOV bagi 2008 merujuk kepada ujian khas penggal 1, 2008 Contoh: TOV bagi 2008 merujuk kepada ujian khas penggal 2, 2008 Contoh: TOV bagi 2008 merujuk kepada Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Tahun 1/Tingkatan 1 pada tahun 2007 Contoh: TOV bagi 2008 merujuk kepada

Peperiksaan Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Tahun 2 / Tingkatan 2 pada tahun 2007 Contoh: TOV bagi 2008 merujuk kepada Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Tahun 4 dan Tahun 5 serta Tingkatan 4 pada tahun 2007 Contoh: TOV bagi 2008 merujuk kepada




Penentuan Nilai TOV

Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Tingkatan 6 Rendah pada tahun 2007


TOV juga boleh ditentukan dengan mengambil kira wajaran yang munasabah bagi setiap peperiksaan, ujian bulanan dan ujian khas. Contoh wajaran yang dicadangkan dalam Jadual 2. Jadual 2 : Kadar Wajaran Pengukuran Bagi Nilai TOV Bil 1 Tingkatan Tahun 4/ Tingkatan 1, 4 dan 6 Rendah Penentuan Nilai TOV Ujian tahun semasa Catatan Merangkumi semua topik pada Tahun/Tingkatan tersebut Contoh: Soalan aras rendah (60%), Soalan aras sederhana (40%) atau Soalan aras rendah (60%), Soalan aras sederhana (30%) Soalan aras tinggi (10% ) – bagi menentukan kumpulan cemerlang 2 Tahun 2,3, 5 dan 6 /Tingkatan 2,3, 5 dan 6 Atas a. Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun, tahun sebelumnya dan b. Ujian Khas tahun semasa 1. Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun, tahun sebelumnya (60%). 2. Ujian Khas merangkumi semua topik pada tingkatan tersebut (40%): Nisbah soalan aras rendah kepada aras sederhana :7:3 3. Tingkatan a. Peperiksaan 1. Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun,



Tingkatan 2,3,5 dan 6 Atas

Penentuan Nilai TOV Akhir Tahun sebelumnya dan b. Ujian bulanan pada tahun sebelumnya c. Ujian Khas tahun semasa

Catatan tahun sebelumnya (50%). 2. Ujian 1 (10%) tahun sebelumnya. 3. Ujian 2 (10%) tahun sebelumnya. 4. Ujian Khas merangkumi semua topik pada tingkatan tersebut (10%). Nisbah soalan aras rendah kepada aras sederhana :6:4

1.4 LANGKAH 2: MENENTUKAN NILAI ETR Nilai ETR ditentukan oleh guru mata pelajaran bersama panitia dengan memastikan setiap murid akhirnya mempunyai ETR masing-masing. Langkah-langkahnya adalah seperti berikut: i. Ketua Panitia perlu menyediakan maklumat-maklumat berikut o Keputusan peperiksaan awam dan Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun bagi tiga atau lima tahun sebelumnya o Keputusan Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun tahun sebelumnya atau keputusan ujian khas. o Markah murid yang disusun mengikut urutan dari tertinggi ke terendah Borang Kemaskini Nilai Tambah Mata pelajaran (Rujuk Bab2: SAPHC) ii. Majlis Kurikulum Sekolah hendaklah merujuk pencapaian : o peperiksaan awam atau akhir tahun terbaik bagi tiga atau lima tahun sebelumnya untuk dijadikan penanda aras (benchmark) sasaran tahun semasa bagi panitia masing-masing. Tahun terbaik yang dipilih sebagai penanda aras berdasarkan pencapaian gred purata terbaik (Lampiran 1.3 atau ----(SAP)----)


iii. iv.

Setiap panitia mencatat pencapaian tahun terbaik yang telah ditentukan itu dalam borang HC1. (Lampiran 1.4 dan 1.6) Setiap panitia mencatat keputusan peperiksaan akhir tahun, tahun sebelumnya atau ujian khas tahun semasa dalam borang HC1. (Lampiran 1.4)

v. vi. vii.

Setiap panitia mencatat TOV dalam borang HC1. (Lampiran 1.4) Setiap panitia membuat pengiraan ETR (ETR kiraan) yang munasabah tahun semasa untuk mencabar pencapaian tahun terbaik itu. Setelah panitia mengenalpasti secara kiraan disesuaikan pula ETR berdasarkan jangkaan pencapaian setiap murid (ETR pindaan) dalam Borang Kemaskini Nilai Tambah Mata pelajaran (Rujuk Bab2: SAPHC) Aspek yang perlu diteliti dalam menetukan ETR adalah seperti berikut: Peningkatan peratus bilangan murid mendapat A dan B atau 1A, 2A, 3B, 4B dan seterusnya. Peratus bilangan murid lulus Gred purata mata pelajaran ETR pindaan menjadi ETR tahun semasa bagi setiap peringkat.

viii. Setiap panitia mencatatkan ETR pindaan dalam Borang HC1. ix. x. Guru mata pelajaran dan murid berbincang untuk mendapat persetujuan penetapan nilai ETR tersebut. Nilai ETR akan dijadikan sasaran individu. Jawatankuasa Kecil Pengurusan Headcount akan menggabungkan ETR individu untuk menjadi ETR Kelas dalam setiap mata pelajaran, ETR Kelas menjadi ETR Seluruh Tingkatan dan seterusnya ETR Sekolah.

1.5 LANGKAH 3: MENENTUKAN OPERATIONAL TARGETED RESULT (OTR) i. Majlis Kurikulum Sekolah menetapkan jangkaan peningkatan pencapaian murid dalam beberapa kali penilaian yang merangkumi tajuk-tajuk yang sepatutnya dikuasai oleh murid secara menyeluruh pada tahap tertentu seperti Ujian Bulanan, Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun, Peperiksaan Percubaan, dan Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun.



Guru mata pelajaran menentukan OTR [operational targeted result] dengan merujuk kepada TOV, ETR dan jumlah bilangan peperiksaan dalaman dan peperiksaan awam bagi murid yang terlibat.


Perkiraan OTR berdasarkan bilangan peperiksaan yang ditetapkan oleh sekolah. Contoh 1: OTR1 – Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun; OTR2 – Peperiksaan Percubaan ETR - Peperiksaan PMR /SPM Contoh 2: OTR1 – Ujian Pengesanan Pencapaian Murid 1 (UPPM 1) OTR2 – UPPM 2 OTR3 – UPPM 3 ETR Contoh 3: OTR1 – Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun (Tingkatan 2/Tahun 4); ETR - Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun UPSR


Rumus OTR: Kelas Peperiksaan Awam Jika peperiksaan dalaman selain daripada peperiksaan awam dilaksanakan sebanyak dua kali di sekolah, maka OTR boleh ditentukan sebanyak dua kali dengan rumus seperti berikut: OTR 1 = TOV + (ETR - TOV) 3 OTR 2 = TOV + (ETR - TOV) X 2 3
1.OTR 1 – Peperiksaan dalaman 1 2.OTR 2 - Peperiksaan dalaman 2 3. ETR – UPSR/PMR/SPM


Jika peperiksaan dalaman selain daripada peperiksaan awam dilaksanakan sebanyak tiga kali di sekolah, maka OTR boleh ditentukan sebanyak tiga kali dengan rumus seperti berikut:

OTR 1 = TOV + (ETR - TOV) 4 OTR 2 = TOV + (ETR - TOV) X 2 4 OTR 3 = TOV + (ETR - TOV) X 3 4

1..OTR 1 – Peperiksaan dalaman 1 2.OTR 2 - Peperiksaan dalaman 2 3.OTR 3 – Peperiksaan Percubaan 4.ETR – UPSR/PMR/SPM

Kelas Bukan Peperiksaan Awam Jika peperiksaan dalaman dilaksanakan sebanyak dua kali di sekolah, maka OTR boleh ditentukan sebanyak sekali dengan rumus seperti berikut: OTR 1 = TOV + (ETR - TOV) 2
1..OTR 1 – Peperiksaan dalaman 1 2. ETR - Peperiksaan dalaman Akhir Tahun

Jika peperiksaan dalaman dilaksanakan sebanyak tiga kali di sekolah, maka OTR boleh ditentukan sebanyak dua kali dengan rumus seperti berikut: OTR 1 = TOV + (ETR - TOV) 3 OTR 2 = TOV + (ETR - TOV) X 2 3
1..OTR 1 – Peperiksaan dalaman 1 2. OTR 2 – Peperiksaan dalaman 2 2. ETR - Peperiksaan dalaman Akhir Tahun



Contoh pengiraan OTR panitia mata pelajaran dalam Jadual 3 dan Jadual 4

Jadual 3 : Contoh pengiraan OTR panitia Bahasa Malaysia PMR berdasarkan borang HC1 baris (d) [Rujuk Lampiran 1] Perkara TOV GRED A Rumus Bilangan Murid 3 orang murid = 3 + (26 - 3) 3 = 3 + 7.66 = 10.66 = 11 orang murid = 3 + (26 – 3) x 2 3 = 3 + 15.32 = 18.32 = 18 orang murid 26 orang murid


TOV + (ETR - TOV) 3


TOV + (ETR - TOV) x 2 3


Jadual 4 : Contoh pengiraan OTR murid


Nama murid Perkara TOV

: Rosnatrah bt Abd Aziz (Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Malaysia) Rumus Markah murid 80% = 80 + (90 - 80) 3 = 80 + 3.3 = 83.3 % = 83% = 80 + (90 - 80) x 2 3 = 80 + 6.6 = 86.6 % = 87% 90%


TOV + (ETR - TOV) 3


TOV + (ETR - TOV) x 2 3



NAMA SEKOLAH : ________________________________


BORANG HC1 KOD:___________

Tahu n Jum Murid


% Bil % Bil


Bil % Bil



a. b.



Peperiksaan /UPSR (Tahun terbaik) Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun 5 ] OTR1 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)/4 OTR2 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)/2

c. TOV d. e. f.

OTR3 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)X3/4 g. ETR (kiraan) h. ETR (pindaan)
i. PERBEZAAN (c) - (g)

DIISI OLEH KETUA PANITIA MATA PELAJARAN NAMA SEKOLAH : ________________________________ BORANG HC1 KOD:___________

Ta hu Ju n m Mu rid

Peperiksaan /PMR (Tahun terbaik) Peperiksaan Akhir b. Tahun Ting. 2 ]
a. c. TOV


Bil % Bil

% Bil

% Bil


Bil %



OTR1 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)/4 OTR2 = TOV + e. (ETR -TOV)/2 OTR3 = TOV + f. (ETR -TOV)X3/4 g. ETR (kiraan)
d. h. ETR (pindaan) i. PERBEZAAN (c) - (h)



Jum. Pelajar

BORANG HC1 KOD:___________




1A Bil. % Bil.

2A % Bil.

3B % Bil.

4B % Bil.

5C %

6C Bil. % Bil.

7D % Bil.

8E %

LULUS Bil. % Bil.

9F %

Gred Purata

a. b. c.
d. e. f. g. h. i.

Peperiksaan (Tahun - terbaik) Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun TOV
OTR1 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)/4 OTR2 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)/2 OTR3 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)X3/4 ETR (kiraan) ETR (pindaan)


Nota : Panduan borang HC1 1) 2) 3) Baris (a) diisikan dengan pencapaian tahun terbaik mata pelajaran dalam Peperiksaan Awam atau Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun sebagai asas penentuan ETR berdasarkan pencapaian tiga/lima tahun terakhir. Sila rujuk Lampiran 1.6 Baris (b) diisi dengan keputusan Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun, tahun sebelumnya bagi tujuan menentukan TOV. Baris (c) diisi nilai TOV sama seperti di baris (b). Nilai TOV ini tidak semestinya sama dengan pencapaian Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun . Perbezaan ini wujud kerana keadaan yang berikut: a. ketidakhadiran murid dalam Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun, tahun sebelumnya; b. kemasukan murid baru pada tahun semasa; c. perpindahan murid pada awal tahun semasa; d. keraguan pencapaian murid pada Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun lepas yang tidak menggambarkan pencapaian sebenar.

(Merujuk Rajah 1 dan Rajah 2) 4) Baris (g) adalah ETR Kiraan iaitu jangkaan pencapaian mata pelajaran yang ditentukan melalui kiraan. Kriteria kiraan diperoleh dengan memastikan penambahbaikan dari segi gred purata, puratus lulus atau menguasai, peningkatan peratus pada pencapaian gred A, B dan C. 5) Segala pengiraan bagi ETR Kiraan disarankan menggunakan program Excel dengan bermula pada peratus Gred A sehingga ke Gred E atau F. 6) Baris (h) adalah ETR pindaan iaitu ETR yang telah mengambilkira nilai tambah markah setiap murid yang sebenar. Boleh dirujuk dalam Aplikasi SAPHC 7) Baris (d), (e)dan (f) adalah OTR (OTR1, OTR2 dan OTR3) iaitu jangkaan pencapaian secara berperingkat yang linear berdasarkan ETR pindaan. 8) OTR (OTR1 dan OTR2) iaitu jangkaan pencapaian secara berperingkat yang linear berdasarkan ETR pindaan.


Jumlah ambil

B % 8.02 5.31 8.85 18.37 12.30 Bil 59 16 72 77 56 % 36.42 14.16 37.50 31.43 29.95

C Bil 39 27 49 46 39 % 24.07 23.89 25.52 18.78 20.86

D Bil 34 37 28 49 36 % 20.99 32.74 14.58 20.00 19.25

LULUS Bil 145 86 166 217 154 % 89.51 76.11 86.46 88.57 82.35

E Bil 17 27 26 28 33 % 10.49 23.89 13.54 11.43 17.65

Bil 13 6 17 45 23


162 113 192 245 187


2.90 3.56 2.86 2.75 3.00


TAHUN TERBAIK 245 45 18.37 77 31.43 46 18.78 49 20.00 217 88.57 28 11.43 2.75


















Nota: a. b. PMR 2004 dipilih tahun terbaik bagi mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu berdasarkan pencapaian gred purata yang dicapai 2.75 bagi tujuan menjadi penanda aras dan tahun dicabar bagi tahun semasa Anallisis pencapaian Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Tingkatan 2 menjadi maklumat bagi tujuan menentukan TOV seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Lampiran 1.4



NAMA SEKOLAH : ________________________________ SASARAN MATA PELAJARAN :__________________ HEADCOUNT PENCAPAIAN KESELURUHAN MATA PELAJARAN TINGKATAN _ TIGA_ Jum. Amb 245 151 160 160 160 160 160 160 30 18.75 53 33.13 32 20.00 38 23.75 153 95.63 7




A 45 3 3 18.37 1.99 1.88 77 28 28

B 31.43 18.54 17.50 46 43 45

C 18.78 28.48 28.13 49 20 25

D 20.00 13.25 15.63

LULUS 217 94 101 88.57 62.25 63.13 28 57 59

E 11.43 37.75 36.88

GP 2.75 3.66 3.68

a. terbaik) b. Pep. Akhir Tahun - ____] c. TOV d. e. f
OTR1 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)/4 OTR2 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)/2 OTR3 = TOV + (ETR TOV)X3/4

Peperiksaan (Tahun

2004 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

0 9

g. ETR (kiraan) h. ETR (pindaan) i Perbezaan



Nota: Nilai TOV didapati tidak sama dengan analisis pencapaian Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun 2007. Perbezaan tersebut adalah disebabkan tambahan murid yang telah diambilkira seperti penerangan dalam Nota Lampiran 1.3








Jum. Amb 245 151 160 160 160 160 160 160


A 45 3 3 10 17 24 30 31 -28 18.37 1.99 1.88 6.25 10.63 15.00 18.75 19.38 77 28 28 34 41 47 53 53 -25

B 31.43 18.54 17.50 21.41 25.31 29.22 33.13 33.13 46 43 45 44 42 41 32 39 6

C 18.78 28.48 28.13 27.19 26.25 25.31 20.00 24.38 49 20 25 26 28 29 38 30 -5

D 20.00 13.25 15.63 16.41 17.19 17.97 23.75 18.75

LULUS 217 94 101 114 127 140 153 153 -52 88.57 62.25 63.13 71.25 79.38 87.50 95.63 95.63 28 57 59 46 33 40 7 7 52

E 11.43 37.75 36.88 28.35 20.53 12.50 4.38 4.38

GP 2.75 3.66 3.68 3.40 3.12 2.84 2.62 2.56 1.13

a. terbaik) b. Pep. Akhir Tahun - ____] c. TOV d. e. f.
OTR1 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)/4 OTR2 = TOV + (ETR -TOV)/2 OTR3 = TOV + (ETR TOV)X3/4

Peperiksaan (Tahun

2004 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

0 9

g. ETR (kiraan) h. ETR (pindaan) i Perbezaan

Nota: a. ETR Pindaan adalah ETR yang telah diproses dari SAPHC dengan mengambil kira nilai tambah markah murid yang menjadi ETR setiap individu murid b. OTR juga telah dibuat pengiraan dari aplikasi SAPHC. Dalam aplikasi SAPHC akan didapati nilai peratus seperti tidak tepat disebbkan pengiraan berdasarkan rumus yang berkaitan (contoh: OTR1 bilangan A dibaca 12 tidak 12.33 berdasarkan rumus. Bila dibundarkan 12 nilai peratus tetap dikra sebagai 7.71 tidak sebagai 7.50.)


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... The morning had come and as planned we have set sails and are now crossing the channel. Land has been spotted by my lookout form upon the mast and I have been informed that it is Ponthieu, north of Normandy. This is the territory of the Count Guy. He is known to be a fierce man. I pray that this is not fact. The count is in fact a firce man. As soon we ported and I stepped from my ship I was seized by Count Guy’s soldiers as the Count sits horseback directing operations. I have now been taken prisoner but while the Count is a fierce man he did insure that I was treated with respect and allowed to ride in front with my hawk as we journeyed to his capital city of Beaurain. When we arrived to Beaurain, Count Guy spoke to me from upon his thrown. messengers arrived today. One by the name of Turold and another whos name has slipped my mind. They had been sent by the counts overloard, Duke William of Normandy to demand my release. The count has obeyed his orders and is taking me to meet Duke Williams. Once we arrived the Count pointed at me as to identify me. Duke William and I road to his palace...

Words: 832 - Pages: 4

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Week 3 Summary Question

...Running head: Week 3 Individual Summary Question 1 Week 3 Individual Summary Question ACC/290 WEEK 3 INDIVIDUAL SUMMARY QUESTION Week 3 Individual Summary Question All businesses need to record an accurate record of their financial states. In 2 order to do so, businesses employ one of two systems; the cash system and the accrual system. Both have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to financial reporting. While both do their jobs reasonably well, they are vastly different in how they report financial movements within a business. The cash system of accounting is often used for smaller businesses. The cash system of accounting counts revenue for a business when cash (or a check) from the customer arrives into the company. Prior to this happening, there is no record of revenue coming into the company. In addition, you do not count something as an expense toward the company until it has been fully delivered, paid for, and if necessary, installed (Kimmel, 2009). The pros of this type of system are that it is simple. When money physically comes in the door is the time that you count it towards income. When cash is physically going out the door is when you count it toward expenses. In addition, this type of accounting system gives business a more accurate view of what their present cash-flow situation is at any given time (Kimmel, 2009). In stark contrast to the cash method of accounting, the accrual method eschews the need to actually see the money in order...

Words: 500 - Pages: 2

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Faber Castell

...produced. It expanded internationally and launched new products under Kaspar Faber's ambitious great-grandson, Lothar (1817–1896).[6] In 1900, after the marriage of Lothar's granddaughter with a cadet of the Counts of Castell, the A.W. Castell enterprise took the name of Faber-Castell and a new logo, combining the Faber motto, Since 1761, with the "jousting knights" of the Castells' coat-of-arms.[7] The Castell family were mediatised counts of the old Holy Roman Empire, and as such ranked with the reigning dynasties of Europe.[8] In 1901 the head of the family was granted the hereditary title of Prince by Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria.[8] A descendant of the first prince, Count Alexander Friedrich Lothar von Castell-Rüdenhausen (1866–1928) married Baroness Ottilie von Faber (1877–1944), heiress of the Faber pencil "dynasty" in 1898.[8] Although the immensely wealthy Lothar had been ennobled in 1861 and made Baron von Faber in the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1881,[6] in the German Empire his daughter's marriage to a mediatised nobleman would have been deemed morganatic, and the Count's trafficking in commerce considered an act of social derogation for a member of the Hochadel, so Alexander renounced his birth rank prior to the marriage. He was granted the new hereditary title of Count von Faber-Castell by Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria for the descendants of his marriage to the Faber heiress.[8] Although Alexander and Ottilie divorced...

Words: 664 - Pages: 3

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...counting FunWithNumbers fun = new FunWithNumbers(); boolean done = false; try { do { fun.displayMenu(); choice = input.nextInt(); switch(choice) { case 1: System.out.print("Please enter the number that you would like to perform the factorial on: "); userNumber = input.nextInt(); System.out.println("The factoral of " + userNumber + " yields the value: " + fun.findFactorial(userNumber)); break; case 2: System.out.print("Please enter the number of fluffy bunnies whose ears you would like to count: "); userNumber = input.nextInt(); System.out.println(userNumber + " bunnies would get you " + fun.bunnyCounter(userNumber) + " ears."); break; case 3: System.out.print("Please enter the number representing the position in the Fibonacci Sequence " +...

Words: 676 - Pages: 3

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...issues; the governance of decisions that define expectations or verify one's performance-- as well as managing and guiding one's decisions and processes for completing a task, also comes into play; finally, the obligation to report, explain, and be answerable to resulting consequences when implementing those actions is quite significant. To put it simply, when taking accountability for something, you are acknowledging and assuming responsibility for your actions.If I go further in depth with this particular topic, we can see that this system of accountability can actually be created by breaking down the very word "accountability," into separate synonyms (words that have the same or similar meaning) and can be categorized as such. The word "count," in "accountability" implies the action of finding the number of elements of a finite set of objects. The traditional way of counting consists of continually increasing a (mental or spoken) counter by a unit for every element of the set, in some order, while marking (or displacing) those elements to avoid visiting the same element more than once, until no unmarked elements are left; if the counter was set to one after the first object, the value after visiting the final object gives the desired number of elements....

Words: 308 - Pages: 2

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...Assignment Five Differentiated Assessment By Ashford University The Unit Goal that aligns with the Common Core State Standards Kindergarten students will count from 1 to 100 by ones with at least 70% accuracy ten out of ten times by the end of the first-grading period that is usually a quarter, October 10, 2014. Kindergarten students will count from 1-100 by tens with minimum of 70% accuracy ten out of ten times by the end of the first-grading period, October 10, 2014. How will mastery be measured? Students will demonstrate knowledge by creating snack time refreshments for the entire room, students, staff, visitors if any, all will be the same number of crackers or grapes; even if the diabetic girls cannot eat the prepared snack. As they hand they snack which are to have ten of the main “course” to the individuals, hand them the snack plate, counting by ten as they hand the plate to the recipient. First person, they’ll say ten; next recipient they’ll say twenty; and so forth until ten people have received snack, and the student has reached the 100 by tens goal. Specific Outcome At the end of this quarter, October 10, 2014, you will be able to: prepare snack for a classroom by equal distribution of the main food item, whether it be celery, crackers or grapes. Students’ will decide which snack will be served (motivation) (Puckett, K., 2013, p. 21). They will place ten-snack items on the snack plates for each in the classroom at snack time. Measurable...

Words: 1198 - Pages: 5

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Ecet 340 Week 6 Homework 6

...ECET 340 Week 6 HomeWork 6 Purchase here Product Description 1. What are the four main functions of the HC12 Timer unit? 2. Two input capture events occur at counts 0x1037 and 0xFF20 of the free-running counter. How many counts (in decimal) have transpired between these two events? 3. What is the maximum time possible before the free-running counter overflows when the e MHz? 4. Two input capture events occur at 0x1037 and 0x002A. If the prescaler bits PR[2:1:0] are set to 101 and the e clock is 24 MHz, how much time as transpired between the two events? 5. Calculate the count that should appear in the timer capture register TC0 if a 125 kHz rectangular wave is inputted on timer pin PT0 while TCTL4 is preset for falling edge detection. Assume a 24 MHz e-clock, TMSK2 was programmed with the value $02, and the count of the 1st edge event has already been subtracted off from TC0. 6. Write down the name of the HC12 timer register that should be polled through software to determine whether or not an active input edge has been captured on one of the port T pins. 7. What is the duty cycle of a signal produced by the PWM when and ? a. 28.0% b. 29.8% c. 50.0% d. 72.0% 8. What values are required for period and duty cycle to generate a 6.0 kHz, 95% duty cycle waveform using the PWM function? Assume e-clock frequency is 24 MHz. 9. What is the slowest clock signal that can be generated from the PWM output...

Words: 1661 - Pages: 7

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Time Monitoring

... I realized that I spent a great deal of time at the grocery store, when I could get home earlier and study sooner. This would allow me to get more rest. I believe that my job takes up a great deal of my day. It is very exhausting working in a severe special education program. I believe that when I get home, instead of the grocery store every night, I can wait until the weekend comes in and do errands. I will start picking certain days in which I will post on every week. I will also designate when I will respond back to my classmates, and submit what is due. If there are certain days, I assign myself to fit in my schedule I believe I can be very successful within this program. My time monitoring sheet has taught me that every minute counts and if you use those minutes correctly they can make your day less stressful. I work better with a visual reminder of what I need to do and the time monitoring helps a great deal to keep working in the right direction. As a mom with a 12-year-old and a 16 month old, meals have to be prepared and homework completed. However, if I re-allocate my time, I could be there for my kids and get my homework done with additional time to get ready for the next...

Words: 283 - Pages: 2

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Princess Bride Summary

...The novel starts off with Billy, a writer who is a sports fanatic, game freak, and an army discharge. As the narrator of the book, he talks about his struggles in grade school and about a specific teacher, called Miss (Antonia) Roginski. This man had struggled in her class with tests and readings. He always thought of her as a mother figure, even though she thought he was a late bloomer. He is nearly completing his book and decides to send her a copy for an opinion on it. He fears, and was saddened, that she would not remember him. He later finds out that she does, when the back of the post card wrote, “idiot”. Another flashback begins, and he talks about how he was not able to tune into a football game. His mother repeated answers that they don’t broadcast the games on Friday, just Saturdays. Frustrated and delirious, he ends up catching pneumonia and becomes sick in bed for over a month, which means no games or football. His father introduced him to “The Princess Bride” while he was still just a “lump in bed going through a strength gathering time period”. His father actually was an immigrant from Florin, and is “near illiterate” in the English language. But for the first time in his life, he got hooked on the book. Each night, his father read to him, chapter by chapter, always trying to sound the word properly. He read the book twice to him over a month’s time. The narrator could’ve read it himself if he wanted to, but he wanted his father’s voice. Through...

Words: 529 - Pages: 3

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Academic Performance of Working Students

...second as an important detail of your life. You should not waste every moment in it. So choosing the course which you think fits your capabilities is very important. Studying a specific course in college is not only about paying the fees rather the most important things here are the time and effort spent. Money, time and effort are the most precious things in one’s life and once it is used or spent, it’s hard to gain again or worst you may never have it at all. So the time these are wasted for nothing, for sure the blame for this mistake will be felt truly. When looking at the profile of those students who are working and at the same time is studying, you would notice that they never dare wasting their time. For them, every second counts. Make an observation and you will find out that almost all of the working students are working too hard to finish their studies. For them, wasting their effort, time and money is such a big mistake. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objective of studying this matter is to know the profile of the working students and the implication on the class standing. Specifically, they need to answer these following questions: 1. What was the working students are going through while they are studying and at the same time working? 2. What are the statuses of the working...

Words: 363 - Pages: 2

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Weber Social Theory

...clothes or something completely different than what they normally sale. The last area is that of control. Companies have the final say so in their business. For example, I used to work at Best Buy and on black Friday we use to give tickets out because only a certain amount of people are allowed in the store at a time. Another way they control their employees is by making all of us wear their blue Best Buy shirt and khaki’s. Another area where Weber’s ideas can be found is in the school and how it’s run. The efficiency of a school could be measured by their standardized tests and the overall standards of curriculum that must be taught. Calculability can be found throughout the school by counting how many students you have to determining the count for who wants what for lunch. Predictability comes in to play because when you think of school you think of an institution of learning where your kids should feel safe. The final area of control comes in dealing with if the school has a dress...

Words: 370 - Pages: 2

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Timers and Counters

...Timers and Counters Exercise 2.2 1. Define the following timer bits: timer enable, timer timing, and timer done. ANSWER: Timer enable bit: The enable bit is true when the rung input logic is true, and the enable bit is false when the rung input logic is false. When the EN bit is true the timer accumulator is incrementing at the rate set by the timer time base. Timer timing bit: indicates when timing action is occurring and can be used to control timed events in automation applications. Timer done bit: the end of the timing process by changing states from false to true or from true to false depending on the type of timer instruction used. 2. Compare and contrast the true and false states of the timer timing bit for the on-delay timer, the off-delay timer, and the retentive timer. ANSWER: In the true states for all three have the accumulator value is less than the preset value, but for off-delay timer the timer rung is false unlike the retentive timer and on-delay that the timer rung is true. In the false states for all three have the accumulator is equal to or greater than the preset value. Like the true state retentive timer and on-delay timer both have the same condition and that are false if the timer rung is false, but the on-delay timer has other condition that are false if the timer done bit is true. The off-delay has a condition that are false if the timer done is false. 3. What is the difference between a retentive timer and a non-retentive timer? ...

Words: 575 - Pages: 3

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The Moore Brothers

...Abstract The Moore Brothers on a business called College Men's Unlimited. It is a store that offers consumers middle to high quality traditional menswear at an affordable price. College Men's Unlimited is currently located in a two-story house the Moore Brothers converted from their living quarters to also a place of business. The area of the two-story house on where the store is located is 3600 ft.². Eighteen months ago a College Town Mall was built but because of the money they were making at the time they could not lease a space. Now that the business is doing well, they felt as though it was time to relocate to the College Town Mall. The space of a wanted was currently lease to another individual canceled on the lease so now the two brothers saw the opportunity to sign a five-year leasing contract in the College Town Mall. It was an outstanding location that was bounded by prestigious homes, a short walk from campus and two blocks away from downtown. By the following week the mall developer wanted the Moore Brothers to provide him with a complete layouts of the new 2800 ft.² store they least so that he will be able to assign an emergency workroom to complete the store for its grand opening. Assembling the new store is 40' x 70' and is rectangular in shape; I will explain the layout for the new store and decide what merchandise should be placed where. I will also decide the size of the office and storage space that is needed and where counters should be placed. Other external...

Words: 1011 - Pages: 5

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Red Beads

...Julianni Chan BADM388 September/09/2014 The Red Bead Experiment The was an experiment whereby there were five employees that were gathering the beads, there were two employees that counting how many red beads “defects” were in the count, there was also an overseer that was dismissing and reported what was the number that each brought defect beads. The daily production operation for each worker includes: 1) poring the beads from the first box into the second box and then back into the first box (to mix the beads), 2) dipping the paddle into the first box without shaking it, 3) carrying the loaded paddle to each inspector for separate counts and then verification, and 4) dumping the day's work back into the supply box. The six workers perform this operation four times to represent four days' work. Even with this “perfect” procedure and “excellent” management this process did not change the outcome of the experiment. This is because the management was actually bad based on that the manager of the business was showing bad management skills. Such as being a “jerk”, using a screening process on his employees, also treating his employee if they do badly they will be fired. He was also belittling them, he told them that there can’t be no communication with the employees, also he was very demanding. He also used some motivational practices that were ineffective. Such as giving the employee incentives which just cause employees to do anything to receive this incentive and may cause...

Words: 418 - Pages: 2