Premium Essay

Help Your Friends!


Submitted By zaman
Words 1544
Pages 7



1. Kilos of heroin seized, drug smuggler arrested and sad tales of lives ruined by drugs like father handed over his only beloved son to police due to his destructive activities for urges of drug, wife is killed by husband not to give him money to buy drugs and recently children of riches families are addicted by Yaba, readers of our country have become accustomed to this kind of reports in newspapers and magazines. The problem of drug is not new issue. Twenty years ago, this problem experience mainly in Western Europe and United States. But today drug abuse has become a problem of all society. It knows no boundaries, either geographical or economical.


2. The aim of my presentation is to analyze the drug abuse in short and find out the probable solutions to eradicate this social problem.


3. The sequence of my presentation is given below:

a. Definition b. Commonly used drugs c. Causes of drug abuse d. Effects on individual e. Effects on the society f. Drugs in Bangladesh


g. Trafficking of drug h. Prevention or fighting back i. Conclusion j. Question and Answer session.


4. Before giving the definition of drug abuse we should know what is drug and abuse. A drug is broadly speaking any substance that when absorbed into the body of living organism alters normal bodily function. In pharmacology it is a chemical substance used in treatment, cure, prevention or diagnosis any disease or used to enhance physical or mental well being. Abuse means inappropriate use of any substances specially those that alters consciousness. Now we can define the drug abuse as follows:

a. Drug abuse is the use of illegal drugs or the misuse of

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