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History of Peru


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La historia del Peru
Cap 1-2
-El es inca de familia de los incas por lado de su madre.
-aquel Triunvirato, fué de tres tiranos que tiranizaron todo el mundo, y el nuestro de tres hombres generosos, que cualquiera de ellos merecía por sus trabajos, ser dignamente emperador; aquel fué para destruir todo el mundo, como lo hicieron, y este para enriquecerle'

Cap 10-14 he first attempt to explore western South America was undertaken in 1522 by Pascual de Andagoya. The native South Americans he encountered told him about a gold-rich territory called Virú, which was on a river called Pirú (later corrupted to Perú) and from which they came. These reports were related by the Spanish-Inca mestizo writer Garcilaso de la Vega in his famous Comentarios Reales de los Incas (1609).Andagoya eventually established contact with several Native American curacas (chiefs), some of whom he later claimed were sorcerers and witches. Having reached as far as the San Juan River (part of the present boundary between Ecuador and Colombia), Andagoya fell very ill and decided to return. Back in Panama, he spread the news and stories about "Pirú" – a great land to the south rich with gold (the legendary El Dorado). The
-que se ofrecía ganarla a costa y riesgo de su vida y hacienda, y las de sus deudos y amigos. Ofreció grandes reinos y muchos tesoros. A los que le oían les parecía que publicaba más riquezas de las que eran, porque se incitasen muchos a ir a ganar tierras de tanto oro y plata; más en pocos años después vieron que había cumplido muy mucho más, que había prometido. Su Majestad le hizo merced de la conquista con título de Adelantado Mayor del
Perú, y Capitán General y Gobernador de lo que ganase del Imperio

Cap 15-18
- La manera en que van a islas y van por tierra. Se van morriendo la gente y soldados y se encuentra en una mala situación.
En el camino pasaron un despoblado de más de veinte leguas de arenales muertos donde padecieron grandísima
- sequía por el mucho calor y falta de agua, que como. Tambien capturaron poco por poco a los lugares, empezando con tumpiz y isla puna. Vienen del norte, buscando oro.

Cap 19-22
Conviene que sepas famosísimo y poderosísimo Rey, como es necesario, que a Vuestra
Alteza y a todos vuestros vasallos se les enseñe, no solamente la verdadera fe católica, más también que oigas y creas las que se siguen:
Primeramente que Dios Trino y Uno crió el cielo y la tierra, y todas las cosas que hay en el mundo. El cual da los premios de la vida eterna a los buenos, y castiga a los malos con pena
perpetua. Este Dios al principio del mundo, crió al hombre de polvo de la tierra, y le dió espíritu de vida que nosotros llamamos ánima, la cual hizo Dios a su imagen y semejanza. Por lo cual todo hombre consta de cuerpo y ánima racional.
De este primer hombre, a quien Dios llamó Adán, descendemos todos los hombres que hay en el mundo, y de él tomamos el principio y origen de nuestra naturaleza. Este hombre
Adán, pecó quebrantando el mandamiento de su Criador, y en él pecaron todos los hombres que hasta hoy han nacido, y los que nacerán hasta el fin del mundo. Ningún hombre ni mujer hay libre de esta mancha, ni lo habrá sacando a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, el cual, siendo hijo de Dios verdadero, descendió de los cielos, y nació de la Virgen María para redimir y librar de la sujeción del pecado a todo el género humano. Finalmente murió por nuestra salud en una cruz de palo, semejante a ésta que tengo en las manos; por lo cual, los que somos cristianos, la adoramos y reverenciamos.
Este Jesucristo, por su propia virtud, resucitó de entre los muertos, y a los cuarenta días subió a los cielos, y está sentado a la diestra de Dios Padre Todopoderoso. Dejó en la tierra a sus Apóstoles y a los sucesores de ellos, para que con palabras y amonestaciones y otros caminos muy santos, atrajesen a los hombres al conocimiento y culto de Dios y a la guarda de su ley.
Quiso también que San Pedro su Apóstol fuese príncipe, así de los demás Apóstoles y de los sucesores de ellos, como de todos los demás cristianos y vicarios de Dios. Y que después de él todos los Pontífices romanos, sucesores de San Pedro (a los cuales los cristianos llamamos Papas) tuviesen la misma suprema autoridad que Dios le dió. Los cuales todos, entonces y ahora y siempre, tuvieron y tienen cuidado de ejercitarse con mucha santidad en predicar y enseñar a los hombres la palabra de Dios.”
Segunda parte de la oración de Fray Vicente de Valverde
“Por tanto el Papa Romano Pontífice, que hoy vive en la tierra, entendiendo que todas las gentes y naciones de estos reinos, dejando a un Dios verdadero, hacedor de todos ellos, adoran torpísimamente los ídolos y semejanzas del demonio, queriendo traerlas al verdadero conocimiento de Dios, concedió la conquista de estas partes a Carlos Quinto, Emperador de los Romanos, Rey poderosísimo de las Españas, y monarca de toda la tierra, para que, habiendo sujetado estas gentes y a sus Reyes y señores, y habiendo echado de entre ellos los rebeldes y pertinaces, reine él solo y rija y gobierne estas naciones, y las traiga al conocimiento de Dios y a la obediencia de la Iglesia. Nuestro poderosísimo Rey, aunque estaba muy bien ocupado o impedido en el gobierno de sus grandes reinos y provincias, admitió la concesión del Papa, y no la rehusó por la salud de estas gentes, y envió sus capitanes y soldados a la ejecución de ella, como lo hizo para conquistar las grandes islas y las tierras de México, sus vecinas; y habiéndolas sujetado con sus armas y potencia, las han reducido a la verdadera religión de Jesucristo, porque ese mismo Dios dijo que los compeliesen a entrar.
Por lo cual el gran Emperador Carlos Quinto eligió por su lugarteniente y embajador a
Don Francisco Pizarro (que está aquí), para que también estos reinos de Vuestra Alteza reciban el mismo beneficio, y para asentar confederación y alianza de perpetua amistad entre
Su Majestad y Vuestra Alteza, de manera que Vuestra Alteza y todo su Reino le sea tributario, esto es, que pagando tributo al Emperador seas su súbdito y de todo punto le entregues el
Reino, y renuncies la administración y gobierno de él, así como lo han hecho otros Reyes y señores. Esto es lo primero. Lo segundo es que hecha esta paz y amistad, y habiéndote sujetado de grado o por fuerza, has de dar verdadera obediencia al Papa, Sumo Pontífice, y recibir y creer la fe de Jesucristo Nuestro Dios, y menospreciar y echar de ti totalmente la
abominable superstición de los ídolos, que el mismo hecho te dirá cuán santa es nuestra ley y cuán falsa la tuya y que la inventó el diablo. Todo lo cual, ¡oh Rey!, si me crees, debes otorgar de buena gana, porque a ti y a todos los tuyos conviene muy mucho. Y si lo negares, sábete que serás apremiado con guerra a fuego y a sangre, y todos tus ídolos serán derribados por tierra, y te constreñiremos con la espada a que, dejando tu falsa religión, que quieras que no quieras, recibas nuestra fe católica y pagues tributo a nuestro Emperador, entregándole el
Reino. Si procurares porfiarlo y resistir con ánimo obstinado, tendrás por muy cierto permitirá
- Dios, que como antiguamente Faraón y todo su ejército pereció en el Mar Berme
Cap 23-35

perpetua y aún de parentesco, como me dijeron los otros mensajeros que fueron a hablarme, suena ahora en contrario todo lo que este indio me ha dicho, que nos amenazas con guerra y muerte a fuego y sangre, y con destierro y destrucción de los Incas y de su parentela, y que por fuerza o de grado he de renunciar mi Reino, y hacerme vasallo tributario de otro. De lo cual colijo una de dos: o que vuestro Príncipe y todos vosotros sois tiranos, que andáis destruyendo el mundo, quitando reinos ajenos, matando y robando a los que no os han hecho injuria ni os deben nada; o que sois ministros de Dios, a quien nosotros llamamos Pachacámac, que os ha elegido para castigo y destrucción nuestra. Y si es así, mis vasallos y yo nos ofrecemos a la muerte y a todo lo que de nosotros quisiéredes hacer, no por temor que tengamos de vuestras armas y amenazas, sino por cumplir lo que mi padre Huayna Cápac dejó mandado a la hora de su muerte, que sirviésemos y honrásemos una gente barbuda, como vosotros, que había de venir después de sus días, de la cual tuvo noticia años antes que andaban por la costa de su Imperio.
Díjonos que habían de ser hombres de mayor ley, mejores costumbres, más sabios, más valerosos que nosotros. Por lo cual cumpliendo el decreto y testamento de mi padre os
habemos llamado viracochas, entendiendo que sois mensajeros del gran dios Viracocha, cuya voluntad y justa indignación, armas y potencia no se puede resistir, pero también tiene piedad y misericordia. Por tanto, debéis hacer como mensajeros y ministros divinos, y no permitir que pasen adelante las muertes, robos y crueldades que en Túmpiz y su comarca se han hecho.
“Demás de esto me ha dicho vuestro Faraute que me proponéis cinco varones señalados que debo conocer. El primero es el Dios Tres y Uno, que son cuatro, a quien llamáis Creador del Universo; por ventura es el mismo que nosotros llamamos Pachacámac y Viracocha. El segundo es el que decís que es padre de todos los otros hombres, en quien todos ellos amontonaron sus pecados. Al tercero llamáis Jesucristo, sólo el cual no echó sus pecados en aquel primer hombre, pero que fué muerto. Al cuarto nombráis Papa. El quinto es Carlos, a quien, sin hacer cuenta de los otros, llamáis poderosísimo, y monarca del Universo, y supremo a todos. Pues si este Carlos es Príncipe y señor de todo el mundo, ¿qué necesidad tenía de que el Papa le hiciera nueva concesión y donación para hacerme guerra y usurpar estos reinos? y si la tenía, ¿luego el Papa es mayor señor que no él, y más poderoso y Príncipe de todo el mundo? También me admiro que digáis que estoy obligado a pagar tributo a Carlos y no a los otros, porque no dais ninguna razón para el tributo, ni yo me hallo obligado a darlo por ninguna vía. Porque si de derecho hubiese de dar tributo y servicio, paréceme que se había de dar aquel Dios que dices que nos creó a todos, y a aquel primer hombre, que fué padre de todos los hombres, y a aquel Jesucristo que nunca amontonó sus pecados; finalmente, se habían de dar al Papa, que puede dar y conceder mis reinos y mi persona a otros. Pero si dice que a estos no debo nada, menos debo a Carlos, que nunca fué señor de estas regiones ni las ha visto. Y si después de aquella concesión tiene algún derecho sobre mí, fuera justo y puesto en razón me lo declarárades antes de hacerme las amenazas con guerra, fuego, sangre y muerte, para que yo obedeciera la voluntad del Papa, que no soy tan falto de juicio que no obedezca a quien puede mandar con razón, justicia y derecho.
“Demás de esto, deseo saber de aquel bonísimo varón Jesucristo que nunca echó sus pecados, que dices que murió, si murió de enfermedad o a manos de sus enemigos; si fue puesto entre los dioses antes de su muerte o después de ella. También deseo saber si tenéis por dioses a estos cinco que me habéis propuesto, pues los honráis tanto, porque si es así, tenéis más dioses que nosotros, que no adoramos más de al Pachacámac por Supremo Dios y al Sol por su inferior, y a la Luna por hermana y mujer suya. Por todo lo cual holgara en extremo
- que me diérades a entender estas cosas por otro mejor faraute, pa

Brevisimia Relacion de la destrucción de indias

Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies was written with the intention of informing the King of Spain of the murder and gold hoarding that was taking place in the New World. The purpose of the expeditions was primarily to convert the native people to Christianity and save them from eternal damnation. However, the Spaniards that were sent did not abide by the rules they were given and killed millions of people for their gold. Only a small percentage of the gold they took was given to the Spanish purse. Christian missionaries such as De Las Casas were also present and did their best to try to bring justice to the lands.

Now this infinite multitude of Men are by the Creation of God innocently simple, altogether void of and averse to all manner of Craft, Subtlety and Malice, and most Obedient and Loyal Subjects to their Native Sovereigns; and behave themselves very patiently, sumissively and quietly towards the Spaniards, to whom they are subservient and subject; so that finally they live without the least thirst after revenge, laying aside all litigiousness, Commotion and hatred.
This is a most tender and effeminate people, and so imbecile and unequal-balanced temper, that they are altogether incapable of hard labour, and in few years, by one Distemper or other soon expire, so that the very issue of Lords and Princes, who among us live with great affluence, and fard deliciously, are not more effminate and tender than the Children of their Husbandmen or Labourers: This Nation is very Necessitous and Indigent, Masters of very slender Possessions, and consequently, neither Haughty, nor Ambitious. They are parsimonious in their Diet, as the Holy Fathers were in their frugal life in the Desert, known by the name of Eremites. They go naked, having no other Covering but what conceals their Pudends from publick sight. An hairy Plad, or loose Coat, about an Ell, or a coarse woven Cloth at most Two Ells long serves them for the warmest Winter Garment. They lye on a coarse Rug or Matt, and those that have the most plentiful Estate or Fortunes, the better sort, use Net-work, knotted at the four corners in lieu of Beds, which the Inhabitants of the Island of Hispaniola, in their own proper Idiom, term Hammacks. The Men are pregnant and docible. The natives tractable, and capable of Morality or Goodness, very apt to receive the instill'd principles of Catholick Religion; nor are they averse to Civility and good Manners, being not so much discompos'd by variety of Obstructions, as the rest of Mankind; insomuch, that having suckt in (if I may so express my self) the the very first Rudiments of the Christian Faith, they are so transported with Zeal and Furvor in the exercise of Ecclesiastical Sacraments, and Divine Service, that the very Religioso's themselves, stand in need of the greatest and most signal patience to undergo such extream Transports. And to conclude, I my self have heard the Spaniards themselves (who dare not assume the Confidence to deny the good Nature praedominant in them) declare, that there was nothing wanting in them for the acquisition of Eternal Beatitude, but the sole Knowledge and Understanding of the Deity.
The Spaniards first assaulted the innocent Sheep, so qualified by the Almighty, as is premention'd, like most cruel Tygers, Wolves and Lions hunger-starv'd, studying nothing, for the space of Forty Years, after their first landing, but the Massacre of these Wretches, whom they have so inhumanely and barbarously butcher'd and harass'd with several kinds of Torments, never before known, or heard (of which you shall have some account in the following Discourse) that of Three Millions of Persons, which lived in Hispaniola itself, there is at present but the inconsiderable remnant of scarce Three Hundred. Nay the Isle of Cuba, which extends as far, as Valledolid in Spain is distant from Rome, lies now uncultivated, like a Desert, and intomb'd in its own Ruins. You may also find the Isles of St. John, and Jamaica, both large and fruitful places, unpeopled and desolate. The Lucayan Islands on the North Side, adjacent to Hispaniola and Cuba, which are Sixty in number, or thereabout, together with with those, vulgarly known by the name of the Gigantic Isles, and others, the most infertile whereof, exceeds the Royal Garden of Sevil in fruitfulness, a most Healthful and pleasant Climat, is now laid waste and uninhabited; and whereas, when the Spaniards first arriv'd here, about Five Hundred Thousand Men dwelt in it, they are now cut off, some by slaughter, and others ravished away by Force and Violence, to work in the Mines of Hispanioloa, which was destitute of Native Inhabitants: For a certain Vessel, sailing to this Isle, to the end, that the Harvest being over (some good Christian, moved with Piety and Pity, undertook this dangerous Voyage, to convert Souls to Christianity) the remaining gleanings might be gathered up, there were only found Eleven Persons, which I saw with my own Eyes. There are other Islands Thirty in number, and upward bordering upon the Isle of St. John, totally unpeopled; all which are above Two Thousand miles in Lenght, and yet remain without Inhabitants, Native, or People.
As to the firm land, we are certainly satisfied, and assur'd, that the Spaniards by their barbarous and execrable Actions have absolutely depopulated Ten Kingdoms, of greater extent than all Spain, together with the Kingdoms of Arragon and Portugal, that is to say, above One Thousand Miles, which now lye wast and desolate, and are absolutely ruined, when as formerly no other Country whatsoever was more populous. Nay we dare boldly affirm, that during the Forty Years space, wherein they exercised their sanguinary and detestable Tyranny in these Regions, above Twelve Millions (computing Men, Women, and Children) have undeservedly perished; nor do I conceive that I should deviate from the Truth by saying that above Fifty Millions in all paid their last Debt to Nature.
Those that arriv'd at these Islands from the remotest parts of Spain, and who pride themselves in the Name of Christians, steer'd Two courses principally, in order to the Extirpation, and Exterminating of this People from the face of the Earth. The first whereof was raising an unjust, sanguinolent, cruel War. The other, by putting them to death, who hitherto, thirsted after their Liberty, or design'd (which the most Potent, Strenuous and Magnanimous Spirits intended) to recover their pristin Freedom, and shake off the Shackles of so injurious a Captivity: For they being taken off in War, none but Women and Children were permitted to enjoy the benefit of that Country-Air, in whom they did in succeeding times lay such a heavy Yoak, that the very Brutes were more happy than they: To which Two Species of Tyranny as subalternate things to the Genus, the other innumerable Courses they took to extirpate and make this a desolate People, may be reduced and referr'd.
Now the ultimate end and scope that incited the Spaniards to endeavor the Extirptaion and Desolation of this People, was Gold only; that thereby growing opulent in a short time, they might arrive at once at such Degrees and Dignities, as were no wayes consistent with their Persons.

3. In the Year of our Lord 1511. They passed over to Cuba, which contains as much ground in length as there is distance between Valledolid and Rome, well furnished with large and stately Provinces and very populous, against whom they proceeded with no more humanity and Clemency, or indeed to speak truth with greater Savageness and Brutality. Several memorable Transactions worthy observation, passed in this Island. A certain Cacic a potent Peer, named Hathney, who not long before fled Hispaniola to Cuba for Refuge from Death, or Captivity during Life; and understanding by certain Indians that the Spaniards intended to steer their course thither, made this Oration to all his People Assembled together.
You are not ignorant that there is a rumor spread abroad among us of the Spaniards Arrival, and are sensible by woeful experience how such and such (naming them) and Hayti (so they term Hispaniola in their own language) with their Inhabitants have been treated by them, that they design to visit us with equal intentions of committing such acts as they have hitherto been guilty of. But do you not know the cause and reason of their coming? We are altogether ignorant of it, they replied, but sufficiently satisfied that they are cruelly and wickedly inclined: Then thus, he said, they adore a certain Covetous Deity, whose cravings are not to be satisfied by a few moderate offerings, but they may answer his Adoration and Worship, demand many unreasonable things of us, and use their utmost endeavors to subjugate and afterwards murder us. Then taking up a Cask or Cabinet near at hand, full of Gold and Gems, he proceeded in this manner: This is the Spaniards God, and in honour of him if you think well of it, let us celebrate our Arcytos (which are certain kinds of Dances and caprings used among them); and by this means his Deity being appeas'd, he will impose his Commands on the Spaniards that they shall not for the future molest us; who all unanimously with one consent in a loud tone made this reply. Well said, Well said, and thus they continued skipping and dancing before this Cabinet, without the least intermission, till they were quite tired and grown weary: Then the Noble Hathney re-assuming his discourse, said, if we Worship this Deity, till ye be ravished from us, we shall be destroyed, therefore I judge it convenient, upon mature deliberation, that we cast it into the River, which advice was approved of by all without opposition, and the Cabinet thrown in to the next River.
When the Spaniards first touched this Island, this Cacic, who was thoroughly acquainted with them, did avoid and shun them as much as in him lay, and defended himself by force of Arms, wherever he met with them, but at length being taken he was burnt alive, for flying from so unjust and cruel a Nation, and endeavuoring to secure his Life against them, who only thirsted after the blood of himself and his own People. Now being bound to the post, in order of his Execution a certain Holy Monk of the Franciscan Order, discours'd with him concerning God and the Articles of our Faith, which he never heard of before, and which might be satisfactory and advantagious to him, considering the small time allow'd him by the Executioner, promising him Eternal Glory and Repose, if he truly believ'd them, or other wise Everlasting Torments. After that Hathney had been silently pensive sometime, he askt the Monk whether the Spaniards also were admitted into Heaven, and he answering that the Gates of Heaven were open to all that were Good and Godly, the Cacic replied without further consideration, that he would rather go to Hell then Heaven, for fear he should cohabit in the same Mansion with so Sanguinary and Bloody a Nation. And thus God and the Holy Catholick Faith are Praised and Reverenced by the Practices of the Spaniards in America.
Once it so hapned, that the Citizens of a Famous City, distant Ten Miles from the place where we then resided, came to meet us with a splendid Retinue, to render their Visit more Honourable, bringing with them delicious Viands, and such kind of Dainties, with as great a quantity of Fish as they could possibly procure, and distributing them among us; but behold on a sudden, some wicked Devil possessing the minds of the Spaniards, agitated them with great fury, that I being present, and without the least Pretence or Occasion offered, they cut off in cold Blood above Three Thousand Men, Women and Children promiscuously, such Inhumanities and Barbarisms were committed in my sight, as no Age can parallel.
Some time after I dispatch Messengers to all the Rulers of the Province of Havana, that they would by no means be terrified, or seek their refuge by absence and flight, but to meet us, and that I would engage (for they understood my Authority) that they should not receive the least of Injuries; for the whole Country was extremely afflicted at the Evils and Mischiefs already perpetrated, and this I did with the advice of their Captain. As soon as we approached the Province, Two and Twenty of their Noblemen came forth to meet us, whom the Captain contrary to his Faith given, would have expos'd to the Flames, alledging that it was expedient they should be put to Death, who were, at any time, capacitated to use any Stratagem against us, but with great difficulty and much adoe, I snatcht them out of the fire.
These Islanders of Cuba, being reduc'd to the same Vasselage and Misery as the Inhabitants of Hispaniola, seeing themselves perish and dy without any redress, fled to the Mountains for shelter, but other Desperado's, put a period to their days with a Halter, and the Husband, together with his Wife and Children, hanging himself, put an end to those Calamities.
By the ferocity of one Spanish Tyrant (whom I knew) above Two Hundred Indians hang'd themselves of their own accord; and a multitude of People perished by this kind of Death.
A certain Person here in the same Isle constituted to exercise a kind of Royal Power, hapned to have Three Hundred Indians fall to his share, of which in Three Months, through excessive labour, One Hundred and Sixty were destroy'd, insomuch that in a short space there remained but a tenth part alive, namely Thirty, but when the number was doubled, they all perisht at the same rate, and all that were bestow'd upon him lost their lives, till at length he paid his last Debt to Nature and the Devil.
In Three or Four Months time I being there present, Six Thousand
Children and upward were murder'd, because they had lost their Parents who labour'd in the Mines; nay I was a Witness of many other stupendous
But afterward they consulted how to persecute those that lay hid in the Mountains, who were miserably massacred, and consequently this Isle made desolate, which I saw not long after, and certainly it is a dreadful and depolorable sight to behold it thus unpeopled and laid waste, like a Desert.
4. This Ruler, with his Complices found out new inventions to rack, torment, force and extort Gold from the Indians. One of his Captains in a certain Excursion undertaken by the Command of his Governeur to make Depraedations, destroy'd Forty Thousand Persons and better exposing them to the edge of the Sword, Fire, Dogs and variety of Torments; of all which a Religious Man of the Order of St. Francis, Franciscus de S. Romano, who was then present was an Eye-Witness.
Great and Injurious was the blindness of those praesided over the Indians; as to the Conversion and Salvation of this People: for they denyed in Effect what they in their flourishing Discourse pretended to, and declar'd with their Tongue what they contradicted in their Heart; for it came to this pass, that the Indians should be commanded on the penalty of a bloody War, Death, and perpetual Bondage, to embrace the Christian Faith, and submit to the Obedience of the Spanish King; as if the Son of God, who suffered Death for the Redemption of all Mankind, had enacted a Law, when he pronounced these words, Go and teach all Nations that Infidels, living peaceably and quietly in their Hereditary Native Country, should be impos'd upon pain of Confiscation of all their Chattels, Lands, Liberty, Wives, Children, and Death itself, without any precedent instruction to Confess and Acknowledge the true God, and subject themselves to a King, whom they never saw, or heard mention'd before; and whose Messengers behav'd themselves toward them with such Inhumanity and Cruelty as they had done hitherto. Which is certainly a most foppish and absurd way of Proceeding, and merits nothing but Scandal, Derision, nay Hell itself. Now suppose this Notorious and Profligate Governour had bin impower'd to see the Execution of these Edicts perform'd, for of themselves they were repugnant both to Law and Equity; yet he commanded (or they who were to see the Execution thereof, did it of their own Heads without Authority) that when they phansied or proposed to themselves any place, that was well stor'd with Gold, to rob and feloniously steal it away from the Indians living in their Cities and Houses, without the least suspicion of any ill Act. These wicked Spaniards, like Theives came to any place by stealth, half a Mile off of any City, Town or Village, and there in the Night published and proclaim'd the Edict among themselves after this manner:
You Cacics and Indians of this Continent, the Inhabitants of such a Place, which they named; We declare or be it known to you all, that there is but one God, one hope, and one King of Castile, who is Lord of these Countries; appear forth without delay, and take the oath of Allegiance to the Spanish King, as his Vassals.
So about the Fourth Watch of the Night, or Three in the Morning these poor Innocents overwhelm'd with heavy Sleep, ran violently on that place they named, set Fire to their Hovels, which were all thatcht, and so, without Notice, burnt Men, Women and Children; kill'd whom they pleas'd upon the Spot; but those they preserv'd as Captives, were compell'd throughTorments to confess where they had hid the Gold, when they found little or none at their Houses; but they who liv'd being first stigmatized, were made Slaves; yet after the Fire was extinguisht, they came hastily in quest of the Gold. Thus did this Wicked Man, devoted to all the Infernal Furies, behave himself with the Assistance of Profligate Christians, whom he had lifted in his Service from the 14th to the 21. or 22. Year, together with his Domestick Servants and Followers, from whom he received as many Portions, besides what he had from his Slaves in Gold, Pearls, and Jewels, as the Chief Governor would have taken, and all that were constituted to execute any kind of Kingly Office followed in the same Footsteps; every one sending as many of his Servants as he could spare, to share in the spoil. Nay he that came hither as Biship first of all did the same also, And at the vory time (as I conjecture) the Spaniards did depraedate or rob this Kingdom of above Ten Hundred Thousand Crowns of Gold: Yet all these their Thefts and Felonies, we scarce find upon Record that Three Hundred Thousand Castilian Crowns ever came into the Spanish King's Coffers; yet there were above Eight Hundred Thousand Men slain: The other Tyrants who governed this Kingdom afterward to the Three and Thirtieth year, depriv'd all of them of Life that remain'd among the Inhabitants.
5. The said Tyrant An. Dom. 1522. proceeded farther very unfortunately to the Subjugation of Conquest of this Province. In truth no Person can satisfactorily or sufficiently express the Fertility, Temperateness of the Climate, or the Multitude of the Inhabitants of Nicaraqua, which was almost infinite and admirable; for this Region contain'd some Cities that were Four Miles long; and the abundance of Fruits of the Earth (which was the cause of such a Concourse of People) was highly commendable. The People of this place, because the Country was Level and Plain, destitute of Mountains, so very delightful and pleasant, that they could not leave it without great grief, and much dissatisfaction, they were therefore tormented with the greater Vexations and Persecutions, and forced to bear the Spanish Tyranny and Servitude, which as much Patience as they were Masters of: Add farther that they were peaceable and meek spirited. This Tyrant with these Complices of his Cruelty did afflict this Nation (whose advice he made use of in destroying the other Kingdoms) with such and so many great Dammages, Slaughters, Injustice, Slaver, and Barbarisme, that a Tongue, though of Iron, could not express them all fully. He sent into the Province (which is larger than the County of Ruscinia) Fifty Horse-Men, who put all the People to the Edge of the Sword, sparing neither Age nor Sex upon the most trivial and inconsiderable occasion: As for Example, if they did not come to them with all possible speed, when called; and bring the imposed burthen of Mahid (which signifies Corn in their Dialect) or if they did not bring the Number of Indians required to his own, and the Service or rather Servitude of his Associates. And the Country being all Campaign or Level, no Person was able to withstand the Hellish Fury of their Horses.
He commanded the Spaniards to make Excursions, that is, to rob other Provinces, permitting and granting these Theiving Rogues leave to take away by force as many of these peacable People as they could, who being iron'd (that they might not sink under the Burthen of Sixty or Eighty Pound weight) it frequently hapned, that of Four Thousand Indians, Six only returned home, and so they dyed by the way; but if any of them chanced to faint, being tired with over-weighty Burthens, or through great Hunger and Thirst should be siezed with a Distemper; or too much Debility and Weakness, that they might not spend time in taking off their Fetters, they beheaded them, so the Head fell one way, and the Body another: The Indians when they spied the Spaniards making preparations for such Journeys, knowing very well, that few, or none returned home alive, just upon their setting out with Sighs and Tears, burst out into these or the like Expressions. Those were Journeys, which we travelled frequently in the service of Christians, and in some tract of time we return'd to our Habitations, Wives and Children: But now there being no hope of a return, we are for ever depriv'd of their Sight and Conversation.
It hapned also, that the same President would dissipate or disperse the Indians de novo at his own pleasure, to the end (as it was reported) he might violently force the Indians away from such as did infest or molest him; and dispose of them to others; upon which it fell out, that for the space of a Year complete, there was no sowing or planting: And when they wanted Bread, the Spaniards did by force plunder the Indians of the whole stock of Corn that they had laid up for the support of their Families, and by these indirect Courses above Thirty Thousand perished with Hunger. Nay it fortun'd at one time, that a Woman opprest with insufferable Hunger, depriv'd her own Son of his Life to preserve her own.
In this Province also they brought many to an untimely End, loading their Shoulders with heavy planks and pieces of Timer, which they were compell'd to carry to a Haven Forty Miles distant, in order to their building of Ships; sending them likewise unto the Mountains to find out Hony and Wax, where they were devour'd by Tygers; nay they loaded Women impregnated with Carriage and Burthens fit for beasts.
But no greater pest was there that could unpeople this Province, than the License granted the Spaniards by this Governour, to demand Captives from the Casics and Potentates of this Region; for at the Expiration of Four or Five Months, or as often as they obtain'd leave of the Governour to demand them, they deliver'd them up Fifty Servants, and the Spaniards terrified them with Menaces, that if they did not obey them in answering their unreasonable Demands, they should be burnt alive, or baited to Death by Dogs. Now the Indians are but slenderly stor'd with Servants; for it is much if a Casic hath Three or Four in his Retinue, therefore they have recourse to the Subjects; and when they had, in the first place, seized the Orphans, they required earnestly and instantly one Son of the Parent, who had but Two, and Two of him that had but Three, and for the Lord of the place satisfied the desires of the Tyrant, not without the Effusion of Tears and Groans of the People, who (as it seems) were very careful of their Children. And this being frequently repeated in the space between the Year 1523, and 1533, the Kingdom lost all their Inhabitants, for in Six or Seven Years time there were constantly Five or Six Ships made ready to be fraighted with Indians that were sold in the Regions of Panama and Perusium, where they all dyed; for it is by dayly Experience prov'd and known, that the Indians when Transported out of their Native Country into any other, soon dye; because they are shortned in their allowance of Food, and the Task impos'd on them no ways dimished, they being only bought for Labour. And by this means, there have been taken out of this Province Five Hundred Thousand Inhabitants and upward, who before were Freemen, and made Slaves, and in the Wars made on them, and the horrid Bondage they were reduc'd unto Fifty or Sixty Thousand more have perished, and to this day very many still are destroy'd. Now all these Slaughters have been committed within the space of Fourteen years inclusively, possibly in this Province of Nicaraqua there remains Four or Five Thousand Men who are put to Death by ordinary and personal Opressions, whereas (according to what is said already) it did exceed other Countries of the World in multitude of People.
6. New Spain was discovered Anno Dom. 1517. and in the detection there was no first or second Attempt, but all were exposed to slaughter. The year ensuing those Spaniards (who style themselves Christians) came thither to rob, kill and slay, though they pretend they undertook this Voyage to people the Countrey. From this year to the present, viz. 1542. the Injustice, Violence and Tyranny of the Spaniards came to the highest degree of extremety: for they had shook hands with and bid adieu to all fear of God and the King, unmindful of themselves in this sad and deplorable condition, for the Destructions, Cruelties, Butcheries, Devastations, the Domolishing of Cities, Depradations, &c. which they perpetrated in so many and such ample Kingdoms, are such and so great, and strike the minds of Men with so great horror, that all we have related before are inconsiderable comparatively to those which have been acted from the year 1518 to 1542, and to this very month of September that we now live to see the most heavy, grievous and detestable things are committed, that the Rule we laid down before as a Maxim might be induputably verified, to wit, that from the beginning they ran headlong from bad to worse, and were overcome in their Diabolical acts and wickedness only by themselves.
Thus from the first entrance of the Spaniards into New Spain, which hapned on the 18th day of April in the said month of the year 1518, to 1530, the space of ten whole years, there was no end or period put to the Destruction and Slaughters committed by the merciless hands of the Sanguinary and Blood-thirsty Spaniard in the Continent, or space of 450 Miles round about Mexico, and the adjacent or neighboring parts, which might contain four or five spatious Kingdoms, that neither for magnitude or fertility would give Spain her self the pre-eminance. This intire Region was more populous then Toledo, Sevil, Valedolid, Saragoza, and Faventia; and there is not at this day in all of them so many people, nor when they flourisht in their greatest height and splendor was there such a number, as inhabited that Region, which embraceth in its Circumference, four hundred and eighty Miles. Within these twelve years the Spaniards have destroyed in the Said Countinent, by Spears, Fire and Sword, computing Men, Women, Youth, and Children above Four Millions of people in these their Acquests or Conquests (for under that word they mask their Cruel Actions) or rather those of the Turk himself, which are reported of them, tending to the ruin of the Catholick Cause, together with their Invasions and Unjust Wars, contrarty to and condemned by Divine as well as Human Laws; nor are they reckoned in this number who perished by their more then Egyptian Bondage and usual Oppressions.
There is no Tongue, Art, or Human knowledge can recite the horrid Impieties, which these Capital Enemies to Government and all Mankind have been guilty of at several times and in several Nations; nor can the circumstantial Aggravations of some of their wicked Acts be unfolded or display'd by any manner of Industry, time or writing, but yet I will say somewhat of every individual particular thing, which this protestation and Oath, that I conceive I am not able to comprehend one of a Thousand.
Of New Spain in Particular.
Among other Slaughters this also they perpetrated in the most spacious City of Cholula, which consisted of Thirty Thousand Families; all the Chief Rulers of that Region and Neighboring places, but first the Priests with their High Priest going to meet the Spaniards in Pomp and State, and to the end they might give them a more reverential and honourable reception appointed them to be in the middle of the Solemnity, that so being entertained in the Appartments of the most powerful and principal Noblemen, they might be lodged in the City. The Spaniards presently consult about their slaughter or castigation (as they term it) that they might fill every corner of this Region by their Cruelties and wicked Deeds with terror and consternation; for in all the Countries that they came they took this course, that immediately at their first arrival they committed some notorious butcheries, which made those Innocent Sheep tremble for fear. To this purpose therefore they sent to the Governours and Nobles of the Cities, and all Places subject unto them, together with their supream Lord, that they should appear before them, and no soner did they attend in expectation of some Capitulation or discourse with the Spanish Commander, but they were presently seized upon and detained prisoners before any one could advertise or give them notice of their Captivity. They demanded of them six thousand Indians to drudge for them in the carriage of their bag and baggage; and as soon as they came the Spaniards clapt them into the Yards belonging to their Houses and there inclosed them all. It was a thing worthy of pity and compassion to behold this wretches people in what a condition they were when they prepared themselves to receive the burthens laid on them by the Spaniards. They came to them naked, their Privities only vail'd, their Shoulders loaden with food; only covered with a Net, they laid themselves quietly on the ground, and shrinking in their Bodies like poor Wretches, exposed themselves to their Swords: Thus being all gathered together in ther Yards, some of the Spaniards Armed held the doors to drive them away if attempting to approach, and others with Lances and Swords Butcher these Innocents so that not one of them escaped, but two or three days after some of them, who hid themselves among the dead bodies, being all over besprinkled with blood and gore, presented themselves to the Spaniards, imporing their mercy and the prolongation of their Lives with tears in their Eyes and all imaginable submission, yet they, not in the least moved with pity or compassion, tore them in pieces: but all the Chief Governours who were above one hundred in number, were kept bound, whom the Captain commanded to be affixed to posts and burnt; yet the King of the whole Countrey escaped, and betook himself with a Train of thirty or forty Gentlemen, to a Temple (called in their Tongue Quu) which he made use of as a Castle or Place of Defence, and there defended himself a great part of the day, but the Spaniards who suffer none to escape out of their clutches, especially Souldiers, setting fire to the Temple, burnt all those that were there inclosed, who brake out into these dying words and exclamations. O profligate Men, what injury have we done you to occasion our death! Go, go to Mexico, where our supream Lord Montencuma will revenge our cause upon your persons. And 'tis reported, while the Spaniards were engated in this Tragedy destroying six or seven thousand Men, that their Commander with great rejoycing sang this following Ayre;
Mira Nero de Tarpeia, Roma como se ardia, Gritos de Ninos y Vieyot, y el de nadase dolia.
From the Tarpeian still Nero espies Rome all in Flames with unrelenting Eyes, And hears of young and old the dreadful Cries.
They also committed a very great Butchery in the City Tepeara, which was larger and better stored with Houses than the former; and here they Massacred an incredible number with the point of the Sword.
Setting sail from Cholula, they steer'd their course to Mexico, whose King sent his Nobles and Peers with abundance of Presents to meet them by the way, testifying by divers sorts of Recreations how grateful their arrival was and acceptable to him: but when they came to a steep Hill, his brother went forward to meet them accompanied with many Noblemen who brought them many gifts in Gold, Silver, and Robes Emboidered with Gold and at their entrance into the City, the King himself carried in a golden Litter, together (with the whole Court) attended them to the Palace prepared for their reception; and that very day as I was informed by some persons then and there present by a grand piece of Treachery, they took the very great King Montencuma, never so much as dreaming of any such surprize, and put him into the custody of eighty Soldiers, and afterward loaded this Legs with irons; but all these things being passed over with a light pencil of which much might be said, one thing I will discover acted by them, that may merit your obervation. When the Captain arrived at the Haven, to fight with a Spanish Officer, who made War against him, and left another with an hundred Soldiers, more or less as a Guard to King Montencuma, it came into their heads, that to act somewhat worth remembrance, that the dread of their Cruelty might be more and more apprehended, and greatly increased.
In the interim all the Nobility and Commonality of the City thought of nothing else, but how to exhilarate the Spirit of their Captive King, and solace him during his Confinement with varity of diversions and Recreations; and among the rest this was one, viz., Revellings and Dances which they celebrated in all Streets and Highways, by night and they in their Idiom term Mirotes, as the Islanders do Arcytos; to these Masques and nocturnal Jigs they usually go with all their Riches, Costly Vestments and Robes, together with any thing that is pretious and glorious, being wholly addicted to this humor, nor is there any greater token among them then this of their extraordinary exultation and rejoycing. The Nobles in like manner, and Princes of the Blood Royal every one according to his degree exercise these Masques and Dances, in some place adjoyning to the House where their King and Lord is detained Prisoner. Now there were not far from the Palace about 2000 Young Noblemen who were the issue of the greatest Potentates of the Kingom, and indeed the flower of the whole Nobility of King Motencuma, and a Spanish Captain went to visit them with some Soldiers, and sent others to the rest of the places in the City where these Revellings were kept, under pretence only of being spectators of the solemnity. Now the Captain had commanded, that, at a certain hour appointed they should fall upon these Revellers, and he himself approaching the Indians very busie at their Dancing, said, San Jago (that is St. James it seems that was the Word) Let us rush in upon them, which was no sooner heard, but they all began with their naked Swords in hand to pierce their tender and naked Bodies, and spill their generous and Noble blood, till not one of them was left alive on the place, and the rest following his example in other parts, (to their inexpressible stupefaction and grief) seized on all these Provinces. Nor will the Inhabitants till the General conflagration ever discontinue the Celebration of these Festivals, and the Lamentation and Singing with certain kind of Rhythmes in their Arcytos, the doleful ditty of the Calamity and Ruin of this Seminary of the antient Nobility of the whole Kingdom, which was their frequent Pride and Glory.
The Indians seeing this not to be exampled cruelty and iniquity executed against such a number of guiltless persons, and also bearing with incredible patience the unjust Imprisonment of their King, from whom they had an absolute Command not to take up Arms against the Spaniard, the whole City was suddenly up in Arms fell on the Spaniards and wounded many of them, the rest hardly escaping; but they presenting the point of a Sword to the Kings Breast, threatned him with death unless he out of the Window commanded them to desist; but the Indians for the present disobeying the Kings Mandate, proceeded to the Election of a Generalissimo, or Commander in Chief over all their Forces; and because that the Captain, who went to the Port returned Victor, and brought away a far greater number of Spaniards then he took along with him, there was a Cessation of Arms for three or four days, till he re-entred the City, and then the Indians having gatherered together and made up a great Army, fought so long and so strenuously, that the Spaniards despairing of their safety, called a Council of War and therein resolv'd to retreat in the dead time of night and so draw off their Forces from the City: which coming to the knowledge of the Indians they destroyed a great number Retreating on the Bridges made over their Lakes in this just and Holy War, for the causes above-mentioned, deserving the approbation of every upright Judge. But afterward the Spaniards having recruited and got together in a Body, they resolved to take the City and carried it at last, wherein most detestable Butcheries were acted, a vast number of the people slain, and their Rulers perished in the Flames.
All these horrid Muders being commited in Mexico and other Cities ten, fifteen and twenty miles distant. This same Tyranny and Plague in the abstract proceeded to infest and lay desolate Panuco; a Region abounding with Inhabitants even to admiration, nor were the slaughters therein perpetrated less stupendous and wonderful. In the same manner they utterly laid wasate the Provinces of Futepeca, Ipilcingonium and Columa, every one of them being as large as the Kingdoms of Leon, and Castile. It would be very difficult or rather impossible to relate the Cruelties and Destruction there made and committed, and prove very nauseous and offensive to the Reader.
'Tis observable, that they entred upon these Dominions and laid waste the Indian Territories, so populous, that it would have rejoyced the hearts of all true Christians to see their number upon no other title or pretense, but only to enslave them; for at their first arrival they compel'd them to swear the Oath of Obedience and Fealty to the King of Spain, and if they did not condescend to it, they menace them with death and Vassalage, and they who did not forthwith appear to satisfie the unequitable Mandates, and submit to the will and pleasure of such unjust and Cruel Men were declared Rebels, and accu's of that Crime before our Lord the King; and blindess or ignorance of those who were set over the Indians as Rulers did so darken their understanding that they did not apprehend that known and incontrovertible Maxim in Law, That no Man can be called a Rebel, who is not first proved to be a subject. I omit the injuries and prejudice they do to the King himself, when they spoil and ravage his Kingdoms, and as much as in them lies, diminish and impair all his Right and Title to the Indians, nay in plain English invalidate and make it null and void. And these are the worthy Services which the Spaniards do for our Kings in those Countries, by the injust and colourable pretences aforesaid.
This Tyrant upon the same pretext sent two other Captains, who exceeded him in impiety and cruelty, if possible to the most flourishing and Feril (in Fruits and Men) Kingdoms of Guatemala, Situate toward the South, who had also received Orders to go to the Kingdoms of Naco, Hondera, and Guaymura, verging upon the North, and are Borderers on Mexico three hundred miles together. The one was sent by Land and the other by Sea, and both well furnished with Horse and Foot.
This I declare for a Truth, that the outrages committed by these two, particularly by him that went to Guatimala (for the other not long after his departure died a violent Death) would afford matter sufficient for an entire Volume, and when completed he so crouded with slaughters, injuries, butcheries and inhuman Desolations, so horrid and detestable as would Ague-shake the present as well as future ages with terror.
He that put out to Sea vexed all the Maritime Coasts with his cruel Incursions; now some inhabitants of the Kingdom of Jucatan which is seated in the way to the Kingdoms of Naco and Naymura, to which places he steered his course, came to meet him with burthens of Presents and Gifts: and as soon as he approacht them, sent his Captains with a party of Soldiers to depopulate their Land, who committed great spoils and made cruel slaughters among them; and in particular a Seditious and Rebellious Officer who with three hundres Soldiers entred a Neighboring Country to Guatimala, and there firing the Cities and Murdering all the Inhabitants, violently deprived them of all their goods, which he did designedly, for the space of an hundred and twenty miles; to the end that if his Companions should follow them, they might find the Country laid wast, and so be destroyed by the Indians in revenge for the dammage they had received by him and his Forces which hapned accordingly: for the Chief Commander whose order the abovesaid Captain had disobey'd and so became a Rebel to him, was there slain. But many other bloody Tyrants succeeded him, who from the year 1524 to 1535. did unpeople and make a Desert of the Provinces of Naco and Hondura (as well as other places) which were lookt upon as the Paradise of delights, and better peopled then other Regions; insomuch that within the Term of these eleven years there fell in those Countries above two Millions of Men, and now there are hardly remaining Two Thousand, who dayly dye by the severity of their Slavery.
But to return to that great Tyrant, who outdid the former in cruelty (as hinted above) and is equal to those that Tyrannize there at present, who travelled to Guatimala; he from the Provinces adjoyning to Mexico, which according to his prosecuted journey (as he himself Writes and testifies with his own hand in Letters to the Prince of Tyrants) are distant from Guatimala four hundred miles, did make it to his urgent and dayly business to procure Ruin and Destruction by slaughter, Fire and Depopulations, compelling all to submit to the Spanish King, whom they lookt upon to be more unjust and cruel then his inhumane and bloodthirsty Ministers.
7. Killed women and children by throwing them into ditches. Also in another crowdm they all took slaves and made them bring gold.

8. No Solifidian can believe the particular Narrations of their Barbarism, and Cruelty in those Countreys. I will only relate two or three Stories which are fresh in my memory. The Spaniards used to trace the steps of the Indians, both Men and Women with curst Currs, furious Dogs; an Indian Woman that was sick hapned to be in the way in sight, who perceiving that she was not able to avoid being torn in pieces by the Dogs, takes a Cord that she had and hangs her self upon a Beam, tying her Child (which she unforunately had with her) to her foot; and no sooner had she done, yet the Dogs were at her, tearing the Child, but a Priest coming that way Baptiz'd it before quite dead. Dogs are a weapon

9. The Monks of our Order of St. Dominic on a certain time held a Consult about sending one of their Fraternity into this Island, that by their Preaching they might instruct them in the Christian Faith, and teach them the way to be sav'd, of which they were wholly Ignorant. And to this end they sent thither a Religious and Licentiate in Theologie, (or Doctor in Divinity, as we term it among us) a Man Famous for his Vertue and Holiness with a Laic his Associate, to visit the Country, converse with the Inhabitants, and find out the most convenient places for the Erection of Monasteries. As soon as they were arriv'd according to custom, they were entertain'd like Coelestial Messengers, with great Affection, Joy and Respect, as well as they could, for they were ignorant of their Tongue, and so made use of signs, for the present. It hapned that after the departure of that Vessel that brought these Religious Men, another came into the Port, whose Crew according to their Hellish Custom, fraudulently, and unknown to the Religious brought away a Prince of that Province as Captive, who was call'd Alphonsus, (for they are ambitious of a Christian Name,) and forthwith desire without farther Information, that he would Baptize him: But the said Lord Alphonsus was deceitfully overperswaded to go on board of them with his Wife and about Seventeen more, pretending that they would give hime a Collation; which the Prince and they did, for he was confident, that the Religious would by no means suffer himo be abus'd, for he had no so much Confidence in the Spaniards; but as soon as they were upon Deck, the perfidious Rogues, set Sail for Hispaniola, where they were sold as Slaves. The whole Country being extreamly discompos'd, and understanding that their Prince and Princess were violently carried away, addressed themselves to these Religioso's, who were in great danger of losing their Lives: But they being made to understand this unjust Action, were extraordinarily afflicted, and 'tis probable would have suffered Death, rather than permit the Indians to be so injuriously dealt with, which might prove an Obstruction to their receiving of, and believing in God's Word. Yet the Indians were sedated by the promises of the Religious; for they told them, they would send Letters by the first Ship that was bound for Hispaniola, whereby they would procure the Restitution and Return of their Lord and his Retinue. It pleased God to send a Ship thither forthwith, to the greater confirming of the Governours Damnation, where in the Letters they sent to the Religious of Hispaniola, Letters containing repeated Exclamations and Protestations, and protest against such Actions, but those that received them denyed them Justice, for that they were partakers of that Prey, made of those Indians so injustly and impiously captivated. But when the Religious, who had engag'd to the Inhabitants, that their Lord Alphonsus should be restor'd within Four Moneths, and found that neither in Four, nor Eight Moneths he was return'd, they prepar'd themselves for Death, and to deliver up their Life to Christ, to whom they had offer'd it before their departure from Spain: Thus the Innocent Indians were revenged on the Innocent Priests; for they were of Opinion, that the Religious had a hand in the Plot, partly, because they found their Promises that their Lord should return within Four Moneths, ineffectual, and partly because the Inhabitants made no difference between a Religious Frier and a Spanish Rogue. At another time it fell out likewise, through the Rampant Tyrrany and Cruel Deeds of evil-minded Christians, that the Indians put to Death two Dominican Friers, of which I am a faithful Witness, escaping my self, not without a very great Miracle, which Transaction I resolve silently to pass over, lest I should terrifie the Reader with the Horror of the Fact.

10. I desire therefore that the Readers who have or shall peruse these passages, would please seriously to consider whether or no, such Barbarous, Cruel and Inhumane Acts as these do not transcend and exceed all the impiety and tyrrany, which can enter into the thoughts or imagination of Man, and whether these Spaniards deserve not the name of Devils. For which of these two things is more eligible or desirable whether the Indians should be delivered up to the Devils themselves to be tormented or the Spaniards? That is still a question.

I will only make this small addition to what I have said that the Spaniards, from the beginning of their first entrance upon America to this present day, were no more sollicitous of promoting the Preaching of the Gospel of Christ to these Nations, then if they had been Dogs or Beasts, but which is worst of all, they expressly prohibited their addresses to the Religious, laying many heavy Impositions upon them, dayly afflicting and persecuting them, that they might not have so much time and leasure at their own disposal, as to attend their Preaching and Divine Service; for they lookt upon that to be an impediment to their getting Gold, and raking up riches which their Avarice stimulated them so boundlessly to prosecute. Nor do they understand any more of a God, whether he be made of Wood, Brass or Clay, then they did above an hundred years ago, New Spain only exempted, which is a small part of America, and was visited and instructed by the Religious. Thus they did formely and still do perish without true Faith, or the knowledge and benefit of our Religious Sacraments.

I likewise aver, That the Spaniards gathered together as many Indians as fill'd Three Houses, to which, for no cause, (or a very inconsiderable one) they set fire, and burnt every one of them: But a Presbyter, Ocana by Name, chanced to snatch a little baby out of the fire, which being observ'd by a Spaniard, he tore him out of his Arms, and threw him into the midst of the Flames, where he was with the rest, soon burnt to Ashes, which Spaniard the same day he committed that Fact, returning to his Quarters, dyed suddenly by the way, and I advised them not to give him Christian Burial.
Farthermore I saw them send to several Casics and Principal Indians, promising them a protecting Passeport to travel peaceably and securely to them, who, no sooner came, but they were burnt; Two of them before my Face, one at Andonia, and the other at Tumbala, nor could I with all my perswasions and preaching to them prevail so far as to save them from the Fire

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...Arbasak 4/6/14 Peru The first inhabitants of Peru were nomadic hunter-gatherers who lived in caves in Peru's coastal regions. Though Peru was home to many diverse indigenous cultures throughout its history, Peru is famous for the Incan culture. When someone thinks about the past of Peru, the first thought for many is Inca civilization. Peru is also well known for its archaeological wealth. Many archaeologists find Peru’s ancient sites and cultures as endlessly fascinating equal to places like Mexico, Egypt, and the Mediterranean. Peru is still very rich in its old cultural architecture, seeing these sites are very rewarding. It's the multiple layers of great civilizations that make Peru so fascinating. Cobblestone streets preserve the era of the Conquistadors, the ruins of the lost city of Machu Pichu remind travelers of the once mighty Inca Empire, and the mysterious Nazca lines that remain unexplained today. Machu Pichu is one of the great wonders of the world and its surprised me how high the mountains peak. It sits 7,970 feet (2,430 meters) above sea level on the eastern slope of the Andes and overlooks the Urubamba River hundreds of feet below. Peru is located on South America's central Pacific coast. It is the twentieth-largest nation in the world, and borders Bolivia, Brazil, and Chile, Colombia and Ecuador. Lima is the capital of Peru and is located on the central coast. The size of Peru is 1,326,074 square kilometers (512,000 square miles) so Peru is about the size...

Words: 1033 - Pages: 5

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Peru: Are We Entering in a New Crisis?

...Peru: are we entering in a new crisis? by Marco Morante Monday September 23rd, 2013 Last month newspapers’ headlines were talking about a statement made by Ollanta Humala to the media: “The crisis has arrived, but we have a solid economy”; indeed there is a global crisis going on and indeed the Peruvian economy growth’s expectation is not the very same as in just a few months ago; but, is Peru about to enter in another crisis as the ones suffered in past years? Disregarding the several replies, opinions and views of the message that our president really intended to give, let us remember Peru’s past crisis and understand the economic frame in which these crisis developed. A little bit of Peruvian’s Recent Crisis History1 In the early 80’s, during Fernando Belaúnde’s government, “El Niño” phenomenon affected severely the northern coast of Peru, impacting mainly in the agricultural sector (consumption), the public and private investment suffered an important contraction, also the external demand was affected due to the crisis generated by the adjustments of the debt in México (having a deep effect in all economies in Latin America). In year 1983, the metal prices fall meant for Peru difficulties for the payment of the external debt and a high increase in inflation, reaching a concerning 163% inflation for the last year of the “Sol” (1985). Also, in this year the economy suffered a contraction in the GdP growth: a decrease of 9.3%, the largest one until that moment in the...

Words: 2920 - Pages: 12

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...HISTORY The history of Peru spans several millennia. Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. It was conquered by the Spanish Empire in the 16th century, which established a Viceroyalty with jurisdiction over most of its South American domains. Independence was declared in 1821 but consolidated only after the Battle of Ayacucho, three years later. GEOGRAPHY Peru is a country on the central western coast of South America. Peru covers 1,285,220 km² (496,193 sq mi). It neighbors Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil to the east, Bolivia to the southeast, Chile to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west CLIMATE The combination of tropical latitude, various mountain ranges, topography variations and two ocean currents (Humboldt and El Niño) gives Peru a large diversity of climates. DEMOGRAPHY Peru is a multicultural and multiethnic country. Peruvian census does not contain information about ethnicity so only rough estimates are available. Its population can be composed of Amerindians: 45%, mestizos: 37%, European: 15%, and Asians, Afro-Peruvians, and others: 3%.[1]. Amerindians are found in the southern Andes, though a large portion are also to be found in the southern and central coast due to the massive internal labor migration from remote Andean regions to coastal cities,during the past four decades. While the Andes are the "heart" of the indigenous...

Words: 725 - Pages: 3

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Peru Genocide

...A genocide is the destruction of an ethnic, racial or religious group. Multiple genocides have happened throughout history and those are a major part of how the world became the way it is today. One factful genocide is the Peru genocide which happened many many years ago. The Peru genocide was not a well known genocide but it was still very important to Peru and it's surroundings. The genocide had many important factors and caused world reactions because of it. The Peru genocide was led by Jose Gabriel Tupac Amaru who was known as Tupac Amaru II. He was the leader of the genocide against the Spanish in Peru. The Peru genocide wasn't successful but Tupac went on in his life to being apart of Peru's struggle for their country's independence. The Peru genocide was known as Tupacs rebellion and was one of his many uprisings. The Peru genocide was about Tupac calling for an alliance among native whites, mestizos, and indigenous people against European-born Spaniards. Tupac Amaru's genocide became mainly indigenous and completely out of control. The rebellions of Americanos against Spaniards could easily become more wars against the entire white ruling class. Native-born whites in Mexico and Peru were among the last on the continent to embrace the patriot cause during the wars of independence(Tupac Amaru...). The genocide happened many years ago. While Tupac Amaru II was captured and executed in 1781, the rebellion continued for at least another year under other...

Words: 695 - Pages: 3

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Economic Globalization

...Globalization is a series of social, economical, technological, cultural, and political changes that promote interdependence and growth. Globalization raises the standard of living in developing countries, spreads technological knowledge, and increases political liberation. (Harris 5-23) The main cause of globalization is influence from other, more developed, countries. Globalization is a historical process that results from human innovation and technological progress. The social effects of globalization are clearly illustrated in Peru. Once a third-world country filled with poverty and oppression, Peru is now transitioning into a developed nation. In Peru, globalization has raised the human development index, empowered women, and created a stronger country. (Leon 90-91) One of the benefits of globalization on a social level is an increased Human Development Index. The Human Development Index is a measurement of a country's social, political, and economical growth in comparison to other countries in the world. The Human Development Index rates each country with a score between 0 and 1, with 1 being the most advanced, globalized country. Factors that are involved in determining a country's HDI are gross domestic production per capita, life expectancy at birth, adult literary, and the number of persons enrolled in educational institutions. In 1975, Peru's Human Development Index was a 0.643. By 2003, the Human Development Index had risen more than one tenth to 0.762. The substantial...

Words: 547 - Pages: 3

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Francisco Pizarro Research Paper

...Spanish and European colonization in the Americas is a big part of our history, and it started with a certain explorer. Francisco Pizarro was an explorer, soldier, and conquistador who explored South America, conquered the Inca Empire, and brought culture and language to the Americas. Francisco Pizarro most notable explorations are those from South America, mostly Peru. His first voyage was in 1513, when he was a soldier. He joined Vasco Núñez de Balboa in his expedition, where he discovered the Pacific Ocean. Later in his life, Francisco wanted to make his own discoveries. So, joined by Diego Almagro, they voyaged to Peru. They then travelled back to Spain to get permission to claim the land of Peru for Spain. Their 1531 expedition, to the Inca Empire, was to find gold, which Pizarro took, much to the Incans dismay....

Words: 400 - Pages: 2

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State of Fear to the history of civilization as we know it. Since the beginning of man, using fear as a means of control has altered many societies indefinitely. The Documentary State of Fear deals with the long war on terror that Peru was faced with. The living standards and right of Peruvians were very poor in particular regions of the country, and democracy seemed non-existent. The need to gain political power within the Peruvian region seemed to be the primary factor causing corruption and terror to thousands of people, and I will be discussing the relationship between democracy and security. The levels of human rights and social conditions were at an all-time low in the 1980’s as powerful regimes brainwashed Peru’s citizens as to what changes needed to be made for the country. We start the discussion of the documentary in Peru, where living conditions were extremely harsh for a majority of its inhabitants. A man named Abimael Guzman was the leader of a terrorist organization named the shining path. The ideology of Guzaman was to increase the living conditions of Peru’s poor members of society by recruiting an army to use violence against the Peruvian government to change the way of life. The problem was faced here was that Guzman was a very powerful leader, and gained enough hype throughout regions of Peru for its citizens to start a revolution. The Peruvian government was very corrupt at the time and the shining path used guerrilla warfare tactics to cause chaos in Peru. This all...

Words: 1121 - Pages: 5

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Peru Boom

...Peru Boom Spurs Growth of Middle Class (Assignment 1) Michael Davis SOC 300 January 3, 2012 Professor Ruben E. Saroukhanian Peru Boom Spurs Growth of Middle Class Peru is a middle country in Latin America; it was not one of the superrich or really poor countries. Now Peru is one the fastest growing Latin countries; in the city of El Salvador which uses to be known for indigenous Peruvians is now a mega city. This city has all the bells and whistle, the main attraction is the Mega Plaza Express shopping center. The Mega Plaza Express shopping center has movies, dinner, lights, electronic stores and much more; the local’s lover the current scene and life the city has now. Over the last couple of years the price of gold and copper has raise and the demand has become very popular with Asian countries. “The Andean country’s gross domestic product rose 6.7 percent year on year in October 2012, marking 38 consecutive months of growth” (Schipani, 2013). Peru growth has notice a letdown in 2010 to 8.8 but that has not stop Peru from becoming one of the top growing Latin American countries. “Sales in 2012 topped $5.3 billion, an increase of 20 percent over the previous year. The increase was due not only to the existence of centers such as Mega Plaza Express” (Schipani, 2013). The Peruvians average $2 dollars a person in his or her pocket has reduced to 28 percent over the last ten years. One of the goals of the Peru President is to reduce/cut poverty to least then 15 percent...

Words: 736 - Pages: 3

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Multicultural Psychology

...This is where Fried rice was born. There were the peasants who would work in the fields for long hours a day, would be exhausted, and not make much money to feed their families. But there were a few things they always had such as leftover rice, soy and a few leftover vegetables. The mothers would cook these all together so there family would have something to eat and it also created bigger portions so there would be enough for everyone. Fried rice was peasant food and it was not common for higher class Chinese people to eat it because they could afford to have separate dishes. The Chinese culture till this day does not really consider fried rice as a main dish because of its origin. It was definitely invented by them but because of the history behind it it’s not really something they would usually order. This would mostly apply to the older generations where food showed their social class and reminded them of what they could afford....

Words: 904 - Pages: 4

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...GLOBALIZATION Globalization is a series of social, economical, technological, cultural, and political changes that promote interdependence and growth. Globalization raises the standard of living in developing countries, spreads technological knowledge, and increases political liberation. (Harris 5-23) The main cause of globalization is influence from other, more developed, countries. Globalization is a historical process that results from human innovation and technological progress. The social effects of globalization are clearly illustrated in Peru. Once a third-world country filled with poverty and oppression, Peru is now transitioning into a developed nation. In Peru, globalization has raised the human development index, empowered women, and created a stronger country. (Leon 90-91)  One of the benefits of globalization on a social level is an increased Human Development Index. The Human Development Index is a measurement of a country's social, political, and economical growth in comparison to other countries in the world. The Human Development Index rates each country with a score between 0 and 1, with 1 being the most advanced, globalized country. Factors that are involved in determining a country's HDI are gross domestic production per capita, life expectancy at birth, adult literary, and the number of persons enrolled in educational institutions. In 1975, Peru's Human Development Index was a 0.643. By 2003, the Human Development Index had risen more than one tenth to 0...

Words: 1174 - Pages: 5

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Peru Culture

...Culture is the aquired knowledge that people use to interpret, experience, and generate social behavior. Culture is learned by viewing beliefs and customs within the culture and we extrapolate meaning systems by observing what people do, what they say, and the artifacts people use. In class, we studied Peru's culture through college students at USIL, a university in Lima. We were able to talk to them through video,e-mail, and chat discussion. My partner was Fiorella and from her I learned many things about her culture: College life, family tradition, religion, meaning of life, stereoytpes, and predjudices. From talking to Fiorella, I found that some things about the university in Lima were similar and some were different to the college life here in Greenville, North Carolina. On our first linking day I was able to chat with Fiorella about college. Most students live close to the university or about fifteen to twenty minutes away with their parents. I found out that have the same break between classes as we do here at East Carolina University. From when class ends, Lima students are given ten minutes to get from class to class just like here. From chatting with Fiorella and her classmates, a majority of the students were majoring in tourism and business management. Lima has started to attract more tourist which has increased the country's income, so tourism and like hotel management have been considered demanding jobs. Along with college, comes parties...

Words: 948 - Pages: 4

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Is The Relocation Of Artifacts Insanely Wrong

...I believe that the relocation of artifacts is insanely wrong. Although researchers and scientists would wish to study these artifacts, they might tear culture and history away from the place where the artifacts came from. For example a wreck such as the Titanic serves as a tombstone to the 1,500 people who lost their lives on that fateful night. If you were to bring up the ship that would be as if someone decided to dig up a loved one who passed away recently. You would be heartbroken and rather angry at whomever did this. Likewise the same concept goes to an artifact that is taken from a historical site. Do you have a necklace or bracelet that someone gave to you who you deeply love. And when you glance at this it will serve as a guilty reminder...

Words: 396 - Pages: 2

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The Importance Of Travel

...Homework Assignment One If I had the opportunity to spend $100,000 on travelling abroad, there would be no challenge on deciding where to go. I want to go as many places as possible in life, but I already have some countries that are on the top of my bucket list. The top places I want to go are Thailand, Peru, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Greece, and Iceland. Considering though that $100,000 dollars would go a long way, I would also want to go around France and Italy, as well as visit the United Arab Emirates. Travelling is a great chance to explore and open your mind to new people, new culture, new foods, and so much more. Thailand has been a dream of mine for many years, its vast mix of things to do and new experiences to be had make it highly appealing in my eyes. One thing that I think would be amazing to experience in Thailand is the wildlife; wild monkeys, elephants, sea turtles, and so much more. Thailand also offers such a rich...

Words: 761 - Pages: 4

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...Globalization is a series of social, economical, technological, cultural, and political changes that promote interdependence and growth. Globalization raises the standard of living in developing countries, spreads technological knowledge, and increases political liberation. (Harris 5-23) The main cause of globalization is influence from other, more developed, countries. Globalization is a historical process that results from human innovation and technological progress. The social effects of globalization are clearly illustrated in Peru. Once a third-world country filled with poverty and oppression, Peru is now transitioning into a developed nation. In Peru, globalization has raised the human development index, empowered women, and created a stronger country. (Leon 90-91) One of the benefits of globalization on a social level is an increased Human Development Index. The Human Development Index is a measurement of a country's social, political, and economical growth in comparison to other countries in the world. The Human Development Index rates each country with a score between 0 and 1, with 1 being the most advanced, globalized country. Factors that are involved in determining a country's HDI are gross domestic production per capita, life expectancy at birth, adult literary, and the number of persons enrolled in educational institutions. In 1975, Peru's Human Development Index was a 0.643. By 2003, the Human Development Index had risen more than one tenth to 0.762. The substantial...

Words: 1892 - Pages: 8