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Holocaust Chapter Summary

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The second half of Part I was the most interesting part of the book. In this section, Viktor Frankl mentioned the quotes of Nietzsche extremely frequently. Frankl mentioned how a large number of the Jewish prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps often spoke of their lack of motivation to remain alive considering their horrible living conditions. Frankl saw through the lackluster reasoning of the unmotivated prisoners and knew that every single one of them had at least one reason to remain alive. Frankl also knew that once the prisoners understood that there was a reason and realized what exactly the reason was, the prisoners would be able to do everything possible in order to survive through the end of the war. These reasons could have been …show more content…
There was no mention of him at all in that part of the text. One would assume that a Red Cross delegate who was at the camp to protect the prisoners would have known about a mass evacuation and would have done whatever he could to stop it. One possibility is that the delegate knew about it but did not care enough about it to stop it. Another possibility is that the delegate knew of what was happening, but did not think he would have been able to stop the Nazis from doing what they were doing. One last possible reason for the lack of a Red Cross delegate at the mass evacuation may have been that the delegate was not a delegate at all. The Nazis may have known that the end of the war was near, and they needed a new tactic in order to murder as many Jews as possible before they no longer had any power. The introduction of the delegate may have been a tactic used by the Nazis in order to make the prisoners feel safer and let their guards down. This feeling of safety and knowledge of the condition of the war made the giving of orders to go to a different camp so much easier for the Nazis that the prisoners wanted to leave a camp with a known lack of anything usable for a mass execution. Although this possibility does not explain why the Red Cross delegate told the prisoners to not evacuate the camp, it is just as possible that this explanation of the missing delegate during the deportation of the prisoners is the true

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