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Home Maintenance Program


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Home Maintenance Program
Nicole Chambers
Andy Labance
Pharia Reed
James Johnson

Have you ever finished cleaning your house, sat down to relax and then suddenly remember ‘I forgot to mop the floors’? Using this program will ensure that missing a step while cleaning your home is a thing of the past. We are going to use cleaning the kitchen as our example, and the way this program works is it will tell you in a sensible order to complete all of the required cleaning tasks to clean your kitchen properly, so that you’re not i.e. cleaning the floors then wiping counters and messing up the floors again.
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: The first step this program tells you to do would be to wash the dishes, the program will prompt you to answer whether or not you have washed all of the dishes, if you answer no the program will tell you that you must wash the dishes in order to proceed to the next task and then prompt you to answer if you have washed the dishes. The program will continuously repeat this process until you answer ‘yes’ all of the dishes have been washed. After you answer ‘yes’ all of the dishes have been washed the program will tell you to proceed on to the next task of wiping down and sanitizing the counter tops. If in the beginning (the first time you are prompted to answer if the dished have been cleaned) you answer ‘yes’ all of the dishes have been washed this program will the direct you to proceed to completing the next task of wiping down and sanitizing the counter tops. The program will follow this pattern; depend on your answers to the prompt, until all of the necessary tasks to clean the kitchen have been completed. Once all of the tasks prompted by the program have been completed you will notice that you have successfully cleaned your kitchen without forgetting or leaving out any crucial steps involved in the process.

THE PSUDOCODE BEHIND THE PROGRAM: Please see the Visual Logic File named ‘Team Visual A Logic Final” that is contained in the compressed Zip file with this paper.
THE FUNCTION AND STRUCTURE OF THE MODULES: This program contains many modules and each of them is repeated throughout the program. The first module you will run across within this program is an “Output”. This module is informing you of something you must do in order to move on in the program. For Example the first Output in our program is “The first home maintenance task you need to complete is washing the dishes.” This is informing you that the first thing you must do is wash the dishes before you may proceed. The next module you will see within the program is an “Input”. This input essentially asks you a question, such as “have you washed all of the dishes?” and you must answer that questions with either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. If you were to answer the previous question with a “Yes” the program would then provide you with an output informing you of the next task in the home maintenance cycle you must complete. If you were to Answer ‘No’ you have not washed the dishes the program would provide you with an Output informing you that you must complete washing the dishes before you are able to move on to the next home maintenance task. After the output informing you that you must complete the dishes the program will then repeatedly ask you if you have completed the dishes until you answer with a “yes” thus preventing you from moving on to the next task before you complete the dishes.
PROCESSING LOGIC: This process is repeated for each home maintenance task with in the program. By setting up the program this way it ensures that the user is unable to simply ‘skip’ a step without completing it. Using this cycle ensures that each equally important step gets completed properly and efficiently. After each step within the program is completed you will be informed that you have successful completed all of the home maintenance tasks, which lets you know that your kitchen has been cleaned properly and efficiently.
1. Data Set Used -- The data used in this program is Home Maintenance Tasks and weather the task was completed or not.
2. Task Type -- Output, Inputs, IF/THEN statements, While loops.
3. Problem Description -- No problems were encountered
4. Results -- This program provides a an easy and proficient way to ensure that all of the required home maintenance tasks are completed in a logical and efficient manner.

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