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How Does Fitzgerald Present Marriage In The Great Gatsby

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In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald shows many themes and motifs throughout the whole book. One specific theme in the book is Marriage, or a version of marriage that allows cheating. Cheating is also a motif that is expressed through the book and this particular motif matches up with the overall theme. Through the book we can see the theme of marriage shown by the actions of the main characters. Daisy, Tom, Myrtle, and Wilson demonstrate the theme and with an added Gatsby those characters make up the motif of cheating.
Within the first few chapters we already see the motif playing through. Myrtle the beautiful, dirt poor lady living with her husband Wilson, who owns a gas station, has been cheating on Wilson with Tom. Although …show more content…
Wilson just “thinks she goes to see her sister in New York. He’s so dumb he doesn’t even know he’s alive”
(Fitzgerald 26). Now, Tom who is faithful to Daisy, is also cheating but on his lovely wife. In the book we see Tom’s tendency with women, going on dates with Myrtle behind Daisy’s back and coming home that very same night and then his wife he loves her. Marriage to Tom now a days
“begins by sneering at family life and family intuitions, and next they’ll throw everything overboard and have intermarriage between black and white.”(Fitzgerald 130). But while he says that he, himself, is doing the exact opposite of this thought.
Meanwhile with the lovely wife of Tom, Daisy is cheating with Gatsby. The long 5 years waiting seem to have paid off for Gatsby when “she glanced down at the table. “You always looked cool,’” “She had told him that she loved him….” (Fitzgerald 119). Although she was married to the strong and rich Tom she ends up cheating on Tom for the newly loaded Mr.
With the characters actions through the book: Myrtle married to Wilson but cheating with
Tom, Tom married to Daisy but cheating with Myrtle, and finally Daisy married to Tom

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