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Move Out: A Short Story

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Downstairs the group of people heard the rumble and instantly ran towards it but seeing as they were downstairs once they got to the general area of the rumble they couldn’t exactly pinpoint where it was so they had to start from each door and check each room once they got to the leaders room they opened the door and noticed right away that the leader is no longer there prompting to run downstairs seeing as they believe this was a more important matter they ran downstairs to report the news, if only they had checked the group of people would have surely noticed a faint grew glow coming from under a shelf. Once downstairs the group of people reported the leader missing and that Orion was no where to be found, the leader nodded his head “Move Out” …show more content…
Orion was driving a van around California he pulled up in an alleyway and parked, he got out of the van then opened the back, the van was packed, imagine those FBI stakeouts with all the technology. He was looking through the camera feed from around the area looking for any suspicious cars that drove in the area around the time he saw 3 black limos with tinted windows driving away through an alleyway he kept looking at the street cameras until the limos pulled up to an abandon

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