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How to Be or Find a Good Co-Worker


Submitted By Nattarika
Words 357
Pages 2
How to be or find a good Co-Worker
The eight hours a day you spend at work can seem like an eternity if you don't get along with your coworkers. Sure, they may not be the easiest bunch with whom to get along with, that we have to look for a good and be a good coworker instead.
There's nothing creepier than walking down the hall at work and greeting a coworker with a friendly "Hello" only to receive a stony stare in response. It’s just like a simple exchange of smiles and a "Hi" is the first step in forming a constructive workplace. Make eye contact and refer to people by name. This is the oil that keeps the engine of cooperation running smoothly. It doesn't mean you have to chat over coffee for an hour and it certainly doesn't mean you have to kiss anyone.
Every job is a service job. Whether you work in IT, HR, Marketing, or Administration, you have something other people need. It could be know-how in your job role or the capability to perform certain business functions, like signing purchase orders. Unless it's a genuine emergency, don't hover outside someone's cube/office while they're busy with someone else, to "wait for them to get off the phone," or finish an existing conversation; just come back later. They will see you and feel pressured to get rid of the existing visitor or end the phone call.
If you need assistance from someone else at work or have a question, see if you can look up the information/try the task before seeking help. Even if you can do this only partially, it will help – and it will earn respect. Getting paid to complain about work while you're at work is a little over the top and just fosters an unhealthy victim-hood culture. If there's something you can do, do it. If not, address it through the healthiest means possible.
These strategies may be common sense, but they can complement an agenda-oriented workplace to help keep the wheels

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