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How to Cure Boredom


Submitted By AriesBull
Words 358
Pages 2
My Cure to Boredom

There are days when I feel a sense of boredom, but I have a cure for that feeling. It then comes to mind, I can prepare my favorite food. I will now prepare “Ceviche”.

Ceviche is a popular dish throughout most Latin countries. In order for me to prepare this dish, I will need to get the ingredients together. Let us see, I will need lemons, cilantro, red onions, habanero peppers, Ajinimoto seasoning, and Tilapia fish. Alright, I have everything needed for this dish. Now it is time to make “Ceviche”.

First, I need to cut the tilapia fish into pieces. The pieces will be cut into small chunks or slivers. This allows for the fish to cure properly in the fresh squeezed lemon juice.

Second, I need to squeeze fresh lemon juice over the pieces of fish. The lemon juice will actually cure or cook the fish. Not done yet.

Third, I will now dice the cilantro. I prefer my cilantro chopped in a very fine matter. Chopping the cilantro into fine pieces allows for better coverage over the other ingredients.

Fourth, I will need to chop the habanero peppers. I chop the habanero peppers in the same form as the cilantro, finely chopped. Habanero peppers are a very hot and spicy flavored pepper, so I got to be careful not to overdo it. I add this ingredient in small amounts not to overdo it; otherwise you will have a dish that most people cannot eat.

Fifth, I will now add my special ingredient, Ajinimoto seasoning. This is a mild salt flavored spice that is commonly used in Peru. I will add this to the rest of my ingredients in small amounts by taste.

The last step of preparing this dish, I will mix all the ingredients together to really spread out all the different flavors. Once I finish mixing all this together, I will let the dish sit in the refrigerator for about an hour. I serve this cold, and usually accompany it with a really nice wine or a refreshing beer. I have now taken away that sense of boredom.

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