Premium Essay

If the Boss Only Knew


Submitted By wildcat2
Words 2332
Pages 10



The intention of this paper is to articulate the opinions of unsatisfied employees in a down-to-earth, easily understood and with the support of empirical research. Workers tend to fear voicing concerns in fear of the unemployment line. On the flip side, managers who are interested in earning money are not getting the most out of labor costs. It is hard to see what you are missing out on, if it was never there to begin with. This paper will exploit how organizations can ignite employee motivation which leads to improved performance, productivity and commitment. Successful organizations of today are switching focus from the shareholder to the company’s own human resources. The traditional view of laborers as cost is now view as the source of new ideas and creativity, that which cannot be as easily replaced as equipment and capital (Duening & Ivancevich, 2006). The question is, are the managers adapting to this evolved strategy. They may say that employees are number one yet are unaware they are not “walking the talk”. There are many variables to consider when implementing an employee-centered practice in day-to-day work environment. Organizations are more inclined to get the best from their employees and understanding the concept of motivation is a crucial starting point. It is what gets us out of bed and off to work. Perhaps we work just to make ends meet or to save for your children’s college fund or saving for a summer vacation. Unfortunately, for most of us, that particular motivational need is not enough to motivate us to do our best at our place of employment. Abraham Maslow is famous for his logical hierarchy of motivational needs. He

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