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Immaturity In One Holy Night By Sandra Cisnerous

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In “One Holy Night” by Sandra Cisnerous, the author portrays emotional immaturity within juvenile teens. The narrator is a thirteen year old girl and she just did the unspeakable with a stranger. Starting off, she met Chaq while she was selling Mexican treats on her pushcart. Chaq tells her he comes from Ancient Mayan kings. She begins to see him buying different treat items every Saturday. She’s experiencing a connection with him because of his so-called life story. Alternatively, she begins calling him Boy Baby. One night, she follows him to where he’s living. Boy Baby has just showed her around his housing area behind Esperaza and Sons Auto Repair and he brushes her hair. He tells her a story about when he prayed in the Temple of the Magician. …show more content…
On the way, she says to herself with confidence, “The truth is, it wasn’t a big deal.” (Cisnerous). This girl shows how immensely unnaware on what she was part of. Boy Baby, a stranger, takes advantage of her and commits a dirty act. If she was aware of the stituation, she would have called up the police. But, she’s never been in this type of stituation before, therefore she’s shocked and doesn’t want to tell anyone what happened. Confusion and refrainment runs through her head. The author uses a litote in the quotation, she uses this literary device to present the girl’s ignorance in the stituation and her disheartening attitude of not spreading the word. She was too gullible to realize current stituation and Boy Baby’s icky behavior towards her. She understates herself and keeps moving. The girl returns to her Abuelita’s house, from her encounter with Boy Baby. On the way, she fully competiplted other people’s point of views on how she looked. She also thinks about harsh and poignant realities of sex. Thus, she arrives and her Abuelita questions the absence of the pushcart. Her realization made her remember that she left in the garage behind

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