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Immigration on an Going Issue


Submitted By lozajuanita
Words 1598
Pages 7

Immigration an Ongoing Issue
Juanita Loza
Instructor: Patricia Loughrey
May 14, 2013

Immigration can be defined as the movement into another country that is not native to you in search for a better style of living. The people who travel to another country are usually motivated by a dream to be more economically suited and to leave poverty behind or either to reunite with a family member. America as we all know is the most powerful, free, and financially stabilized country and is the destination of most immigrants. Those in is search to fulfill their dream of a better lifestyle travel to America determined to conquer any obstacle they experience when crossing the border that separates them from the dream land. However, immigrants encounter very dangerous situations throughout their journey just like the boy from Enrique’s journey by Sonia Nazario. Immigration continues to be an ongoing issue for a better life and the reuniting of families.
The Decision
Immigration has been an issue for many years and it still exist till this day, Sonia Nazario who is a journalist for the Los Angeles Times decided to write about a young boy who is left by his mother at the age of 5 years old. The young boys name is Enrique and his mother’s name is Lourdes. Lourdes is a single parent who lives in Honduras with her son Enrique and her daughter, Belky. Poverty is a major issue in Honduras and Lourdes struggles to make a living to support herself and her children. Lourdes not only needs to worry about providing enough money for food but also for her children’s education as well as providing clothes. “She fills a wooden box with gum and crackers and cigarettes, and she finds a spot where she can squat on a dusty sidewalk next to the downtown Pizza Hut and sell the items to passersby. The sidewalk is Enrique's playground.” (Nazario, 2006). It’s easy for the reader to

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