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In the Beggining


Submitted By jgholson88
Words 1026
Pages 5
Goal Action Plan Template

Select a goal, and use this template to create an action plan for that goal. Then, post the action plan to the Week 2 Assignment 1 link on your student website at

Goal Action Plan

Your goal action plan must include the following nine sections:

1. Goal: State the goal you hope to achieve.

Within the next 3 years, my goals are to become a holder of a degree in computer science. Also to create a value to the education as my son grows older and set a road he will one day take himself. I look to also own my own home and start to provide the things my family deserves. I also look to be in a entry level position in a company which needs the skills I possess to become a asset to their business. Within the time of the 3 years I will also have personal goals to become more mature in financial situations and build on the little draw backs from life lesson’s that we go through to become better people and successful.

1. Type of goal: Determine if the goal is personal, professional, academic, health-related, or financial.

The goals I set for myself are all of the above. The simple reason is because to grow into a valued person I feel as all of the goals listed are very well needed to become someone successful. Each one have very key points to a person’s character and that character is whom I one day want to become myself.

2. Purpose of goal: State what is being accomplished by achieving the goal. This is what you will learn or achieve by reaching the goal.

The purposes of my goals are to become a father whom has pursued a education and also a financial stability for his children. To have a picture for my children that comes to mind when they one day want to take the steps to pursue the world on their own one day. Everything that I will transform into with the quality of these

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